Druid Overhaul Overview and Swarmblade Form

Be a macestiv powerfull bear or an entangeling force of nature or… a bug? Looks good but I’m not a fan sadly but after all there is something else to play after bear and spriggan.

The Bear also has that Lighting support, shown in the teasers. This and the Tornado interaction makes me think that there is some room for spelldamage builds.

Let’s see if there are also additional damage conversions. The one conversion from player damage to minion damage is really interesting. This is a thing I’d wish to have on Sacrifice on the Lich/Necro, too.

I agree that somehow the expectation was more like having a pure caster style Form with the Spriggan. EHG didn’t go to far from the original concept though. I guess because a lot of people really like slapping vines playstyle.

But in the other hand they might also not want to turn the Spriggan Form into a Socerer with a just different theme.

At this point I’m really excited to play Bear and Swarmblade. Although the Spriggan looked a lot less slow in the new reveal teaser than in the small clips shown on the Spriggan reveal post.

In the end this aren’t masteries, but single skills.

Howdy, just came out of the woodwork to say that this update is looking very interesting. The bugman is looking pretty cool, though what makes me want to play the game again is the multi-form setup. I also have two questions regarding that part:

  1. With a bear → bug → spriggan cycle, how will abilities scale? Bear has melee and melee oriented abilities, bug has melee and summoning, spriggan has summoning and spell. Will it be possible to get all of these to scale on the same stats, or will you have to optimize for one and then do pitiful damage on the rest? Is multi-form intended to be a “2 out of 3” system? Either bug → spriggan for summons or bear → bug for melee?
  2. Since shapeshifting requires an ability slot, multiform will leave us with 2 free abilities to integrate into the shapes. How will this impact build strength, especially now that it appears bugman will benefit from tornado and maelstrom (I assume these integrate)?

Anyhoo, thank you guys for the update, it is exciting to see.

Yes, very likely, good catch!

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Oh ok, you wanted a pure caster like elementalist and less like necromancer. They are both spellcaster for me but yeah Druid seems to be stuck in between those two subclass.

And even if i want to believe in a reflect build, it’s most likely to not be a thing here. Flat damage reflect with no way to triggering the effect outside of being attacked is always bad. So Thorn Shield will most likely to be a AoE damage burst (You stack it between waves and then explode in their face). But it’s just a guess without see him playing in live.

You already saw that Thorn proc the AoE root, he could also proc another one or Shield/Vine/Totem proc another. It will be limited to those but Pure Spellcaster Spriggan will be 100% viable. And to be fair even if in druid you could have 2 melee form, 2 summoner form but just one caster form it will be even weirder to me to include a casting ability for a Bear (with that design). And i like the vines. :stuck_out_tongue:

I will also add that maybe a Dual Form could unlock another way to be a Pure Spellcaster. Unlikely but we don’t know. ^^

Wow! Druid forms look so cool now I think I might just play a primalist finally :smiley:

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What the… don’t let the Spriggan hear that, buddy!



If you do the Skeletal Mages cast Sacrifice spec it does scale from minion damage. Its also much smoother to play and easier on the mana than manual casting Sac as you can focus on casting your skeles where you want them.

That’s because it’s not using your Sacrifice skill, which is what Raw wanted.

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That’s what Shaman is for.

Shaman can be played as melee, spellcaster, totem summoner or hybrid. Why shouldn’t the Druid have more varied options?

If you decide to play as a spellcaster using one of the Druid forms, the spell choices appear limited. The initial feedback was meant for the Druid form overhaul, I understand that Primalist has other options for spellcasters.

I know you know the difference between a skill & a mastery Zaodon.

Don’t you?

Which skill is used for the Beastmaster spellcaster?

That wasn’t the question/point Dobs was trying to make. He never specified a mastery, only that he’d hoped that Spriggan form could be more of a caster.

So a thing about the shift to rage as a resource with the shapeshifting is it removes one of the big obstacles to shifting back to hoomin. That being, you are OOM from the shapeshift. I predict a pure Druid spellcaster will be one that shifts between tree and hoomin taking advantage of having two different resource bars.

Interesting idea. Hopefully some nice new spell builds will come from the new forms and the shapeshifting. Once we get to play him, I’ll probably end up eating my words.

But you still have only 5 skills to master. That is a limiting factor

Came by to see how LE is doing and wow,. this looks awesome!

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really reminds me of kha’zix from league of legends :heart_eyes:

This Swarmblade form makes zero sense to me…it doesnt fit with the Druid theme and im just confused by it, really jarring.

May as well just give every class some monster transformation and just let the game go in that direction…of not making any sense at all and letting every class transform

Also if you can just remain in the forms…why not just make them 100% permanent, why not just make all the classes some kind of monster anyway? Can we just be a permanent monster now? and if not…why not?

Is the Sentinel going to be able to transform into a Giant floating mass of swords?