Server changes to US central

I pick EU west server when I log in. But it always changes to US Central when I look in game. Therefore my latency is about 125-150 instead of 20-25 as it says when I pick EU west server.

Anyone else experience this? In that case, is there something that can be done to change the server in game?

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EU West is unplayable. You cant go to the next map…just stuck on loading screen. Maybe US servers are better but EU suck.

Same thing happening for me every time. I wasn’t able to connect to EU West even once. Hard to know the state of EU servers as I didn’t even have the option to play on one since launch :smiley:

Yeah, I really don´t understand why it is putting me on US server when it clearly states EU west as choice when I try to log in.

Same for me…

You can fix it by changing the sever to US when the game boots to menu (even though it says EU) right after you select US change it back to EU and once you login it will be fixed worked for me. Had the same problem now my server is EU West 27ms.

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Thanks. That solved it for me.

Thank you. This helped for some reason.

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