Early Access Development Forecast

Phase 1

  • Buff and debuff UI. Some buffs/debuffs still not showing up.
  • Friends and chat updates. Chat needs some work especially whispering.

Phase 3/4

  • I don’t see sockets or rune words, I really hope they both make an appearance with an LE spin on them
  • I don’t see minion stances which have kind of disappeared. Are these still coming?

I’m not sure minion stances have ever been in it.

They were never in the forecast but they were talked about for a while then they just dropped off the radar

Minion stances even were announced in a previous patch preview, but didn’t make it into the game. I wonder what went wrong with them :thinking:

I see many people that think that runewords are coming to LE. I never saw an official statement. Has this ever be confirmed?

Ive never seem them confirmed or even really talked about by Ehg. Sockets were talked about a little bit but them not being on the forecast makes me wonder
So i just hope they both come. Or versions of them

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Sockets with lots of distinctive runes and runewords could be exactly what the itemization in the game needs to give it that excitement. As has been stated many times, the items as they are now (not counting uniques) are boring and plain. Being able to craft a T20 item and then put a runeword into it would have an amazing feel.

Although the term “rune” may need adjusting since they already use the words “rune” and “glyph” in other ways. Maybe “Enchantment” could be the word for rune, and “Invocation” could be what would be a string of Enchantments akin to a “runeword”.


We created the forecast as a way of communicating a list of items not presently in the game that we planned to add later in development. More recently, we have started using alternative bullet point styles to contrast items that are in the game with those that are not.

Something having the illumunated bullet point doesn’t mean we consider that aspect of the game to be complete. It just means that it no longer fits the bill of “not presently in the game”.

If sockets were planned, it is unlikely they would be listed separately alongside other entries that could conceivably include them, such as Item & Crafting Updates.

We haven’t cancelled Minion Stances; they just require the time of particular team members who are very busy, and whose other work it’s difficult to prioritize them against. It’s been a while since we’ve spoken about them internally, but I expect them to be implemented eventually.


As vague as ever. Thx for saying something without saying something. So I’m looking forward in excitement… eventually


Waiting on that sweet multiplayer. Glad to see that the roadmap has been updated though and most of the phase 3 things will be present in the game come Dec 4th.

Same here. I hope multiplayer is sooner rather than later because Wolcen suffered severely for how late it delayed multiplayer and I don’t want to see Last Epoch repeat the same mistake.

Wolcen suffered for having unplayable multiplayer. not late multiplayer

I think you misunderstand me, I was saying the multiplayer was bad because it was late and thus didn’t have a proper amount of development time and testing on it.


Yeah Wolcen did a lot of things wrong with their EA and release. Locking the bulk of the story, the third ring of the gates of fate, the multiplayer and the town building grind. I look at Wolcen, Anthem, and Fallout 76 as the prime examples of what not to do for multiplayer game-as-a-service releases.
At the very least I’m relived to hear that multiplayer taking this long to get to us isn’t a financial decision, merely a quality of development one.

image was updated 03 jan 2021


Really should put that at the top via edit.

Yeah, @Sarno “just” needs to tick off the Rogue/DW stuff for phase 3. Though he might as well wait till 0.8.1 & add in the tooltip DPS as well.

When we can expect some feedback/updates of phases?