I think you are rushing 1.0

Didn’t Bob Dole create it?

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Ironically, Wolcen is actually pretty good right now. They made a lot of improvement in the last two years.
But they will never recover from the failed launch.
Goes to show how important a launch is, I guess. :woman_shrugging:


I know that devs are reading every single post in this forum, I know they are dedicated to this game in that sort of way, It would be nice if some dev give opinion what they think on all this if that is not to much to ask

What do you think will happen? A dev pop up and say: “Yes we know we are rushing it and it’ll be a bad launch experience!”? Even if this is most liekely the case they won’t admit to it and all we would get is some ploitical correct anwswer that tells absolutely nothing.

At least EHG has a dedicated fanbase that would take everything from them so they have some people who might keep the game alive even if it’ll be a failure at release.

I think the release is the earliest date to see if everything works out or not and untill then we can only make (educated) guesses.


I dont know honestly

I’m sure it goes without saying, but a smooth launch experience is very important. First impressions are long lasting.

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yesss very good

Smoothie release would be better. Grole milk smoothies… yum

Pretty much this. We worry that they won’t get LE into the state it deserves for 1.0 which is a lot less buggy than it currently is (& has been in the past). Notwithstanding polish (which they do appear to be doing a good job with IMO & some questionable balance decisions (also IMO).

Yeah, the English (mens) football team is like that.

I think the network professionals prefer to call them “pipes” and they are ideally “phat”. Also, they’d rather people didn’t insert things into aforementioned pipes.

hey welcome to community

Well, Wolcen had a huge problem in Alpha state o early Beta, i don’t remeber exactly but the whole dev group or something like that left the company.
I still remember that late Alpha showed another game substantially.
This ruined the game.

Alpha was a completely different game and they simply collected the scraps that was left behind after some fallout in the creative department that split. Sadly the people who left kept most of the game that never seen the light.
New devs worked to come up with something and then there was this bug ridden crap of a game with bad systems in place.

Yea i remember all the crap, what a mess it was.

I picked up this game in 0.72b which was a long time ago and performance regarding graphics and general FPS was bad but was playable however skills like Teleport, Shield Rush etc felt good as there was no internal delay of the server

Now we are at the point the general performance is great, the game has been optimised in that regard but we now have latency and server issues. Cant play any movement based attack skills as you just bounce around, Dungeons are completely screwed, they must be on some strange netcode or the game just cannot load the whole floor reliably as its too massive, but it can take me up to 30 seconds of loading a Dungeon floor. Maybe cut the dungeon floors down to 1/3 the size but add another floor or something because this is ridiculous

I dont care when this game goes 1.0 because the game is going to constantly receive updates it doesnt even matter, what does matter is when the final classes are actually there and the final end game systems if so are in place

I was bored of the mono system but after playing recently with Exiled Mages and some boxes to loot its clear we just need more content in maps however this netcode issue is an absolute plague on the game and PoE suffered this for years in a different way, where we would desync

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So, what you’re saying is, a game can have significant issues for years and still grow and become wildly popular.

I simply cannot accept that.
It flies in the face of doom and gloom.
Begone with you.

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Call me negative or whatever but a game with this long loading screens is anything BUT performing great.

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Can i correct? a FREE game that had desync issue :slight_smile:

Lookin at you Skyrim

Begone with you!

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What are you on about? Outside of the obvious bethesda fuck ups Skyrim had 0 issues when I played it back at release. Have I been lucky and missed some problems completely?

It was absolutely riddled with bugs.


Diablo 2 had a number of game-breaking issues at release also.

Last Epoch definitely has some bugs and performance issues. These will certainly result in a frustrating experience for some players and perhaps impact sales to some degree.

It is hard to predict the impacts at this point as the most severe issues are infrequent and intermittent and any individual reaction to these problems will differ based on that individual’s nature and when they experience them in their play history (first install, <5 hours, etc)

With an excellent core, I predict 1.0 will be a quiet success despite the issues.

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