Honest review in a good hope, devs please read

You’re comparing an early access beta game to a game that was released 7 years ago and received multiple expansions and content patches. Of course, it has more stuff but to be honest more doesn’t always mean better.

Yes, PoE has 6 affixes per item but in reality, 99% of the items are trash because the system has too many types and tiers of affixes and only a very little subset of them are actually useful together on an item. You cannot upgrade affix tiers in PoE so if an otherwise good item dropped with a low tier affix you need (or rather high in PoE because tier power is reversed there) then that’s it, you cannot upgrade it. You can do that here in LE which is the best part of LE’s crafting system. You need to have life/ES in pretty much every slot in PoE, you need to juggle with resistances which usually means you need to have 2-3 resistances on most of your items which means 2-3 suffixes and 1 prefix are locked. The chance of dropping a good item in PoE is astronomical, that’s why you’re better off farming currency and buying top players’ failed crafts for a reasonable price. You can try to craft a really good item from scratch yourself but it requires an obscene amount of farming, VERY deep knowledge of the crafting system, and an insane amount of luck. Yet again, you’re better off farming currency and buy top players’ failed crafts. Buying items in PoE is like jerking off using a cheese grater, it’s rather painful than exciting. You need to alt+tab to a website, search for what you need then whisper 20 poeple to get an answer.

Regarding builds, PoE’s passive tree seems to offer an infinite amount of customization but in reality, there are a dozen notables and keystones you need to get for a build to work and there is always an optimal path to get them. Due to the aforementioned problems with items and trading, if you choose a build that is not mainstream and requires specific gear then you simply won’t be able to buy good items for it. There are like 20 different builds people are using in a given league. Out of those 20 builds, 80% of the players use 3-4 that considered meta. Half of those meta builds are not viable until you pour 20ex on them and become godly only after like 100ex or more. There are 3 ways to get 100ex in PoE: get insanely lucky and drop a couple of 10-20ex items and sell them; farm for an obscene amount of time; or illegally buy the currency for real money. Lots of people do the latter.

Check out Boardman21’s build compendium here on LE’s forums. The guy has more than 100 builds, there are some overlaps and variations of the same builds but I’d say he showcases at least 30-40 unique viable builds. That’s absolutely amazing given LE is still in early access.

I have 1.2k hours of PoE playtime on Steam but I’ve switched to the standalone client some time ago, so I’d say it’s more like 3k hours. I was usually able to build on a 20-30ex budget so I could build a very viable character each league but to be honest I’ve been having more fun in LE in that 70 hours I’ve put in it since I bought it 3 weeks ago. I have no intention of going back to PoE for the new league because LE feels much better for me at this moment.

Edit: another thought that just hit me regarding PoE builds. If you want to create certain types of builds (cast on crit mainly) then you need to know how the server works because if you don’t then you can pretty much halve your DPS by increasing your attack speed. Or you can spend 5ex on a belt with cooldown reduction on it but it does literally nothing for you because how the server handles internal cooldowns. I don’t mind researching all this shit, calculate thresholds based on server tick times to optimize my builds but to be honest a game should not work like this. You should not be required to have knowledge about how the game’s server work just to not screw up your build.


Hi Hopp, welcome to the community :smiley:

Couldn’t agree more with your post to be honest.

So uh. We need reddit style awards on the forum I’m just realizing.

Is as close as we have at the moment.

Did any of u had ever item with 2+ t6 or t7 affix drop on a same item and is it even possible?

Yep, I’ve got at least one item with two t6 affixes in my stash.

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Yes, I had several items with 2 T6 affixes. The devs already said it’s theorically possible to have 4 T7 affixes, they do not prevent it, but it’s very unlikely.

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Yesi do have a few 2x T6 and i think one T7 + T6 item.

It is :warning:theoretically :warning: possible to even get a 4x T7 item :smiley:

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And i talked about rernes of loot lol, so far i got only 1 t7 hahaha love it, i have to say game is to adicting, i always got nerves after few hours of grim dawn and other arpgs except for d2 and this game i can play it for hours not realizing so much time has passed i really cant wait to see the direction devs are gonna go

Exalted items are definitely something you can not “plan for”, but if they drop and they have somewhat decent stats they are really good.

Especially with the recent buffs to exalted affixes, good exalted affixes on a bad base are still worth considering.

Also keep in mind T7 can only drop in Area Lvl 90+, so only the last 3 normal timelines or empowered timelines.

