First Harbinger - slight issue

Thank you. Thank you for reminding me that the juice is called stability.

When you beat the boss, is the stability zero’d out?

I don’t know if it zeroes out or if it simply consumes however much you needed for the boss. So that if the boss required 500 and you had 520, I think you end up with 20 instead. But I’m not sure on this.

As for your point (and the OP’s), I do agree that the harbinger boss should always be optional. Not everyone wants to do pinnacle content and it’s my understanding that for every other boss you have the option to skip the harbinger, just not on the first one.
Which I believe should be changed. It should be completely optional.

I think it was made this way so that players would know there was this faction. But I think it would be better to change this system around.
After killing the last boss, rather than automatically summoning the harbinger, you’d get the forgotten knight (or however the npc is called) that would tell you about it and give you 2 choices:
-Summon the harbinger and fight it
-I don’t care about that, let me move on

If you select the first you get the harbinger, if you select the second you continue on to empowered monos as normal.

I like your design

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It doesn’t, and has never, zeroed out, it’s always just removed the amount that the boss requires.

That’s a decent idea, but if the principle of the initial Harbinger is for it to act as a “gatekeeper” to empowered & assuming it is comparable in difficulty to normal empowered mono bosses, I don’t think it’s unreasonable for it to be said gatekeeper.

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If it’s intended to be a gatekeeper, don’t hide it behind another boss. Make it its own thing. Doing it this way just seems lazy. Also, if I’m a first time player and I’m not doing my assigned reading for this game, I’d be, “wait, wtf is this… what’s going on?”

I don’t think anyone is complaining about them being gatekeepers. I think people are unhappy with the implementation. I’m not playing this season, I haven’t encountered it, so I really don’t know wtf I’m talking about … other than what I’m reading.

And I’m reading and thinking… really? That’s how you did this? But, to my previous, “don’t know wtf I’m talking about”, point, maybe it’s really not a big deal.

:slightly_smiling_face: I would never know this because the instant I have enough stability to move on, I do. So, from my perspective, it always wiped it out.

Harbingers are optional content. This gear check ahouldnt be from that but the actual timeline boss.

Harbingers being a check ahould be a power check to tell u ur not ready for the Pinnacle boss. Not empowered

The gear check here is in the wrong spot

Dude players shouldnt be forced to do the first harbinger if theh have no intentions of ever foghting the Pinnacle boss…

Forcing players thay have ZERO intent to eve. Take on the Pinnacle boss to kill the first harbinger makes ZERO sense.

I didnt have any issues with the first harbinger. First harbinger needs to be optional period. Pinnacle boss system is designed as optional


As i said in a post here.

This power check is in the wrong spot. The timeline boss should be this check for empowered unlock.

The harbingers should be the gear check or what ever check be thag dmg as well. Should be a power check for the Pinnacle boss. Not a check tellng u u cant handle empowered yet

This gear check is backwards

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I don’t agree with your opinion here. If you want it to change, you should tell the devs in the feedback forum.

I’m not sure what is giving you this impression, you probably either don’t die a lot to the bosses, or you usually do bosses with enough stability that even after losing some due to dying, the amount you lost goes unnoticed.

Because I’ve been noticing I always lose stability if I die to a Timeline Boss… I even asked my husband, who is completely unaware of what goes on here on forums, and he said that as far as he can remember, he also always lose stability when dying to the boss, no matter if its normal or empowered.

It happened just now… Had 805~ stability, went to kill Rayeh, died and now I’m at 774 stability, and have to do another echo so I can retry the boss.

Did you ever see a Dev’s post on this matter?

This has come up before. I tried dying on purpose at several stages of the game, both in normal and empowered echoes. I’ve verified these results. I tried dying in normal echoes, in quest echoes (for normal monos), in the boss, in the shade. They all gave me the same results that I didn’t lose any stability.

Granted, I haven’t tried in anyting higher than 100c, but I would assume the same thing happens.

It could be something weird with my account (or weird with yours for all we know), but I did test this in-game. More than once. I tested it in legacy, but I would hardly consider this to be a difference between cycle/legacy.

That’s weird.
Now I went for killing him again, but didn’t even die. I just entered the map and left it right away, cause I forgot to get my water bottle… Still lost stability and am now at 789, needing one more echo to enter the boss map again.

I don’t know what to tell you. Like I said, I tried it only at normal and 100c monos, but I don’t think that would be an issue. I tried this both on 1.0 (only empowered then) and on 1.1 (on both).
Maybe there’s something wrong with my account (maybe I really am a dev in disguise??), but if there is, maybe let’s not fix it? :laughing:

Or maybe you really are a Dev in disguise… hahaha :rofl:

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What’s your trigger word, I wonder?

Edit: added LE in front of DEV


Well, technically, that’s not true. I know I’m a dev. I’m just not a LE dev. Unless I am, in which case I should be getting paid more.

Maybe LE is sending subliminal messages in the game and now I’m programming for them in my sleep. But I should still get paid, I feel. I wonder if there’s a union for hypnotized programmers?

I fixed it!

Yes 1.1 patch notes.

U no longer lose stability in timelines whe. U die anymore. Pretty sure in 1.0 u still lost stability

I can’t find that, though. And when I tested in 1.0 I also didn’t lose stability.
And F0lk is saying that she’s losing stability when dying or even portalling out.

So things aren’t actually consistent with either situation.

Please explain why u dont.

Pinnacle boss system is optional is it not? If Yes, then why is the gear check on a harbinger just to get to empowered.

Harbingers should be the gear checks leadingg ul to the fight with the Pinnacle boss.

If its needed to make timeline bosses a gear check for empowered then move the first harbinger out of lvl 90 zones and make it the first one at 100c

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This topic is about level 90 monolith Harbinger. And you’re saying it’s a power check for 300+ corruption boss. There’s a very obvious discrepancy in difficulty of the two things you’re trying to connect together.

It’s like saying Majasa or Lagon from campaign are a gear check for T4 Julra…
So no, that’s bullshit and I don’t agree.

They already are.
As you know, in order to summon Harbingers, you need to reach higher corruption levels in different timelines. So, your gear is checked multiple times at steadily increasing pace.

The fact that I can choose to ignore select content is NOT a valid reason for me to not face bosses.

I can say that about nearly everything that’s in LE:

  • Might aswell remove Orobyss since most people just want to reset monolith, not fight the boss.
  • We might aswell remove campaign bosses, since most people just want the idol slots from quest rewards.
  • And we might aswell remove dungeon levels and bosses, since people just want to craft their legendary gear, right?

And so on…

I don’t see any other reasoning in your post other than “pinnacle boss is optional so this should not exist”, so I think explanation concludes here.

It is the dev’s decision that you must face a double boss at the end of a final monolith. So if you have questions like

  • Why check our gear?
  • Why place it here?

you should aim those questions and any feedback about that to the devs, not to me.

Double boss isn’t a problem.
It doesn’t present an unbeatable challenge. It doesn’t force you to grind for gear. It doesn’t require any special strategy or special gear to beat. So for me, it’s a good way to differentiate the final monolith from the rest, and that’s about it.