You asked why your interpretation is worth less than EHG’s, and that’s what the answer is. You can give as much feedback and suggestions as you want, but you are not the one who makes the final decision - they are. Their opinion is what decides, not yours. That means yours is worth less than theirs is.
Vendoring Unique items feels bad to you because you think “Unique item” means “really cool and useful for a long time”. But you brought that meaning in from somewhere else, and that’s not what “Unique item” means in this game.
Are you somehow aligned to EHG? Just asking because your answer is kind of “unuseful”, considering the terms and state of LE…
Don’t get me wrong - i agree that i am not the one deciding how the game develops in the future - but up to now, i do have had the feeling that feedback and suggestions from backers and users WAS appreciated and welcome - so i see no point in “dissing” user for doing exactly that - giving feedback!
I’m sorry - did you just say that shattering Unique after Unique after Unique after Unique after Unique after (repeat 100 times) to get 1 of these runes to not fail 1 craft is… ludicrously overpowered?!
I stand by my opinion. But why are you being so confrontational?
The glyph itself would be considerably stronger than anything that exists in the game by a huge margin.
It would warp all crafting around it, and carry significant power-creep.
For better or worse, LE’s crafing is tuned on a very fine line where a lot of items end up being very close to maxed out, but just a couple of tiers from perfection.
The glyph you are proposing carries the risk of completely breaking that balance.
Basically 1 glyph = 1 tier on any item and you can use an unlimited amount of them.
Just using a couple of them would basically guarantee finishing most items in a completely deterministic way.
You would need to make it very very rare for it to be even remotely balanced.
Most likely it would need to be much more rare than a 1% drop per unique shattered.
Right, that’s what I said. Very rare. 0.01% or lower chance, a bit higher for super rare uniques. I mean, if you want to Shatter your Bastion, you have a nice 5% chance to get one - go for it.
I didn’t say EHG didn’t welcome feedback. I said exactly the opposite, in fact. And I think we’re hitting a language barrier here. You asked why your interpretation is worth less than EHG’s, and I told you the answer. Your opinion being worth less than EHG’s doesn’t mean “don’t give EHG feedback”.
But in this case, your feedback is based entirely on a misunderstanding about Uniques, and you think they’re supposed to be powerful and long term when they were never, ever, presented to you by this game. I think of any game in this genre that I’ve played where that’s true, honestly. So I don’t know where that idea came from, but it’s wrong.
Either combine to up the LP or sac 2 uniques to roll another unique of same type excluding the ones you dumped into it, the fact Ive been hunting for a Aaron’s will and have multiple stash tabs of certain unique chests (valeroot, doublet, and pride) is getting a bit dumb i mean when you have 4 stash tabs of nothing but valeroot…
I admit, i didn’t see it from your point up to now,. And you are correct about the possible language barrier, as english is no my native language.
So, turning things over and trying to see them fron your point of view, i get your point.
And either wayEHG treats uniques (which still should be way better imo ) - the most important part is, that LE gets the best fine-polish available up to it’s final release-date and keeps us busy gaming .
Except, you know, the shiny column of light shining down on the unique like it’s a gift from the gods. I don’t know where your interpretation of uniques comes from (or really, what you think uniques are supposed to be in these games), but I definitely don’t share it. The game is telling you, ‘this drop is important’.
LE does seem to have taken more queues from D2, but even D2 had legendary drops that were the whole point of the chase. They were/are/will be a big part of the goal of farming for loot.
If you put several hundred hours into your main character, you will easily come across a huge amount of insanely-good LP Uniques, T7 Exalteds galore, etc. If you think it should be easier than that, then I simply disagree because literally everyone would have the same gear and you would quickly get everything and lose enjoyment for the game. I’m a few hundred hours in and have some absolutely bonkers gear – and not just stuff for my character.
Not all gear has realistic 4LP because they are intentionally balancing items (not fully, obviously) so that you don’t need only the rarest thing to do well in the game. The medium-rarity items can be extremely strong (and sometimes BIS) with their higher likelihood of having good LP.
I don’t know about your particular situation but usually people asking for these things are complaining that their level 85 character can’t push past 200 corruption.
As with everything in life, put in the effort, and you WILL be rewarded. Stop asking for everything on a silver platter.
Edit: I would like to add that you can very easily farm at a pace of ~25 uniques + 50 (likely more) exalteds per hour in empowered monoliths. In dungeons you can easily get well over 100 exalteds per hour. Who cares if some are duplicates – you actually NEED duplicates because you aren’t going to get great rolls on every drop or legendary craft. This is such a silly thread.
Edit edit: for reference, in those few hundred hours I have one 4LP and 16 3LPs so far. But my best gear is 1-2LP unique base or T7 exalted.
That’s a pretty Jump-To-Conclusions-Mat reason to interpret Uniques as something that should always be very powerful and last you a long time.
It comes first from looking objectively at what uniques actually manifest as in LE - items that are rare and have unique (ayyyyy) affixes you can’t get anywhere else - and saying “Okay, that’s what they are”, and second from every other ARPG that I’ve ever played, where I’ve never seen uniques sold as always being very powerful and worth chasing.
And the majority of uniques in D2 were either short lived leveling items, extremely niche, or outright awful.
So it’s your interpretation, not anything that the devs have ever said. Because if I look at LP, I tell myself, 'well, objectively, the devs intend that uniques (which are required to create legendaries) are an important, long-lasting, part of this game.
And then I wake up and realized that I’ve gotten myself into another worthless semantics conversation on the internet and feel a bit of shame.
There doesn’t need to be a comment from EHG saying “Uniques are not meant to always be the most powerful items that last you a very long time” when you can quite literally just look at Uniques and see that it’s not the case. One person’s interpretation is based on… I don’t know, imagination? The other is based on observation and deduction.
Yes, they can be, but they are clearly not meant to always be, which has always been my point. Even your example of LP shows this - LP is rare to begin with, rarer in truly useful amounts, and even rarer in useful quantities on Uniques that can last a long time. I’m pretty sure it’s this very thread where we’re about how a 4LP Hammer of Lorent is crapola.
And this is what I mean by a semantics argument. You think you implied to the non-English-as-first-language poster the whole, ‘they can be but aren’t always’ part. The single sentence of yours that I quoted above doesn’t have that level of legalese. You focused on one part of his sentence, ‘long-lasting’ like that was the most important part and made his point invalid. Then expected me to not do the same things to your posts.
What is annoying me is the feeling that I’m getting with interacting with you is that anyone new who wants to post in this forum will have to have a lawyer look over their post first to make sure it’s iron clad and can’t be misinterpreted.
So I’ve had my lawyers look over this paragraph and hope it will be satisfactory to you;
Uniques as a category are important to the game. A given unique may not be that powerful or have anything to do with end game, but that is a characteristic of that one particular unique. Other uniques absolutely will be part of end game builds and are powerful and long lasting.