Forge Guard Mastery Rework For Exciting Build Diversity

I posted this in the why play melee thread in this game. As someone who loves melee and wants FG to be good some day it starts with a much needed mastery rework.

The above changes would drastically shake up FG build diversity. It would now make certain items you never would use interesting. This also fixes the horrible scaling issues that FG has. I’d really love to play this type of FG and hope to see something like this some day.

Except it makes no sense at all, specially in a game that cares for Character Identity.

Why would a character wearing the heaviest equipment gain increased attack AND movement speed scaling on the toughness/weight of his armor?

Yes, you can make it deal higher damage because his armor is really heavy, thus making the impact stronger. But it would most definitely not attack or move very fast.

When coming up with new ideas, you have to factor those things in.


Yeah, there’s definitely a line between thematics/reality (why would heavier armour make you move faster & let’s ignore the whole 'cause magic for a bit) and game balance. Sometimes the devs will stay on one side, sometimes they’ll go for the other side.