FPS incredibly unstable after 1.0 patch

It is quite unfortunate. I have been following the game for quite some time (being a kickstarter backer) and was having lots of fun playing on launch. I do not know when it happened or which patch did it, but my fps has been terrible for the last 3-4 weeks (after always sitting above 60fps). I have sadly not touched the game since and don’t think I can play until a future patch hopefully corrects it. I have tried the above fixes/suggestions with no luck.

Damn, wish I knew this a month ago. I mean it’s still not perfect, but I’ve been playing a bit over an hour now and I only got one single small freeze, nothing in comparison to how bad it was before. 50-70 FPS, not great, but also not 20-40 as before.

Thanks for posting that, at least I can play the game again :slight_smile:

You’re welcome!
It still has dips (memory leaks) but it’s more stable than before.
Forgot to mention that I have RTX 3080 (4k res), 32Gb RAM and intel i5 10th gen (maybe this doesn’t work on AMD CPU/GPUs7).
Why this particular solution works for some people and doesn’t for others (there is a steam discussion about FPS drops) is till unknown.
Devs said (I think) that they implemented some sort of fix in the last patch, but it’s an ongoing problem.
At least they acknowledged it and are working on it.
I am searching for a different solution to this, will post if any updates.
EDIT> After messing around with settings it seems that changing AA to FXAA improves the performance, at least for me.
Also I disabled the game bar in registry (do this at your own risk).

3 hour twitch stream… could you post a 10 second video instead, showing the fps drop, so that others may analyze properly instead of watching your twitch promotion? <3

I’ve put a time stamp in a link to watch it from moment it has happened and FPS drop was most intense.
I can edit it later for a clip.
here is one example when fps deeps under 50:

here when fps is around 70-80 and then goes under 60

even at v.low preset there is no way to keep it around 100+ what would be good to keep at at this level as i play at 1080p 144hz

having big FPS drops when gorgons are tow many and with the torando effect, that kill perfs at a point to be unplayable, 30FPS…

Has any of you tried to turn off CFG? Mine was on by mistake, I forgot I reinstalled windows. CFG messes with most of the games. Borderlands 3 is a mess with CFG ON. I turned mine off and tested the game without setting affinity in task manager and it actually improved. Don’t have the time now to do more echoes but in 3 I played FPS dropped to 50+ only when screen was full. I will try it these days along with the setting in the task manager - affinity turned OFF for CPU0.

Tested both today and I don‘t feel much difference, maaaaybe little less drops, but nothing to write book about. Game has garbage optimization, end of story.

I also noticed big drops during combat. Normally 145 FPS and drops to 65-90 FPS. Still playable but it seems weird, because not much is going on (Warpath spin to win and not a screen full of creatures or anything).

I’m Team Red, which means 7900 XTX, 7700X and 32 GB Ram DDR5 @ 5200.
Hope they will do something about this, especially reading drops to 20 FPS in this topic. Ruins the game, which is sad because it is fun to play.

Poor optimization. Thread almost 4 months old and we dont have any solid response from the team.


No response from the team in two months whatsoever. Downloading D4 as writing, at least it’s not such a technical garbage as this game is.

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Seems the performance has gotten worse in a group too. Like we are all in discord and report the exact FPS drops at the same time but in a group its more frequently happening.

Drops to 6fps at times where solo it will usually drop from 144 to 30-50fps.

Hope its not something as silly as the diablo 4 stash issue lol.

After perservering for 350 hrs im ready to give up as this issue basically kills the game for me.

The FPS, GPU usage and Memory Leak issues are under constant review and the team are, and will, keep working on them - given the wide spread of causes, submitting In Game Bug Reports helps us a lot! If you need to attach extra screenshots or videos - you can upload them to a sharing site (imgur/gyazo for images, YT for videos) and then copy/paste that link in the bug report! You can also reach out on Discord or to our Support Team and we can attach that extra info to the in game bug report for you.

I’ve also been compiling a list of all the things players have found have helped, so they can be shared more easily for players and so the team can use that information to investigate.

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Thanks for the responce.

Is there any reason there is no nvidia profile for last epoch ?

Just curious was all.

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