Give me a reason to play melee in this game

Then there’s my rune master who used the “randomize runes” node in Runic Bolts so I was always casting something different.

It was actually REALLY fun

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“Give me a reason to play melee in this game”

I just like it, I don’t care if ranged is better, I don’t care if ward is better. Melee has enough tools to be viable. Health based builds have enough tools to be viable.

You don’t need a reason to play anything other than, I like this playstyle so I’m going to play it.


So I ended up continuing to clear unempowered Monos with Divine Flare, +40% chance to refresh when consumed, 6% chance on kill to spawn a sigil, and honestly it’s really fun for my current playstyle of using Multistrike to Smite enemies with Healing Hands proccing on melee hits.

I basically just held down right click and set Holy Aura to auto cast, and things just exploded. I’d occasionally refresh the sigil manually on bosses for the damage boost, but it’d frequently pop multiple times on groups of small enemies and just chain through them. I wouldn’t put more than 1 or 2 points into the chaining though because it just saps mana at that point.

Overall I never went back to Judgment and kept my right click spam. The ring would make it much better on bosses though and I’d put points into the +% damage node and 1 or 2 into making it chain. Idk if I’d remove the chance on kill to cast it though


Single skill spam/debuff+single skill spam - I feel like these 2 are pretty much the same. I feel like for Melee, Single skill spam is pretty heavily discouraged in LE and most end up becoming builder+spender. Like Rive is probably the only one with decent endgame dps on its own(and even it got nerfed). Harvest, Swipe even Warpath I would say are all pretty meh on their own.

Mana builder+spender - is pretty much the most common archetype in LE and the most successful for melee builds.

Combo builder+spender - I feel like this does exist in LE with Firebrand Flamereave and Shadow cascade + Sync strike/Dancing Strikes to generate shadows. Also Lethal Mirage builds.

Cool down turbo, time-based turbo via item - I didn’t understand what these are lol.

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Cool down turbo - Use a buff skill or skills that last a short period of time and do as much damage as you can do in that time period, then play waiting game/damage avoidance until the cooldown(s) are up. Often like 5 second buff period with 20 second cooldown.

Time-based turbo - an item you have buffs certain damage types on a schedule (e.g. fire, ice, lightning each lasting 3 seconds). You want to do damage during the period of time that your damage type is buffed.

the Runemaster. 100% the Runemaster. … as other’s mentioned above, and I forgot, the Runemaster. :slight_smile: (whispers: runemaster)

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Best example from other games would be the one-minute and two-minute burst windows in FFXIV where all your buffs and the teams buffs for you line up and you can output insane dps for like 10-20 seconds and then you have 40s before the next burst window.

They’re MUCH shorter in this game, but examples would be Enchant Weapon or Holy Aura. Maybe others?

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Yeah, those are the two that I was thinking of as well.

In the response (above) where I list them all out, I was definitely thinking about other games for this particular pattern, which I don’t think EHG has gone heavily into because… well, how fun actually is this pattern? I think what they did (if, in fact they were intentionally trying to do it) is more interesting. Shorter burst, shorter cooldowns, same basic 1/3 on, 2/3 off, seems like a decent pattern for folks that learn when the boss is leading up to it’s own damage burst period so they can turbo just before, and their cooldown roughly corresponds with the boss’s burst.

I think you forgot to mention the Runemaster.


Yeah, I don’t think this exists in LE but maybe similar would be the old versions of EQ werebear where they would run around spawning vines to regen rage and use EQ on a 2-3 second cooldown.

Ah I was thinking only for melee, but I guess there can also be melee Runemasters.

I think Holy Aura is more of a passive buff (atleast I don’t feel its active is that strong). Death Seal however fits the description perfectly.

Yeah, you’d just end up trying your best to kill/instaphase the boss within one cycle or push for ways to reduce the cooldown.

Depends I suppose. It’s very good with Flame Burst