Give me a reason to play melee in this game


With my edit above about the passive playstyles, with this ring it could end up being really strong.

@Scipo0419 I was typing right now, asking if you really haven’t tried it with the Ring, since you didn’t mention it in the previous post. Been wondering how Divine Flare could interact with it. Maybe I’ll give it a try when the reset happens.

It sure sounds like clunky playstyle. But maybe the semi-passive tech might work with the ring + sigil in the bar.
Also, have you tried it with the Renewed Hope node? It gives sigil a chance to be summoned again whenever it’s consumed by any effect. Maybe Divine Flare could work with that to be more consistent?

Looked it up but couldn’t find it. Checked maybe 4 or 5 builds with Sigil on his channel, but none of them uses the Divine Flare node.

Not yet, I was working towards that on my Deck but then I realized it was 8:15am and I should have signed onto my work laptop 15 minutes ago (at the time)

If you have a Sigil active when the ring affix procs then you’ll get a divine flare explosion regardless of whether there are mobs around. So depending on how much of the time you spend with mobs in the aoe it could be useful or not.

It might be better if you’re a VK & can get Sigils to echo for free plus convert the skill to void (there used to be % mana efficiency for void skills on idols which would help with the cost).


I’m not sure why you say this. There are all sorts of patterns a dev can support;

  • single skill spam (which is what I think you are saying). Everything else is buffs, cc and positional skills (I’m not going to repeat this for every bullet)
  • mana builder+spender.
  • combo builder+spender
  • debuff+single skill spam
  • cool down turbo + one of the above
  • time-based turbo via item + one of the above

Also, if you are going full reductionist, and you think all of those patterns are pretty similar, then I don’t see how ranged is different.

Explain please, I don’t see what you are saying.


I see what you mean. I agree with you on that, then.
Though I think you have most of those in LE already. Both for melee and for ranged.

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Yeah, I agree. LE has a nice spectrum of styles. Only pond they haven’t put their toe in, as far as I can remember, is the combo+spender pattern, which I think is an acquired taste anyway.

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It’s the reason I never actually did a martial assassin in D2. I really do dislike that type of gameplay. Much like I hated the D3 amulet that kept rotating elements and you set up your buffs in the downtime and did a huge burst on the uptime. I hate keeping track of that stuff.

That being said, I’m not opposed to it. I just don’t play it, but I’m not against it existing at all.

Surely any class that has generator skills, which is most of them, can do a generator/spender build? I’ve made several Sentinels like that.

That isn’t a combo+spender, though. He’s referring to stuff like the assassin martial skills in D2, where you accumulate 3 charges with one attack, then spend them all with another attack.


It isn’t exactly melee by base design, but Runemaster.


That’s a great point and I have played runemaster so… :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: oops. :slight_smile: thanks!

T6 CDR on boots and belt, maybe an exalted ring with inherent %CDR. I just don’t want to have lower than 2s cooldown because of the unique weapon.

Anything spelldamage won’t be that interesting. I lack sources of added spell damage in a high enough capacity.

Everything but VC and Judgement would be about utility. Buffs, debuffs, healing, traversal, maybe kill threshold…
Holy Aura - resistance, fire damage, crit chance and multiplier
Sigil of Hope - increased damage, void converted
Vengeance - 25% less damage taken, 20% global more damage, armor schredding
Judgement, Voidcleave - damage

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Yeah, I misread combo as generator.

There are kinda a few though, outside of Runemaster, I just can’t be arsed to go & check whether they are what I think they are…

Judgement has a node that allows it to consume any active Sigils to give it a buff, stuff like that.


This was the only Assassin I enjoyed in D2R lol. I never even got it to the end of Normal (mainly because I find D2 kind of boring after GD, TQ, and LE) but I had a lot of fun with trying to figure out a combo to use my 2 hit spender on while building combos to get me AoE damage + Health/Mana

I had quite some fun with the assassin back in the day. The ability to use different elements and effects with the same skill and getting the timing/cadence right felt different in a good way.

In general, I am quite a sucker for this combo-stuff. Assassin in D2, Warden in LOTRO, Runemaster here, just to name a few.

It just works better in games that are a bit slower. If everything dies with one-button builds anyway, why bother to have a system where you need to invest a bit of time to set up a combo?

So you can turn into your screen into a scene from the apocalypse! insert video of the D2 Phoenix Strike Assassin proccing Fire, Lightning, and Ice effects.

Well I offered some interesting ideas in my original post you replied to:

I think all of that would do nicely. The interesting thing is that from what I’ve heard about PoE2, they’re already starting to notice and make some similar changes to the way melee is played. I’m not a big PoE guy myself, but it’ll be especially neat to me to put hands on that new system and see what it feels like.

Most of those ideas would apply to ranged combat as well with the only exception being the combo-action to dodge roll, except we already have a dodge roll action.

It seems like you want melee combat to feel more like a souls-like (not the difficulty, but the breadth of options) or something like Monster Hunter? I agree that would be fun, but I just don’t think it has a place in this style of game personally. An isometric story driven action RPG with dynamic combat built around a methodical combat flow? Absolutely. A hack and slash looter that has multiplayer? Not so much, imo of course.

I’m the same. I really liked the D2 assassin, but combat in that game was, at the higher end, to fast-paced for me to reliably hit the combos that felt great.

I think EHG did a great job of that with Runemaster, and option to avoid the having to manually (muscle-memory) input the combo if you didn’t want to. A++ to EHG for this. Shaking my head at myself that I didn’t remember it.