EU West Auto switches to US central

When I connect to the game (Eu west selected)
Everything is fine. After the first map switch in game I’m always on Us central! + 100 ping.
Something is wrong here ! :slight_smile:

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Same trouble here , aparently this is happening from long time ago…

Same here. Would be nice to get that fixed?

same here!

Same thing, on what basis does it choose where to connect? Can’t be latency as it is 30ms vs 150ms :confused:

Same here. connecting from EU West and getting on US central. Feels bad man.

Same issue here. Even though I have “preferred region” EU west in my game settings, it just switches to US Central when i login.

You can fix this problem by changing the sever to the server that’s in game when you’re logged on and then change it back to the server you want to play on and once you login it will be fixed.

Case:(Server changes to US central - #6 by SRX).

I play on EU West.

“You can fix it by changing the sever to US when the game boots to menu (even though it says EU) right after you select US change it back to EU and once you login it will be fixed worked for me. Had the same problem now my server is EU West 27ms.”

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