Honest review in a good hope, devs please read

I appreciate your effort to try and continue the discussion, but i’ll pass for now and wait until more people come in and state their opinion.

I happily will answer that question to you another day.

Then what I expect afterwards for the better.

The MoF, which currently as said is boring, because you are alone and doing a boring activity alone is really not funny. After improving the maps, diversifying the bosses, and this is very subjective but more strategic and punitive bosses, being a big fan of Dark Souls or FF14, I like this kind of boss, or a mistake and you died, or it is necessary to respect the patern. Not just having a huge bag of meat to bang frantically without thinking. In LE it’s not the case some bosses are cool but still lack strategy for me.

And if not after full of details like allowing the specialized class to convert the attacks of the base class into an element which conserne them. Example allowing the VK to convert to 100 rive in void damage.

OK, I give up, I’ll leave you here. Have a nice day!

Wow, the first time two people left a topic on the forum, yet I’m strong for it, but the author is stronger than me.

Noone is stronger than another one.

Just express your feelings about a certain subject. There is no “winning” or “losing” in the forums.

We are all here to give feedback and suggestions and hope to make the game as good as possible.


No of course, I don’t want to disrespect anyone, but I admit that I don’t know you well. But I find you very patient in general and the same for shtrak so I’m amazed

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finally we agree on something lol

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We already read these “this is fact” things a lot on forums. Some people have so strong feelings about what they like and dislike that they can’t imagine that other people think different.

But @Vekongnitoo proofed that he is up for a discussion in the later posts… that’s nice!

From my point if view LE is evolving really fast. We talked about Monolith and possible improvements a lot. Since the teasers about another Mono overhaul I’m holding back on suggestion and skip discussions about it because I want to experience the overhaul first. Let’s see what it brings to LE and discuss it when it’s live.

I see that your opinions are strong towards some “superior” PoE systems. First it sounds a bit as if your are searching for just another PoE, just a bit different enough to be fresh and changing some aspects you do not like currently in PoE.

Imho, if the PoE systems are seen as superior compared to LE by the majority of players that know both games, I think we would see more posts here and on reddit, demanding changes towards mapping for example. Especially after that huge growth of player base thanks to popular PoE streamers. There are some threads like this, but they are very rare. So I never had/have the feeling that LE is going a wrong direction.

Regarding monetization I’m against opening up the MTX stuff during early access. I know a lot of people would be happy (including me) as they are confident that LE will be successfully released and be THE MAIN GAME for a long period of time.


Developers, that set their priorities on MTX store and cosmetics when the game still is in development and lacks content, has performance issues, crashes and so on usually get teared up by the angry sceptics - justifiably!

One of the main reasons I’m so confident in LE and EHG is that they don’t use this dubious strategies and avoid any kind of methods that might be considered a cash grab.

EHG already could blind us with shiny MTX stuff to maybe distract us from other flaws. But they don’t. The eye candy has lower priority than the core quality of the game (mechanics, content,…). I appreciate this very much. This is what sold LE to me.

I already can imagine the shitstorm if LE would sell cosmetics before finishing all the more important stuff.


I played POE for 5000 hours. Where am I now? Playing this title. I guess you can say, I disagree with you.


Well, I hope for you there will be an option to play offline - if you’re at sea half a year I can imagine having a cool arpg being a great way to fill time.

Regarding feedback, well the thing is we can’t compare the endgame to PoE’s endgame yet - it took a while for GGG to make it all and 11th is going to need a lot of time too. I hope 11th is going to make the end game in the way they want it. GGG did not come up with endgame mapping - Runic Games did (with Torchlight). And, the monoliths more or less take you into maps - basically it is a clever re-usage of areas. And with time the end game will have more areas than the story mode has, but that’s how it starts.

Animations will without a doubt improve. They are very work intensive.

So regarding to MTX, I too hope they will monetize in this way, but to make those MTX again requires work. First there are supporter possibilities just like there were for PoE.

Another thing I’d like to mention is that in the time they were making PoE the market was different, because Blizzard did not do such a great job with expanding Diablo. So 11th is basically facing a big goliath on the market and the constant comparison we make (me including, I admit) makes it an uphill battle. And let me tell you, versus a 150 man Tencent owned business 11th is doing a remarkable job with their small team. Imo they already beat D3. Also if they copy too much from PoE endgame-wise there will be no end to us always comparing them 1 to 1.

With regards to how hard it is to craft gear and gear up fully, it’s all in a mid-state. More end game options are on the way I heard and perhaps in the future it’ll be harder. I’m not nearly done gearing the chars I have (but I’ve not hit empowered’s yet). I’m a bit concerned for when trade hits because that’s really going to bump people through the roof in comparison to how it is now. And I’m confident they’ll address that in due time.

