Dupe Unique drop malaise, formerly; Combine identical type unique to increase LP

When a dupe unique drops it feels crappy that the only thing you can do with it is sell it. The suggestion is the devs thinks of something that can address this.

My suggestion is this;

Add a crafting recipe to allow combining unique to have a chance to add their legendary potential.

I’m in the, “I don’t want to be farming for 10,000 hours to get a 4 LP item”.


That would make 4 LP items way, way too easy to get.

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Well, it depends on the numbers.
How many 3LP items would you need to get a 4LP one?
2? 3? 5? 100? ONE MILLION?


I guess I’m thinking something like this;

1+1, 50% to add, 10% chance to lose both
and then have the risk scale up from there, but have some sort of synergy for like adds (and by that i mean 1+1 is safer, 2+2 is safer but takes you to an LP3, not an LP4, 3+3 is safer and gets you were you want to be).

That is still a lot of grinding. Definitely more than I have the patience for, but actually gives uniques you don’t want/already some sort of purpose besides, 500gp.


It also fully invalidates the lp system and in my opinion those high LP items that are hard to get should never be considered a goal.

Treating a 4 or even 2 LP Wings of Argentus as a goal is setting yourself up for failure.


The problem is that there are so many build planners out there that suggest having 2+ LP Legendaries equipped and the added affixes are always desired affixes.

Then people try to follow these guides and have to realise that getting a unique with a high amount of LP is hard, already. Then they try to put affixes on it and roll 1 good 1 bad on their item (or even worse). Then they feel kinda betrayed by the game that doesn’t give them access to the items recommended in the build planner.

This is partially the fault of the build guides out there that raise false expectations of what gear is easy to obtain or not.


Yeah I hope we get some “Bare minimum” builds asap with a showcase what the build could do “WHEN YOU ARE ABLE TO FARM ENDGAME FOR DOZENES OF HOURS!”. I’m always baffled how many people think it’s easy to get a setup like shown in a guide or that said guide works from level 1-100.

I think the leveling guides from @boardman21 are pretty nice in that regard because they are from level to level with some additions of skill pathing and items.

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I disagree! I think it’s entirely the fault of build guides, not just partially.

The LE community needs to call that practice out for what it is, just like how the POE community will call out BS settings in POBs that are used to inflate damage numbers or “budget” labeled builds that are only “budget” if you’re a streamer.

For the devs; what this suggestion is attempting to address is the feeling you get when you get a unique drop but it’s a dupe (perhaps with LP) that you already have. With the purps you can at least shatter (or remove, if it has a really good affix). With uniques, the only thing you can do (currently) is sell it (or gift, if you are playing with someone else). That feels bad.

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Maybe the topic derailed a bit.

I absolutely agree that it would be great to be able to “convert” uniques into something useful. Maybe shatter them into special shards that are needed for specific stuff. Or trade them for something else.

Just the intitial suggestion to increase LP on items somehow feels too powerful. Imho, Legendaries are in a good spot. They are supposed to be rare and hard to obtain.


I would like to have a way to modify a unique and grant it LP (the same as i want to grant items a tier 6 or t7 stat, but thats another topic).
Maybe let us shatter uniques and give us x parts of a rune or glyph and when we get y amount, we can craft upon one unique +1 LP.
This way, we still want to grind for uniques, but “worthless” uniques dont feel as bad as it is right now

That, in itself, is a failure. Having chase goals are fine. But having them be virtually impossible to ever achieve is a failure in design.

I have yet to find a mirror, headhunter, magebane/etc in PoE, these are clearly failures in design.

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I would agree the rarity of mirrors is definitely an issue. But there are multiple ways to obtain headhunters and mage banes. Lack of effort is not the same as a 1:45,000,000,000,000 drop chance.

Oh absolutely, I fully accept that it’s my fault for being insufficiently dedicated, knowledgeable, etc. Maybe the same could be said for you? Nah, that’s just crazy talk, the only possible option is that it’s a design issue.

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I want T8 affixes and T29 items but I’m not allowed to get them, clearly a failure in design.

The devs don’t want certain items with certain levels of LP being realistically acquirable. But instead of capping the LP on those items or even removing their ability to come with LP outright, they designed a system that in theory allows to got a better LP variant. Almost same result but still holds some value for the most dedicated and insane players out there that have everything else already and want something to farm for.


Updated the the topic description and first post. Good comment, thank you.

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I honestly think that if you were able to trade 10 of the same item to a vendor, and get back an LP 1 version of that item, and that was it (no progress to LP2, LP3, or LP4, just LP1 only), then that would actually be both useful and balanced.

I like that idea, but honestly i don´t think it is good to give all Uniques the same Restriction with a 1Lp cap. If something like that would be added to the game, the craftable LP limit should be adjusted to the legendary potential of the Uniques.

I would like another limit.
For example:
Unique Items with a Legendary potential between 0 - 40 3Lp limit (10 no Lp to 1 1LP, 10 1LP to 1 2LP and 10 2LP to 1 3LP and thats it), Legendary Potential between 40 - 70 2LP limit and everything with higher Legendary Potential with a limit of 1 LP. You could even limit this ability to members of the Cricle of Fortune Faction after it is released, as a Faction max Level ability because i think that with trade it would be too easy to upgrade Uniques with this System.

Also, trading two 1-LP uniques for a new 1-LP of that unique (i.e. new rolls).