First Harbinger - slight issue

I have asked Mike about it on discord and someone actually provided the actual answer, which is: this feature has been bugged on and off. Both in 1.0 and 1.1 there were patches that broke this so you didn’t lose stability. I tested this now and I’m losing stability again.
So it was just coincidence that when I tested it it was broken.

Still sad I’m not an actual dev in disguise, though.

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I will accept this as confirmation that I’m correct. Ish.

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I’m sad that you aren’t the Manchurian LE Dev Candidate. … kinda heartbroken really. … NO! no, i’m fine. I just need minute.

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Don’t remove everything, just fully redesign them so they don’t totally suck. Right now there’s a LOT of really crappy design in the game that prevents character building and forces people to play stupid meme builds to circumvent the bad design.

For instance, killing a boss and then having to kill another boss afterwards is SHIT design. Make harbingers their own fight. Further, boss difficulty is absolute SHIT. Its bad. Fix it.

Edit: Some design decisions appear to be ways to slow down player progression to make up for the lack of content. That’s NEVER gonna work well. People will abandon the game and never return.