Give me a reason to play melee in this game

Because its fun and I prefer melee in ARPG’s.

my build may not be the best because I haven’t checked any build guides, but that’s not really the point. the best thing about this game has always been that the skill specialization system was intuitive. I didn’t look up builds for my Falconer or any of my beta characters either. I can clear empowered monos and kill the bosses on my VK, it just is not a fun process. and yeah better gear so I can have another 500-1000hp would make it easier, but…where would I get that gear from? I doubt I could kill a T3 Julra either to make legendaries.

the whole problem is that bosses have so many abilities they constantly rotate through, and many rare monsters can 1 shot you or kill you in 1-2 seconds that it just makes melee less fun to play. and I almost always play melee builds in ARPGs. It was trial and error for me to figure out which boss abilities I can stand in and which ones have to be avoided. That trial and error isn’t necessary at all with ranged builds because you just expect to dodge everything.

my necro is up to 80 now, haven’t checked any build guides at all but so far everything has been cake because I can just sit back and ignore half the mechanics, and anything telegraphed that’s hard for melee to dodge I have an extra second or two to react to.

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Please dear EHG stop making bosses with tons of mechanics that suck for melee. Abberoth’s hop back where you now lose all your damage. He will also back into a corner with melee where then he puts stuff on the ground. You have to run away lure him back into the middle of the map and repeat.


  • If you are making a Boss mechanic or ANY mechanic before you implement it think how will Melee like it? If the answer is they won’t then don’t add that mechanic.

There are WAAAAAAAAY to many ground effects, creature movement that make Melee exhausting to play. (Which is a shame because melee really fills a class fantasy many people love)
Hello this my update. How does that look. I think I’m doing well.

Honestly i cant. I tried martial builds a few times. Quit all of them.

I think this is a case of stopped clock syndrome. Melee does often get the mechanically sticky end of the wicket when bosses/mobs are designed, sadly.

I agree, this game is great for making your own builds. However:

That is absolutely the point, because your experience changes drastically when your build is good. When your build is good, this:

and this

isn’t a problem anymore.

Your problem right now isn’t bosses having abilities.
Your problems are your own belief that you get constantly oneshot by things, which makes melee gameplay evasion-heavy - which obviously isn’t the case - and your belief that you need legendary gear to have another 1k HP. - which also isn’t the case:

Go watch youtube or twitch, watch people play and count the oneshot deaths.

Or you tank everything because you can.
For example, people whining about Lagon are a meme at this point. Back then I made an alt and recorded the kill while tanking all the hits from Lagon:

You can do that on melee too.

I checked you profile and your Pally looks more like a ranged caster to me. Viable of course but I would not consider this build as melee.

I never said I play a melee Sentinel.

Nevertheless, I have since switched to full offline mode since I got tired of the constant disconnects in Temporal Sanctum, and the current character I play is a Judgement Aura paladin, which does live in the melee range. Here’s a selfie with Gaspar from my offline char :slight_smile:

Doesn’t change the fact melee is worlds apart from other builds in design and power, melee is that bad. That sentinel needs a rework. That FG is still the worst mastery. That most builds do 10+ times the damage of melee while being more tanky and having better defensive layers/utility.

I love playing a Sentinel and melee I have 6 of them (I play them to try and make them work) but I realize I’m playing a MEME in Last Epoch because EHG hates melee. Can we just get some massive buffs so they aren’t so bad please and thanks. Geez.

People need to focus on the actual problem. Melee factually is in a terrible spot in LE and if you want to play melee you are better off playing another game. All side conversations aside this is 100% the truth and why this thread exist and why people play other games. Melee is terrible and the Devs need to do better.

Great fiction, but a little short, and a bit different genre from your previous entry in the series. Unfortunately, lots of personal opinion spiced with guesswork combined with no proof providing detracts from the final product, making it a only an okay 3 min read to pass the time.


You could say that before 1.1, I agree. But not anymore, luckily. FG is definitely not the strongest, but is def also not the weakest at this point.

Apparently you don’t love playing melee so much, since you seem to be more fond of big AoE off-screen explosions, which is, you know, more of an Archer or a Mages, non-melee classes thing.

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Fine let this game stay dead (another fact) and people will play other games instead of fixing it. I don’t know why you are hell bent in your agenda to not fix the game or Class design. It’s just not appealing. Tired of your trolling it’s just not amusing.


I do love it but it’s sooooo bad in this game. Just fix it. Melee needs exponential buffs across the board especially Sentinel. The base Sentinel tree needs a complete rework then FG mastery needs a rework. Then many skills/assives need a complete rework.

