Give me a reason to play melee in this game

Martial based builds are hard to do. Talking as a conq player in titan quest and soilder in grimdawn. But they can be done well. The devs of LE could just copy from a book that works.

1: make both multi strike and shield strike into full triggers [no longer can be direct casted] when using your masteries [Rclick]. Eg: paladin with smite / Vsmite.

2: give all martial skills the aoe tag and make their size scale with physical damage, strength and %increased movespeed. This way you dont need to be passionatly making out with the boss face to face to do damage.

3: GIVE all of them base line passives for glancing blow chance or parry. As currently i believe i only seen it on weapons. Giving them a natural health boost is also a good idea.

4: Make a new sword type that adds 40% of your max health as endurance threshold but reduces a couple of your other stats.

5: add warbanner and stop trying to be original.

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You have some interesting ideas but you would have to make it Class specific so that way OP Classes don’t become more OP.

This is also a problem with buffing HP which translates to Ward. We don’t want Ward to become stronger. Which is why I suggested that HP affixes are double if you don’t use Ward.

These are the types of discussions we want in the thread though. The people saying Sentinel or Melee are fine are just literally trolling the thread and gaslighting. Lets fix Melee and Sentinel. Please and thanks.

This is another big issue with Melee. EHG designs Boss mechanics and creatures for Ranged classes. Take Abberoth who puts tons of Aoe on the ground next to him. He also hops back all the time when you are melee meaning you have low uptime on damage.

These mechanics are Anti-melee. So EHG needs to remove these mechanics or make some big Melee changes. Maybe both.

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standing in one spot using one ability for an entire boss fight is even less fun than dying repeatedly

Can I get feedback on this please.

Oh I get it now!
It’s only fun when you “sit back and ignore half the mechanics” on your necro, but it’s not fun when I do that on my mage, therefore it’s also not fun when a melee player does that. Is that what you’re trying to say here?

That’s not how logic works, try again.

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You should open your own thread for that.

Also, if you provide more details on what are your intentions and expectancy with your character, I’m sure @Psojed will be happy to help, he’s the guy you’re looking for :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m more just interested making a compitent build while having fun. The nature of arpg usually don’t hit with me. I didn’t like grim dawn or poe. Diablo 4 had moments. LE finally makes sense. I’m playing HC, something I wouldn’t usually do. The idea of making builds is daunting and I dislike guides. I’ve already learnt so much by not mixing melee and throw damage. I visioned making a Cpt America style, mixing fighting styles. Obviously I didn’t realise that wouldn’t work.

this game melee is gg

I’m starting to think that my shield throw doesn’t have good enough single target damage. And when specing into shorter cooldown, I lose ricochet, which loses its wave clear. What synergies with shield throw?

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It can have good single target and burst but…

Shield throw needs some love and the problem with the tree is you always have to go down and spend 7 pts into -mana cost and no CD. Then over and grab the ricochet on the right now you got 13pts. Then up to the left now 17pts into Shield throw to make the ability have basic function.

So you spent 17 pts so the ability functions and nothing into any damage nodes. This is why Shield throw skill needs a rework. You also need to ricochet it off a target so you have to take either ring of shield or manifest armor.

So you need + skills and that means Sigeon shield for the +2-3 skills and shield throw on helm as well as the belt for +1 skills.

You can get smite idols only need really 2. Then spec into smite this gives you more single target damage and also helps clear as smites are raining down. In my build I use unspecced manifest armor for single target I just summon him and then you take the node shield bounces off friendly targets this is your single target damage.

I don’t have all my gear on this guy playing some other builds but you should get the idea of talents set up.

Now as for synergy I turned Shield throw into fire and went the spell route. This opens up more gear options like my soulfire relic can even use a calamity for huge ignite chance if you want.

I’m focused on ignite dots, Lava burst and smite damage. It actually is really satisfying because you have a flaming shield and everything is on fire when you hit them. This has some pretty good synergy and there are many ways to build it. You can get a few 100 stacks of ignite does a lot of damage on single target and smite is also hitting with lava burst while maintaing that Capt America feel.

The thing with Lava burst is it triggers when ricochet and does spell dmg in an aoe and also will apply more ignites. So you have this spreading fire flaming shield build. I was able to kill empowered lagon before he phases with the build you have a lot of damage burst potential.

It’s a fun satisfying build sounds like you would enjoy it.

Flat damage

I already told you that Shield Throw damage comes from + Throwing damage on items.

