I'm done. COF sucks

How do RMT bots gather enough gold in 2h from a fresh account? Either this isn’t an issue or there’s some deeper underlining problem here. Are they cheating the servers into thinking they have more gold?

Good point.

I wouldnt be surprised if they are hacking the servers some how. RMT started day 2 of launch. With a couple sites already selling 3mil gold for 100 bucks.

Botters do some crazy things just to make a quick buck

One thing I will say is that I’ve often heard end-game described as “target farming” uniques in end-game/monoliths.

You’re not really target farming uniques, you’re just farming uniques.

It’s so incredibly hard to target farm monos. You can definitely find lots of uniques and cool rares, but as far as finding what you’re targeting…it’s not that simple.

Personally I like playing alts so it’s not the worst for me, I just take that cool stuff and try out a new build. But if that’s not your thing I can imagine it being very frustrating.

Cannot confirm that! I am running 160 monos and i am selling my 1LP items bc i got plenty of 2 LPs. Got even 3 3LPs…not the right ones, but still…no issues with crafting… so dont know…RNG?

That could have been just for legacy and they had it prepared before. Although a bot playing 24h non stop could easily pick up that much gold. Would be even easier now that there are broken builds known.

If you have special nodes that “target” a specific type of unique, you’re “target” farming uniques. Basically, if you have a way to reduce the unique pool for what you’re looking for, you’re target farming.
Getting any specific unique (that isn’t really rare like wings or red ring) is pretty easy in monos.

Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying. I’m still using items I found pre-level 80. I already admitted I was using wraithlord to do it. And thank goodness for the build, because I couldn’t even clear some regular monolith bosses before I found that helmet at level 60 (which is the same one I’m still wearing btw). It’s completely possible to do high corruption with just 3 uniques and experimental gloves. You need wraithlord’s harbor, last steps, exsanguinous, and heath->ward gloves. That’s all you need. If I actually had decent items I could probably push 1000 corruption easily… but I’m comfortable where I am and the higher corruption doesn’t really seem to improve your odds of getting anything good anyway.

I’d switch over to another build, but the game makes it impossible to find good items and I’d only be gimping myself so what would be the point?

I mean, even without CoF it’s easy to gear up for empowered monos just from base drops. So you must be doing something wrong and the most likely culprit is either your loot filter or your evaluation of the items.


I really wish people would stop saying this. I’m not a newb when it comes to ARPGs. I know what a good item looks like and my loot filter is fine.

Problem is, there are nearly 800 affixes in the game and most of them are useless.

Maybe, just MAYBE the itemization in this game is too random. There’s literally ZERO difference between this game and vanilla Diablo 3 in terms of how the affixes are randomized. Hell, this game easily has twice as many affixes than D3 did. Even with crafting it doesn’t really help because you are still fighting with RNG due to forging potential, runes, and glyphs.

Fine, that’s a fair point. But like I said, I’ve geared up multiple characters with just base drops without CoF (I don’t like prophecies, so I probably never will). So gearing up is fine without CoF and I find it very hard to believe that it’s worse with it.
If you were complaining about getting BiS items, I would understand. But saying you can’t find basic items to upgrade your level 50 drops seems a little unbelievable unless you’re doing something wrong, that’s all.

Maybe you are not playing CoF but BaronAloha is correct. There isn’t many upgrades past 75 that are like OMG that is an upgrade. CoF is nice for us who like to do solo self found way but the scale of finding something useful by solo farming is EXTREMELY out weighed by the farming of the MG community. It is a quite obvious example 1000 people farming vs 1 person farming 1 echo. Which is faster? CoF needs a way to get higher chances for higher LP items and higher 2 T7 affixes. I have been farming 200 corruption to keep it fast for 50hrs and 0 upgrades. Did I get some LP3 items yes but they weren’t any of the good uniques. I got 5 T7 exalted items that had the boosted stat of stat i dont use.


Hilarous dude. At 75 you have like 2-3 affix items, probably bad affixes. That’s just the nature of how fast you hit 75, it happens so fast, there’s no time to get and no need for better items. I just hit my first 5 t5+ perfect affix sealed item at 96. I’m just now filling out 4 wanted t5+ affix items.