The uniques I found to be pretty good. They break plenty of stat rules. And all in all it’s hard to place unique power in the right spot, before you know it you get make-rares-great-again threads. And when it’s all about rares people will say that uniques aren’t powerful anymore. In due time the uniques will be less ‘boring’ and have more special shenanigans I’m sure. I’ve already had plenty of moments in the game being surprised dropping uniques I had not seen before.

The skill/spell alterations that you suggest are mostly covered in the specializations. This game has actual classes so these effects are less spread over the place.

Basically, I see a red line in what you ask for and it translates to a lot of work I’m sure 11th feels aplenty and will steadily continue to take on.



Just asking nicely, is there a source for this?
(Would be very cool.)

Ok, EDIT @Vekongnitoo:

Actually, you could already know the following, you just need to put a little free time of your half-year “cruises” (probably rather NAVY, right?) into reading through this forum:

→ The general graphics quality in LE seems to make sporadic but reassuringly regular visible jumps.
→ Uniques should be more or less and mainly so-called “build-enablers” from the start, nothing more.
→ A new item class called “Legendarys” will be introduced soon.
→ General polishing will take place permanently and can be seen about every 8 weeks.
→ There will be about 4 (exact number I don’t know right now) more endgame mechanics added.
→ (I’m tired, the rest is in forum posts or EHG announcements).

And last but not least:
The first years in the PoE beta were no walk in the park either, we put the game aside for about a year just to give it another chance later on. In contrast, today’s LE plays like sugar.

PS: Yes, you want to help and give constructive criticism. Yes, we all want the most comprehensive and awesome game possible. No, without knowing the halfway exact state of all discussions, announcements by EHG or even their development guide this hardly makes sense.

Greetings, good night.

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Currently i am no longer at my desktop.

Several devs talked about this on discord and the forums.
I guess it’s one search away from you.

I also think Mike did answer a question regarding that type of content recently in one of the devs streams.
@AndrewTilley is making those insane Dev Stream Transcribes i am sure he can link the correct one to ya.

To get a little bit into details:
From what i gathered, the devs want to have some procedural generated content, but not everything. They want to keep hand-built content also. There are alot of pros and cons to both types of content.

I know they don’t have the tech yet to implement that type of content.

If you don’t get a answer from Andrew or some1 else until tomorrow i’ll give you an update here.
But i am sure you will find something if you search for it on the official discord or the forums.

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Everything I could find on the subject from the dev streams:

TLDR: Basically it’s something they’d like to have for certain types of content in the game. However, they are still working on the tech to make it a reality, but just don’t expect it anytime soon.


Fast as ever. Thanks.

I didn’t want to search that on my tablet -.,.-

I think there are also some dev comments about that topic on the official discord.

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U are absolutely right, i am searching for another Poe that is offline, and did some things right… Example… Crafting, skill trees, class indentification, speed of character, not one shoting the whole screen, game that is based on loot farming and not currency farmin. This are the things i dislike completly in that game. I didnt say EHG should copy GGG, but i dont want to compare LE with GD, D3, torchlight, TQ or with D2 couse to me personaly this game is already superior to most of the things in those games. What i like in Poe would be SSF mode if it was offline couse i could spend half year on board searching for those uniques that have so small chance of drop this is what excites me in ARPGs, and what i have suggested but obviously when i read post that i have made i will say i didnt suggest it i have stated it and i apologize for that i guess was just rough day for me. My personal opinion is that EHG should make endgame systems, items, affixes that lets u grind for months and farm for months for that special feeling of finding one u are searching for, endgame that is a lot more engaging and a lot more complex and filled with a lot of choices, yes it will come eventually and in the next patch we will see the direction they are going to choose. I just wanted to point out my personal feeling how i felt the game is and where should it be if i was developer i guess. So again i apologize to everyone since i made a statement and not suggestion eather way i did it in a good intention.

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I do not want to argue with u but what u have wrote is more rude than what i have wrote to me personally. Have a nice day

Thank u for your post and time, i was already following forum for a year and im watching every dev stream. I am on tanker vessel 2nd enginer, but close enough :slight_smile: i think that UI they are focusing so much on is not so important as endgame systems, itemisation and performance in this current state of the game, thats why i opened this topic but i agree with a few people here that in my topic i didnt left any room for discussion and it was wrong and not intentional


I think u might have noticed Poe league started a few days ago but still, I’m here :wink: but for a different reason, i guess I don’t want to play online games that are never gonna be offline

Guten Morgen. Alles in Ordnung, Du scheinst es ja auch gut zu meinen. Weitermachen. :slight_smile:
Good morning. Everything is fine, you seem to mean well. Continue. :slight_smile:

EDIT @Heavy and @AndrewTilley:
You’re both right, shame on me. :kissing_heart:

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I can response for this. If i remember correctly dev said that they dont want to copy/paste things from other games directly. So yeah PoE maps are often brought up to suggestion table. So like @Heavy stated that MoF is not finished yet. Devs are aware that people want ”Best things” from other games. So its good the give vote / feedback what you like. But its less likely to be 100% copy from other game.