  • 6 different items can have + Throwing damage, you have only 2/6 items and the affix tier on those 2 is not even Tier 5. Fix it.

%Increased damage

You have almost no % increased damage bonuses. Fix it:

  • % Physical damage = Weapon, Amulet, Rings, Belt, Shield
  • Put points in Paladin into Conviction.

%More damage

Your % more multiplier comes from Block Chance. Your Block Chance is only 38%, temporarily raised to 68% for 4 seconds after you use both Shield Bash and Ring of Shields.

  • You don’t have Rygar’s Fury passive learned. If you want to use Shield Throw as your main skill, you need this passive.
  • You need to recast Shield Bash and Ring of Shields every 4 seconds.
  • Your shield doesn’t have % Block Chance affix, fix that.
  • Look for % Block Chance on Rings and Gloves (but remember Throwing damage takes priority!).


  • Put points in Paladin into Conviction for now.


  • Buy a dagger. They all have % base crit on as an implicit affix. Star Amber Dagger at your faction vendor for example.
  • The sword you’re using right now is basically useless, only gives you bleed chance. You want something like this.

If you don’t like the loss of ricochets, you can later try out a cooldown variant with tack % Increased Cooldown recovery stacking. Now, you would only lower your DPS.

The sources are:


Melee is hard mode, kind of. Always has been this way in LE.

It’s because LE is Anti Melee. The bugs and design are very punishing for Melee. That’s why this thread exist and hopefully some day EHG fixes melee and designs the game for them to have fun too.

Look at Sentinel a Class that relies on Volatile reversal to function in every build. It’s an OP abilitiy that barely make Sentinel playable. That’s how bad Sentinel is off. Where if you gave any other Class volatile reversal they would be completely broken OP.

I know they plan to remove/fix Volatile reversal and it needs to be. I just hope they finally get around to fixing Sentinel as well so it’s not in such a bad state and requires being propped up by 1 skill to to function.

EHG has a lot of work to do when it comes to melee.

Thank you. Sorry I thought swords don’t give bonuses because my shield is doing damage. I’m not sure if my build has been updated. I’ve been experimenting.

Doesn’t Rygar Fury significantly reduce my survivability, knowing I can’t block?

Ill just say, sentinel from my experience has problems at high corruption.

There is lots of variables on peoples experience with sentinel. Sentinel has really good early game power, they get tons of endurance, DR and resistance early. Especially paladins, Paladins can cap resistance, endurance and get decent health values with just passives/holy aura.

But once you try pushing into “high” corruption you run into issues where their lack of unique defenses like dodge, glancing blows etc. makes them much harder to play into melee range in said high corruptions.

This just really depends on context, I do think sentinel needs changes. or the game needs to change around them currently. it all depends on your views on what high corruption is, and what we should allow. They said “hopefully people wont be doing 1k corruption after these nerfs” but tons of builds are. They either need to nerf more builds, or buff sentinel so that he too has a place at the table.

I am ride or die sentinel fan either way, but I really do think people really underestimate his issues at higher levels of play. Sentinel is in a weird spot because for top end players he is weak, but for casual/new players he is quite strong, id argue paladin is top tier for casual 300-400 corruption range players.

The devs need to strike a better balance for sentinel.

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I get to 12K armor on my Forge Guard at level 88, without even trying…
I really don’t know how anyone has any problems with Sentinel in this game… Defensive-wise, it is the strongest base class, hands down.

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I made a thread before where I reworked forge guard entirely. Maybe I should do the same with sentinel and blade dancer.

I am inclined it’s probably easier to remake the entire spec then fix it

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Did you see his rework on the FG passive? I hope yours doesn’t look anything like that… :sweat_smile:
Would you care to share the topic? Didn’t find it on a quick look on ur profile.

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Here you go. Have fun.

Armor can be countered by armor shred which enemies can do.

Raw DR can not, So the classes with tons of DR are the tankiest, druids, primalists in general etc.

Why do you think people were sad they lost aspect of the boar scaling for base primalist? Armor is good, but everyone can get that.

What makes classes tanky is their unique DR which sentinel gets very limited amounts of.

Consider that a Blade dancer could get 10k armor as well, AND get 100% glancing blow, AND get less damage taken on low life.

Sentinel gets 10k armor… and 10% less damage from nearby enemies… wow…

Again, if you are not level 100 pushing high end corruption, you of course dont run into these problems, cause the game is not really difficult yet, which is fine, I also play at that level. But after that point, sentinel starts to fall off.