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I didnt know that thanks for telling :slight_smile:

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Just recently dropped a wand with t6 increased lightning damage and t6 increased fire damage. Just also has a freeze rate multiplier, but it could be worse.

:smiley: yea fun drops

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I’m probably mistaken but I could have sworn I started dropping T7s before the last 3 timelines. Is it possible that the areas scaled to my level since my character was above lvl 90? Or do they also show up in the arena after hitting character level 90?

I didn’t notice they weren’t T6s when they dropped but I had a few T7s sitting in a dump tab of my stash that I thought was filled well before the last 3 timelines. Then again, I’m running 20+ tabs and it wouldn’t be the first time I mixed them up. :upside_down_face:

I could tell from OP that you were speaking from a place of love for the game, even if I disagree with a lot of the criticisms. I agree that items and crafting should get a lot deeper eventually, and I agree that a few of the uniques are fairly useless. That said, there are way more unique items that strike me as really creative, and a bunch that are undeniably powerful in the right builds.

For example, I recently found a pair of unique boots that drains your health while generating ward based on missing health. They seemed really weak until I remembered that I had a unique chestplate sitting in my stash that does the same thing. I tried them together for a laugh and suddenly was running around with >2k ward while my life pool could still get refilled by leeching. It was too much of a DPS hit to use with my sorcerer, but I’m actively trying to build around them for either my necromancer or druid, and it’s so much fun to have that room for creativity.

There should obviously be more uniques added to the game eventually, but any criticism of items really needs to take into account how young this game is and how much the devs have packed into each of the patches. The game is growing and evolving at a really encouraging rate.

I’ve played a ridiculous amount of PoE over the past year and I’m done with it for at least a couple of leagues. Although I love that game, I would be very sad if Last Epoch tried to imitate it. I agree that Last Epoch animations rarely have the same impact or scope as the best PoE has to offer, but some of the difference is clearly due to the budget and age of that game. Also, the style EHG seems to be going for is completely different, and there are a lot of things that I feel LE does better.

My most consistent frustration with PoE was the lack of visual clarity, not only during many of the boss fights but any time there’s a lot of monsters on screen (any juiced map could get ridiculous, not to mention rituals and delirium). Success often felt much more about keeping my character moving and spamming abilities in the right general direction rather than any precise gameplay (especially when playing builds like blade blast or cremation) because I often couldn’t see what was happening and I could die without knowing what killed me. One of the first things that struck me about LE is how clean and uncluttered the animations feel. It’s so much easier to read situations and make calculated decisions in this game.

Would I enjoy a bit more chaos, grandiosity, and difficulty in LE?


Do I prefer how it plays to how PoE plays?


When contrasting skills and build diversity, I think both games have strong points but it feels like comparing apples to oranges. I’m a huge fan of the skill system in LE and, after more than 200 hrs, I still feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface. I’ve got 7 characters already and I can barely wait to try out spellblade and lich, among others. My main character is a cryomancy sorcerer, and I’m already hoarding items to eventually switch to pyromancy, which I can tell will feel a lot different. I may just level up a new sorcerer instead. So many things to do…

Anyway, I’m starting to ramble. I want to thank you for starting such an excellent conversation. I kept on wanting to skip to the bottom and start writing, but so many posts along the way were really interesting (kudos to Heavy and Hopp, among others).

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First of all i would like to thank u for your understanding that i really love the game and im rooting for it for a year now, even though i wrote my topic in certaing tone which was not my intention u have managed to understand it in a way i wanted for people to understand it, so i really appreciate it. I know this game is in beta and what it has is only a fraction what it is gonna have i do not have any game to compare it except to Poe since to me is that good and a lot superior to all other arpgs currently on the market. I admit that after 70 hours of game i cant judge every single unique couse obviously i didnt see tham all and i have created only 2 builds so i lack experience in build creation greatly. My first build is detonating arrow and i felt there are no uniques for this build that are gonna change it in a certain way of how detonating arrow works, but rather there is only + to skills of DA and area demage, i have checked the database for uniques. I might be wrong and if i am i would appreciate any suggestions. Second build is rive, devouring orb build i had a same feeling for this build that there are no uniques to open or magnify this build except again for plus to skills, crit multy and area of devouring orbs. What i wanted to say is i would love to have uniques that are opening build possibilities by altering skills effect in a way that is more powerfull than any skill node u can find in a skill tree and as well its altering skill visualy and that makes u wanna alter your skill nodes when u equip this item since its different build now, and thats the part of reason u hunt for those uniques, example starting skill of rogue when use a bow could have unique that pierces certain amout of enemies or making a fork effect +x times but adds mana cost to the skill so i guess im looking for uniques or even totems that do not have just for raw damage, thats why i wrote those things for uniques. As for the animation there was an interesting question on dev stream which Mike was answering and it was something like this. Would it be possible to create dying animations of burned enemies in the way they are burning on death when attacked with fire damage? I think its brilliant idea, ice damage should shatter enemies, void damage should devour and melt tham, necrotic should decey they apperance or maybe poison damage should do that, lightning should electrecute tham on death animation, from physical i would love more gorre and dismemberment (if it is writen in right way i do not know english is not my native laguage and i do not use translator). For the arrows i would love that arrows are visualy stuck in enemies. Maybe when there is to much damage overkill those animations could be made in a more destructive way so u really feel how powerfull u are compared to the enemies. There is a skill in rogue im not sure of its name and im on cellphone now writing this post so its little bit diffucult to check the name out but this is your starting skill, i think all of u guys know on which skill i mean, it has an effect when u attack enemies with arrow something that reminds me i do kno why but on Anime and it is new skill, i wrote those things for animation since this and some other skills are new and for me personally its really not satisfying to look how it looks when it kills enemies. What do u and other guys think of it i would love to know. Thatnk u for your comment
Peace and love to u