It’s still trash. I hate using that word but lets be real FG is a trash mastery. It’s not even close to a good spot. (lets be clear the best FG builds are heavily bugged and the only reason they are doing any damage) Smelters wrath is bugged, Forged weapons are bugged applying all your gear instead of just gloves.

I also don’t know what people are even arguing about. If you buffed melee 10 times they still wouldn’t be competitive. So what’s the argument? If I logged in tomorrow and melee was 5 times stronger they still be far weaker than other builds. It’s just soooooo far behind.

  • Ontop of that the QoL of melee abilities is terrible. Melee in Last Epoch is atrocious. It’s very punishing and unpleasant for people who enjoy melee.

I’m not wasting anymore time in pointless arguments you either fix melee in this game or it won’t ever be a good game worth playing. Period. Last night only 3,000 people were playin LE (games dead) but yea everything is fine. The data doesn’t lie. LE needs a lot of work and Melee is one of those things. The difference in power between builds is 100 times.

On a Side note let me offer a fix for FG mastery instead of just stating the obvious fact that it’s still terrible.

Both the 2 affixes for FG Mastery don’t do anything. You don’t need Fire/Phy res you already have a ton of it. You don’t need armor when hit again you have tons of Armor nodes in the tree you already never take.

New FG Masteries

  • 1% Movement speed and HP per 1,000 Armor
  • 5% More Damage per 500 armor
  • 2% Attack Speed per 1,000 Armor

Now this is a very interesting Mastery that now turns dead passives into something. This also makes dead talents something of value in builds. You also have a reason to now go past armor cap or to get high armor because of the Mastery.

This is how you fix FG with the changes I suggested.

PS - The thornmail node should give 5 reflect damage per 100 armor. Not % armor this node has no scaling for interesting builds.

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Not trying to argue with you, just tossing out an alternate take. I think the melee FG should be the more you hit me, the more I hurt you. I just think that makes sense thematically. Dude is Hephaestus. Beating on him makes him tougher, thorny, hotter and it builds the numbers on his big slam.

I like the idea that the more armor he has, the more something based upon passive he gets. I just don’t think that movement speed is something in the FG passive tree (maybe sentinel tree though).

Would love to see passives and skill nodes that increase health regen, endurance/endurance threshold, dot avoidance, crit avoidance based upon armor. Make the FG the tough sob.

And skill nodes that convert damage taken into damage, thorns, or a fire aura.

But honestly I don’t think any of that is happening because I think EHG thinks of the FG as the Sentinel pet class and they want pets to be a part of the mastery concept.


You know how in multiplayer pvp games there’s always that guy that keeps yapping because he’s angry he got owned? But nobody listens to him, and everyone just laughs at them?

This reminds me of those guys. But we don’t have pvp, so AbombDaChamp is kinda the worse version of that?


When you feel like providing proof about your statements, and when you feel like listening to what others have to say about it, maybe someone will take you seriously.

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I don’t mind discussions on how we fix melee and FG. Just as long as we are on the same page of Melee and FG needs massive reworks.

The problem is though that doesn’t currently happen. They have no damage scaling and most of thier passives are dead choices. You aren’t taking more armor nodes because they don’t help. If you change the mastery like I suggested you can then become a defensive juggernaught and scale your defense to scale your offense. (this is interesting design)

Well Pally has 12% movement node at the end of their tree and their Mastery is great for damage while also getting Holy aura again a lot of damage/defensives. Adding QoL to FG is exactly what the mastery needs to become an interesting choice compared with Pally and VK which have tons of movement options.

I mean the real issue is QoL of FG melee and damage after becoming defensively strong. Once your tough how do you do damage? You need to be able to scale both defensives and damage like other builds to make FG viable or appealing choice.

  • FG has no scaling at all currently and the current Mastery does nothing for ANY builds.

None of this really helps FG or helps build diversity or the issues with dead passives, skills and items. If EHG does what I suggested so many build options open up. So many items now become interesting. Talents like shield throw which adds armor on richochet now scales damage and QoL.

You now look at bonus Armor stats or Armor nodes in FG as something that adds to your build. You would have a ton of build divesity.

I hope not. I hope they look at FG as something that can be both a Melee and Ranged Class especially with Shield throw.

Yeah, better not. We all know he has a quick trigger on the ignore button. Though at this rate he’ll soon be arguing with himself and those that say the same things, so he’s just creating an echo box :rofl:

I’m pretty sure he did ignore you (I did warn you) already. He just wants yes-men to reply to him, nothing else.


I know, but his decision is not important :smiley:

It’s important to react when someone is spreading lies, even if said person ignores you, because the other readers will still see your posts, and then they can make their own judgement about his statements.