First Harbinger - slight issue

No, I do not think its funny.
Clearly these people are quitting out of frustration, but like the game enough to provide some feedback. I would assume some will return sooner or later once the defeat does not hurt that bad anymore and give it another try.
I see no reason to be dismissive about these kind of postinga and would actually say that his or her posting provided more value than yours.

His post has valuable information indeed - his unwillingness to adjust build in a game that’s all about adjusting builds and testing them out :stuck_out_tongue:

If you want to see and read posts like this, you’re free to do so. But it doesn’t mean other people will. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, eh?

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For you as customer it may provide little value. But for the service provider it may. For example they may want to think about it whether it really was a brilliant idea to gate empowered Monos with a double boss. I would say that is extremely newcomer unfriendly. At that point he was already past Lagon and Massala (whatever her name is), which means he was doing okayish and has a certain frustration threshold. And yet this was just too much.

And while for you this game may be all about build adjustment, for others it is clearly not. It should be perfectly viable to follow a guide and be good with it and to have fun which I would say this game is ultimately about.

I cannot say that I am particularly enjoying these kind of comments, but, again, yours is even providing less enjoyment. Or was there any treasure in your comment I happen to have missed?
Ridiculing others, especially when they do not present their concerns well, is always the easiest solution. But not helpful at all.

If you want to provide feedback to the “service provider”, there’s a forum specifically for that.

This is a General Discussion forum. It’s mainly for discussion among the community. Author asked the community for help, then refused the offered help, so the topic was more or less finished. Then some random dude comes in and adds “i have the same problem, I also don’t want the help that was offered here and I quit”. :clown_face: Pretty sure that doesn’t count as feedback.

Given the fact that I’m not the only one who offered “build adjustment” as a solution in this topic, it clearly is that way for others too :wink:

Wrong. It should be perfectly viable to NOT follow a guide and have fun. And as far as I know, that is the current status quo. It’s not mindless fun - you have to actually think about your build to prevail in the endgame, and that’s how ARPGs are - and some players don’t wanna use their brain. For players like that, we have games like Vampire Survivors and its clones.

Species8472 didn’t voice any concerns. If you read the previous discussion in this topic, you would know that OP didn’t mention using any guides, so Species8472 coming in and saying that “some of us follow a guide, so changing it should not be necessary” was already ridiculous on its own.

But if you think about what he said…
His post implies that he is using a build guide. Yet he had the same problem as OP. Which would mean using build guides doesn’t guarantee success, so his experience already invalidated his idea - if build guides don’t guarantee success, then changing what the build guides says is a requirement :smiley:

As for “enjoyment” and “treasure”. My posts provide neither “enjoyment” nor “treasures”. Do as you please with that information :wink:

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I suppose you didn’t get my point…
It’s not funny they’re leaving, not at all!
But it sure is when they use their first post as an announcement that they’re leaving. They would probably leave soon anyways, since the game isn’t appealing to them (and it’s does not seem to be the case with this OP, for the record).

An no, the post I quoted has no value at all… He does not provide and thoughts or insights on how he thinks the game can improve. It’s only harmful to the community, since it may mislead newer players to think that even if they follow a guide (wonder what guide he uses anyway, really weird to follow a guide and relate to this OP’s situation) they not gonna be able to succeed in Eterra.

And the classic ending: “dont mind replying, i’m not coming back to read” is just the cherry on top.
But it also means you’re wrong… they’re not talking to the devs, they’re talking to us.

I am going to add my two cents here because I agree with the original poster. EHG should not be locking empowered monoliths behind a mandatory double-boss fight. Prior to 1.1, we could get to empowered monoliths as long as we could kill the timeline bosses required.

EHG’s patch notes for 1.1 say nothing about having to kill the harbinger to get to empowered monoliths. They say that you will encounter your first one at the last level 90 normal monolith. They also say that empowered monoliths unlock harbingers. This is ambiguous. Nothing in the notes say you have to kill a harbinger as part of a double boss fight to advance.