I did had and still have a lot of suggestions for items, affixes, runes in crafting, endgame, animations etc… which i didnt wrote since i blocked myself from the beginning of thw topic in such a way that i had to apologize from the start about the tonne i wrote it lol some of tham might be good some of tham bad… Its only point of view about solutions

I see you really like the game and have a lot of suggestions in mind, please take some time and write them in a list if you want. It would help reading :slight_smile: for devs and us too. I like the arrow and fire suggestions.

  • Fire death animations
  • Arrows sticking in enemies

Like that, you can type a star (*) in front of a line and it makes a list. Not telling you, just advising :). I know on mobile phone its harder.

Good ideas. On the uniques part I think there are already some build enabling ones. For example there’s Eye of Reen which is a sword that has heavy ignite and good crit multi and there’s the Maehlin’s Hubris gloves that turn all bleed % into ignite chance, so you can make a fire rogue. And more will come. Maybe you have some suggestions there too :smiley:


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The Transition Area between Echoes, were you open the chest, does have an Area Level equal to your character level, so the chest can drop T7, when your character lvl is 90 or higher.

For sure i will, as i catch some time from my buisness trip i will open another topic where i will put everything i have as an idea and ask people to help and share their own in one place and comment on each others what they like what they dont and why… I think it can be a lot of fun :slight_smile: i dont want to sound aroggant here in a way that i am directing something in some way but i think forum is great couse of liberty devs are giving us to do something like that, u cant see from my topic in a way i have started it but i love brain storming and many are smarter than a few :slight_smile: and its amazimg feeling couse u know devs are reading these things. Although i would prefer if some of community testers started topic like this, they are the ones i believe with most experience in this game… But i could be wrong

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From the little I know about game design, this might be a very difficult thing to implement effectively. I don’t know how many different enemy types there are in the game but I’ve got to think it’s over 100. It’s not only a question of designing 100+ death animations for each damage type but also deciding how to keep them visually consistent across all of the different models. Should a void monster burn in the same way as a poison spider, an ice elemental, or a giant crab? Maybe, maybe not, but it quickly becomes complicated either way.

It’s a great idea, and I would love to see it in the game, but it strikes me as a luxury that probably doesn’t need to be a priority at this stage of development. Just my opinion and, regardless, I think it would be great to see this type of animation added eventually.

I think you’ve got some excellent ideas and, for my money, there can never be too many unique items that change skills and/or define builds. I agree with Jakira, you should definitely take the time to share more of your ideas, and that’s a handy trick for making lists which I will keep in mind for future posts.

Ah, that makes perfect sense, as those are also the items I’m least likely to look at closely before throwing them into my stash and starting a new echo. Cheers

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I agree with u i think it would be difficult to make and its not priority, but in some future not far a way i think this game will be successful financialy enough to make it couse it has so much potention amd amazing feeling when u play it… Time just flyes. Imagine arrow that has ability to fork x times in this example 2 times. when it doesnt have oportunity couse there are not enough mobs excessive number of arrows returns to u and stacks x number of times so when u meet lets say 10 enemyes on maximum stack it can fork on 1 attack through all of them and than again becomes arrow that forks x amount of time in this example 2 There are a lot of interesting skill effects as suggestion like this that i would love if people would post on one place

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