Honest review in a good hope, devs please read

I’m sorry, but I confess I don’t understand what I said that was rude or inappropriate. There must have been either a problem with the translator or a misunderstanding.

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No problem i see u didnt wrote it on purpose :slight_smile:

In any case I sincerely apologize if I said anything out of place. I’m not normally someone like that, I can be harsh and blunt, but not normally rude

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Dont worry man, maybe i have misunderstand it, im looking forward to more discussions with u and other guys for common good of the game :slight_smile:

With pleasure. One thing you may have been unintentionally attacked for is the POE community. But let’s just say that there were plenty of people who said that POE is the best game in the world, and that the rest of it sucked… It made me angry at the POE players,
and you took it out on the others, I apologize.
But it’s true that they are boring, but I’ll say they are now, not you.

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Anyone who calls PoE the king of endgame never got to the actual fucking endgame.

Spamming skills while you see nothing other than a flashing cloud of ability feedback as you autowipe monsters you can’t even see. Oh yeah. That’s the stuff.

Or maybe you meant the other true endgame where you spend a week in your stash tab clicking every base found in the above bullshit about 2300 times each before you sell it to get enough materials to repeat the process all over again until you end up with a mirror item and start acting like some kind of landlord auto money generation game.

PoEs endgame had a lot of options that’s true, but once you actually reached the end of the road it was just a trash experience that was more like a job than a game.

My sincerest hopes is that the final 2 endgame options are varied, and DONT turn into PoE spam. That stuff wasn’t fun on the least. Granted the endgame is still kinda spammy here and I think one of the endgames they choose will be a lot more boss centered since that’s probably going to be the bread and butter of exciting gameplay you don’t just autoclear.

Anyway it’s true we need more endgame content, and more is already on the way, and the animations will likely receive a lot more polish before the game actually releases(still in beta so stuff that falls into polish categories is likely to still be rough). However if they take inspiration from PoE I hope they implement it in a much much much much better way than that time wasting garbage currently found there.

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Sorry, I stopped reading after this sentence. PoE is the only game I’ve played where you could drop 95% of the skill/dying animations and I’d never even notice cause the screen is so cluttered with effects all the time you can’t even see the animation.

And to make a claim “it doesn’t matter what anyone things on this, this is reality”…seriously? You make a subjective claim and act like you’re so high and mighty that your opinion is important and nobody elses’ is. News flash, everyone’s the hero of their own story. Your experiences rarely ever matter to any other person in the world, which means your experience and preference of PoE over other ARPGs isn’t “reality” to all of us who matter just as much as you. It may be your reality, but it ain’t mine (or many others).

If you want your review to be taken seriously, try treating the rest of the world seriously rather than treating the world like you’re its ruler.

If I can allow myself an adviser, to rewrite your first post, it is that you wrote it badly, and your affirmations still made you spill a lot of ink, whereas as you said you regret this sentence. So rewrite it. Its will prevent you from taking too much salt, even if seen how you write it it is deserved. But hey, you made a mistake, you must not blame yourself for life either, so you are free to do as you wish but an adviser rewrite your text.

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People keep attacking the OP for “it doesn’t matter what anyone things on this, this is reality”. Maybe in their native tongue it is just like saying “This is the way”. Sometimes people have common parlance.

It might also be nice if people read more of the thread to see that there has already been quite a few replies regarding the “this is reality” bit rather than just dog piling on the guy…


I think the most important point though is atleast 80% of the people playing this game right now are doing so BECAUSE they are tired of what POE is doing, myself included.

The last thing I want is another POE created and balanced for 8 streamers, that requires playing till my eyes bleed to craft BiS items and spending 3/4th of my play time tabbed out buying and haggling for items.

Everyone wants to compare this to POE but that game’s shortcomings and league schedule were what drew most people to LE to begin with.

I’m not even sure that is true. I’d like to know, by the way. Just being curious.

While there is certainly a big portion of players coming from PoE.
There are many many player who either never played PoE or players that not even finished the story in PoE.

There are also alot of players that happily play both, because both LE and PoE have their benefits.

I really appreciate your suggestion and im thankful l for it, but i would rather leave it how it is couse those who are interested in it will by reading find out that some parts i wrote in a way i didnt mean at all, but as well i didnt change my point of view in regard of weak and strong spots of LE and POE but its my peraonal opinion only, the rhing is what i didnt clarify is that i dont want one part of game to be copied in another but i would rather want engagement in some parts of game i already mentiont to be copied in a original way creating compleatly new content if u know what i mean :slight_smile: thank u again for your kindenss… Peace and livefrom Croatia

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I can attest to add one vote into the refugee category. 7 years on PoE, only like 3 leagues where I actually felt freedom on how to reach the endgame, and no seasons where I actually enjoyed being on endgame content.

Prospect of being able to still play instead of just running blindly around the map spamming all my skills is a major reason I bought this game. PoE endgame is equivalent to abstract art +cookie clicker gameplay.

Which is why it’s really good how little options there are for mana recovery in the game. Keeps things a lot more controlled in terms of ability spam.

Croatian lenguage is a lot rougher with expression and politness especialy in smaller towns which i come from, but i simple have put wrong words together i didnt expect reaxrion like this couse in my country there would be non, but next time when i write something i will be sure to adjust :slight_smile:

In Western Europe, the angles have to be rounded off. I don’t know if you will understand with the translation. But we must avoid asserting that it’s like her, and rather say, I think that … It’s very boring, I agree with you, I’m a bit like you, I say what I think like I think so and here it is, but without thinking badly.

Dude juz play another game and leave LE for us, we have fun since ALPHA!!!

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And who are u Mr exactly for this kind of an advice?

What the F***?