This is not a “build” issue, and all you elitists need to get off your high horse. This is a gameplay issue. Respect other players. What we used to be able to do we can no longer do. They took that away from us without explicitly telling us in the patch notes. Before, if we could kill the 90 timeline bosses at level 80, we could advance. If empowered was too tough, we’d grind normal for a few levels and gear. If it wasn’t, we were free to play empowered. We had choice. We no longer have choice, and that is the problem.

My plan was to build my character with the better gear drops from empowered monoliths and THEN hunt down harbingers. I thought that was how it worked based on what I read. But now I can’t get there because there is a double boss fight in my way. It is demoralizing and frustrating to have to do this now whereas before I didn’t have to.

EHG needs to make it a universal option to challenge harbingers, plain and simple. Problem solved. Why not make them appear as an echo like Orobyss (however you spell them). Why not add the check box to the boss quest. There are many solutions.

But I 100% disagree with the commenters when they say it’s a build issue. It isn’t. It’s a bad decision made by the devs that needs to be changed in my opinion. And I have given them plenty of feedback on it.

I hope they change it.

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A guy on discord asked:

Unpopular opinion maybe but having a harbinger of tyranny gatekeep access to empowered monoliths is not fun. L81 paladin who can breeze through lvl90 monos and shades or orobis and keep dying to harbinger. Can’t progress in empowered and farm better gear. Why don’t you get the completion for killing the mono boss?

And Mike answered:

The difficulty is designed to be such that if you can’t do that boss, you’ll likely struggle with empowered so it acts as a bit of a gear check.

You can disagree all you want dude, but the fact remains that people who fixed their builds are now in empowered, and you are not.

As Timmah200 said - my original point wasn’t that Harbingers exist or that they block Empowered Monoliths - it’s that the game does not warn you that the Harbinger you get is locked to whichever of the three Level 90 bosses you face

Some bosses/Harbingers are easier than others for some builds - if they’d locked Empowered behind a Level 90 Lagon/Harb combo we’d have heard a lot about that for example!

‘it’s a gear-check’ is a lazy answer and/or lazy design given that ‘gear’ exists behind the ‘check’ and the ‘gear’ you need for a double boss encounter isn’t the ‘gear’ you need for Empowered Monoliths anyway - less a ‘gear check’ - more a ‘make limited content go further’

One of the biggest complaints about 1.0 was endgame being ‘lots of the same’ - Empowered Monoliths aren’t really different to normal ones other than ‘difficulty’ so putting a ‘difficulty gate’ in there isn’t solving much.

I wonder what percentage of people who played 1.1 faced all the Harbingers - I wonder if that was worth the time creating them??

Pretty sure your original point was about difficulty. In fact, it was so much about difficulty, that you even invented a resistance inheriting mechanic that doesn’t exist, and you were asking for a way of forcibly moving the harbinger encounter to a different timeline.

So don’t act like you meant something else.

You know what to do:

Nice way of shoving it in his face, very sympathetic. You are the best!

And what else should have Mike answered?
Perhaps: “Ahm, uh, you know what? That was just the cheapest and easiest design we could come up with.”

Is that the same Mike who reassured everyone they’d fixed the long-standing problem of zoning/disconnecting pre 1.0 (which was there for a LONG LONG time) and it would be fine in 1.0?

yeah - right…

This thread is feedback - the other thread refenced with his reply is feedback - why I found it hard is irrelevant, the fact it’s unsignposted remains an issue and the fact it gatekeeps the new content they made is just dumb

Just like releasing 1.0 without testing it properly was - but developers be developers and all that…

funny part tho is 1st harbinger was a bit hard for my alt but i did 300 corr echos in few minutes after i killed him without any problems

Actually, this thread is general discussion. Feedback is a different category. I don’t know if the devs look at general topics too closely.

According to him we are elitists, and elitists obviously don’t have any sympathy for filthy casuals. Git gud :stuck_out_tongue:

No, this thread is community discussion, not feedback.
Why you found it hard is very relevant, considering it is the sole reason you posted this in the first place.
And last time I checked, nobody promised you’d be told and/or given a signpost for when an evil void boss monster decides to attack your time-travelling void-fighting traveler butt :wink:

If you want hand holding of this degree, you should probably play something else.