I don’t see how which is faster is relevant. If you max out your items quickly, then you’re done. If trading skips progression, that skips the fun. Getting the items is the fun. I spent maybe 50 hours on this character and I feel like I’m just about done with the fun stuff, aside from completely maxing out my items which I don’t really even know what the point is. And I’m sad now? Because it was fun getting to that point, and I made all my items myself, and I learned how to play the game and craft and do it all myself. If I had just traded, then what’s the point?

Who cares. Your gameplay loop right now is playing 200s (edit: doesn’t really matter what corruption level you’re at, point is the same no matter what). Do you think that having t7 affixes will change your gameplay loop so much that you’ll somehow be magically having more fun?

I’m sorry, but the headline “I’m done. CoF sucks”, can only be translated as, “Ridicule me, please… I beg you!”


i am having fun but i want to progress in my gear stats… k mom is that ok?

Yeah I feel nothing when I trade for an Item on POE . Atleast in this game stuff drops and I can possibly craft on it and make it great. I think there should be a way to get more forging potential because my belt im using is giving a huge benefit that I don’t imagine i would be dropping at any point in the near future or ever .

I haven’t gone into depth of CoF, to be fair - I made a new toon after having another already with Rank 9 in MG.

But wanted to see what it was, as I’d seen many ppl in Global chat saying it was the best pick, compared to MG.

In pure comparison, you can deck out your character with majority of low-medium quality End Game purpose gear for 0 Gold and and some Favor cost. It would be enough so you can begin comfortably play around in the 100-200 Corruption Monoliths.

With CoF, it seems like you put 10-20 dices into a huge bowl, and toss them too the ground, and eventually you might get lucky to get that 1 specific item you search for.

So it all depends on what you want really… Do you wanna do a couple of Monolith until you have enough favor to buy the items directly on the market that you need - Or you do you wanna keep tossing dices?

So my experience is that CoF sounds cool from outside, but once you sit inside it, it smells terribly :slight_smile:

Hi, I’ve created a thread in the feedback forum for this: Target farming - Circle of Fortune

I don’t understand all the bitching. EHG promised trade in game and they came out last year saying they won’t implement it (hence the gifting function). People were up in arms about it so they came up with the current solution. COF was never designed to compete with MG. It’s simple math. You alone will NEVER compete with thousands of players farming and posting in the market. COF was put in place to placate people who will or don’t want to interact with the market and introduces a fun game concept.

If COF bothers you the solution is simple: play MG. It’s not hard. I play COF because I can’t be bothered to trade and I’m perfectly fine with slow upgrades. And like many others, some of you straight up have terrible loot filters or don’t know how to craft or don’t know what to look for.

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If you play on 500 corruption there is no way you cant find anything usefull or no legendarys.
Since im at 400 it rains good stuff and high LP legendarys.
You might need to fix your lootfilter or smth.

This mans reply is the answer.

You cannot compare cof to trading. It will never even come close.

You choose CoF as you dont like trade, you find it fun and rewarding to drop your own gear and craft. You find the prophecies system enjoyable. Then you pick CoF

You want to smash through the game, gear up really nicely and get drops to sell for gold you can use to buy gears you need ? MG

Playing a few hundred hours in beta, I was so excited when they announced trade. The builds i was using back then, i wondered how good itd ve if i could buy the gears with affixes i need and buy uniques with LP to craft legendary.

Well i found out on this cycle and wow its been hella awesome.

Also dropping good gears for other classes is a great feeling in MG as you know they will net in a lot of gold.

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I agree with you. With hundreds of affixes, it is logical that the possible combinations (based on the item) usually end in crap. That’s why the developers of these games pack in so many. It seems to me that ARPG games are only made for unemployed people or people who have a lot of time in general. If you have other things in your life and maybe… If you get to 10 hours of playing time per week, you won’t achieve anything. I played CoF for 4 days and instead of items that I didn’t need, more items that I didn’t need just dropped. Then I went to MG and things got better. At lvl 6 I bought four uniques for 0 gold each, matching exalted weapons and on the third attempt at forging I had the desired stat. Try that in CoF. You’re right CoF sucks.

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