PS: Actually you even got your signpost. In the game guide:

Monolith Of Fate → Harbingers

Harbingers are powerful servants of Orobyss, who you will encounter once you have progressed deep in to the Monolith of Fate.


See, I can tell you are some kid without many brains.

You totally missed the point. PRIOR to the Harbingers, we could get to empowered monoliths no problem…as long as we could kill the level 90 bosses. I can kill the level 90 bosses. Then the Harbinger spawns and kills me. This is a new boss…we aren’t given a chance to learn it, prepare for it, nor are we told that we had to do it before the patch. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING in the guide or the patch notes explicitly state that there would be a double boss fight gatekeeping empowered monoliths.

We were able to access them prior to the patch, and now we’re not able to unless we are some elitist who want to spend ten’s of hours grinding gear in low-level monoliths to do so. Not fun.

I’ve been playing ARPG’s since before you were born. You don’t need to lecture me on builds, gear, or skill. It’s not about that. It’s about what EHG did, and it isn’t right. They made it sound like Harbingers were an end-game system. Level 90 monoliths are not end-game, empowered monoliths are. And now we can’t get there.

So think before you type…and try to comprehend what you read, too. It’ll help out in the future.

“Go play another game.” Sure, that’s exactly what EHG’s want from their community…to only cater to the select few who can “handle it.” Good for business after all.

Empathy. Look it up…it’ll do you some good. You’re just another punk kid who thinks they know everything. And if you’re not a kid, then you sure are acting like one.

While the first part is correct, the second isn’t. I took both characters (one a very squishy & badly geared melee SD Puncture bladedancer & the other a moderately squishy but decent damage Storm Crow Beastmaster) to the first Harbinger & killed it despite going in blind. With not great gear on both chatacters.

I had a few close calls on the first character but no problems on the second due to being more aware of the mechanics & what yo avoid.

It’s only your second post on the forums, and you already used ad-hominem. Shows a lot about your character.

In case it wasn’t clear:

  • Yes, you could get to empowered without fighting a harbinger before.
  • Yes, you cannot get to empwoered without fighting a harbinger now.
  • You’re supposed to defeat them both now, it’s intended.

Or, as we elitists say, git gud you filthy peasant.

I don’t own any empathy to random internet stranger who labels me as an elitist for offering help with builds. Maybe take your own advice and think before you type.


Yes, and I remember someone from EHG (probably Mike) saying that this was not their intentions. They didn’t want people to just rush and skip all normal monoliths and get to Empowered on a level 70 character (which is what people could easily do before, and heck, I unlocked Empowered on a level 59 toon this cycle with my husband rushing me, totally not worth it, because I had to go back to level 75 monos so I could progress playing solo)…

So maybe that’s the reason they made it so Harbingers acts as a gate keeper, and if you cannot kill it, your build isn’t supposed to be rushing Empowered yet.

And hey, chill with the name calling. You clearly didn’t read many posts of him, for he is one of the most dedicated posters, who’s always willing to help anyone with the most detailed and thorough support and feedbacks.

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What? Is this right?

So it’s been awhile (1.0), but let me sure I get this right.

I think “Doing” a timeline is;

  1. Do mono’s. For each mono, the little bar on the top fills up
  2. There are three quests, last quest is the boss
  3. Fighting the boss and failing removes some of the juice from the bar at the top. Fail too many times, you need to run mono’s some more to refill the juice.
  4. Kill the boss. Previously you were done the timeline. From memory, and maybe this is wrong, but when you kill the boss, all the juice in the bar gets used up (but so what, you were moving on to another timeline).
  5. Now you have to kill the harbinger immediately after you kill the boss. But if you fail the harbinger, you are definitely going to have to do a lot of mono’s just to get back to fighting the harbinger because killing the boss has drained your juice.

Is that right? Maybe you don’t have to grind to do the harbinger again? If that is right, that just seems demented.

IMO, the best games know how to make difficulty and failure motivating to the player. I find what EHG is doing de-motivating.

This doesn’t happen anymore. I think there are still some cases where it will remove some stability if you get disconnected, but those are more likely bugs.
Otherwise, if you die to the boss you don’t lose stability anymore. So you can try it as many times in a row as you want.

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