Druid Overhaul Overview and Swarmblade Form

The swarmblade isn’t atypical for transformation classes. When inspiration is drawn from multiple sources it isn’t uncommon for there to be one form that’s a hybrid of numerous different things, in this case a mixture of numerous insects and arthropods in general to get the king of everything that crawls on legs of six or more.

Saying that this will lead to everything else being transformation classes doesn’t really make any sense.

As for being in a transformation permanently they have said that it will be possible to be in a transformation indefinitely, but it will need to be worked for, hence why it’s not permanent outright. There is no reward in having these kinds of things just handed to you. You can be in a transformation permanently, but only through active gameplay is what I’m guessing.

Don’t forget, you can stay in the forms permanently at the moment without too much investment and that’s how most people play them. I don’t think anybody has posted a build where they were shifting in and out of the forms for those bonuses or using the forms for short term burst damage.

I agree only with part that this form doesnt make any sence to me as well. Im not referinf to anything else from your post except for this line, but i guess we are alone on this one everyone likes it

Here is still the Rogue->Falconer to come, just a pity that the Storm Crows already belong to the Primalist. tries to be funny

What seems to occur to many, indeed apparently no one at all in this forum is the fact and not least the incredible potential for optical changes in terms of MTX (store → Visual changes).
→ Who knows, maybe some of our dear complainers will then be happy(er) there over time?

I would have just rather taken something larger bird-like to maintain the above-mentioned Storm Crows or even those of some popular bees skill moderately or visually with one.

Apart from that, I’m personally much more interested in the added skill/skill properties, I would also go around in a plain brown box if the rest is fun.
→ So everyone has his preferences.

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Druid is nature related, bugs and insects are nature related, fits perfectly.

What games/fantasies define for you, what a druid should transform into?
Do you want to see the same old shit, that a million games did before?
Or would you rather see something new and fresh?

That doesn’t make any sense to me, just because you don’t like the Swarmblade transformation, doesn’t mean they will all of the sudden give all classes any random transformations.

Did you even read or watch the video?
They explained their goals, it’s supposed to have some opportunity cost, to be able to permanantly transform, but there are also other build possiblities, that are not perma transform.

Same as above, just because you don’t like a certain thing they came up with, doesn’t mean they will completely make every other class transform into soem random stuff.

Swarmblade is not the first thing a lot of people think of, when they see a druid, but is already the Werebear and the Spriggan, which are very boring themes IMO.

When a new player sees druid and sees something they don’t expect, because not a lot of other games/books/media did it, that will possibly peak a lot mroe interest, than scare off people.


Alrhough i disagree with everything he said i do not understand why are u claiming that it needs to have sence for him that tranformation? I played almost all arpg games and it doesnt make any sence to me eather, i have learned how to read when i was a kid reading greece mythology and i srill like world of imagination but to have beer, Ent and bugg yeah it doesnt have any corelations at leats to me, but i respect that almost all people likes it.

Oh btw do we get some new forum avatars coming along with the druid overhaul? I think it’s time for more primalist avatars in general and Druid avatars :).

I will admit that the new form is not what I expected, but I am completely onboard to try it out. The typical Druid forms from RPGs over my many years of PC / tabletop gaming have certainly conditioned me to expect a wolf, large cat, or fox body type for the agile extension of the Druid’s options, so something fresh in this realm is welcome. I’m sure that a werewolf form for werebear as a micro-transaction would help to appease people expecting it. I’ve been completely comfortable with Druids in RPG lore conjuring locust swarms, beetles, bees etc., so why not a transform into something so vicious? Seems practical.

Number 1 from the concept art is probably my favorite, having arms and the deadly pincers attached, (something about the bug thorax is unnerving), so there is my vote for a future micro-transaction option. Top notch art design around this form in general, I am more and more impressed with how this game is turning out and hyped for the next patch!

I am really looking forward to the multi-form support options. It is something I explore whenever possible as I often enjoy the jack-of-all-trades playstyle (even when only middle-tier endgame is achievable with said playstyle).


Wish the New form didnt remind me so much of the bugs in Grim Dawn… I’d have to reinstall and fire it up to check for sure, but it looks so much like those mobs around the fields in GD that I am disappointed…

am I being too harsh?

To me looks like scythe pokemon :slight_smile:

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Lol… I think think there is a pokemon fan in the design team at EHG,… Cant unsee that now…


copyright infringment coming… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Lol somebody should stop that guy until he didnt make magikarp :joy:

You mean the Dermapterans ? It doesn’t really look like em, this one flies while those scuttle.
Though the no. 5 concept art does look like the Queen/Rashalga from GD.

I think JJ Jameson would like photos of No. 8

No.2 also looks like Garchomp with Heracross head.

The Dermapterans also had way more legs, I’m assuming @vapourfire is probably thinking of the arms & general insect-ness.

Yip… and @Llama8 is right… its the general insect look of them - it immediately reminded me of Grim Dawn… and I dont like it when one game art reminds me of another so quickly… Obviously there will be similarities in all fantasy based games models/art - that just a common theme and passing resemblances are expected… I personally just dont like the feeling of “reminds me” of something else that much.

However, I suppose, an insect themed design with flailing arms is fairly limited to the pray mantis, locust type design so similarities to others is probably unavoidable…

oh well… doesnt do much for me but hey - cant like everything all the time… :wink:

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But the bear form doesn’t do that to you ? We have countless bear human like form in fantasy game, even human-tree but it’s the human-bug that really bother you ? :stuck_out_tongue:

Like the people saying that the bug form was too ‘monstrous’ or ‘alien-like’. Go google image some insect. You will see we live currently with monsters and aliens based on what your saying.

Or when people say ‘It’s not a thing druids would do’. Based on what ? Druid -in a fantasy world- are not real so you can throw all common knowledge into a window. Druid in LE is not the same druid as D&D, WoW, fantasy novel or any other support. Each on them have they own lore and world. Here druid seems to be a shapeshifter related to nature. But an ‘Oceanic Druid’ could also exist: Merfolk shaping into oceanic organism, controling waves and current to proctect the sea. You could do anything IF you give some lore and backup story to it. (we even have vampire that glow in the sunlight ! :D)

I really don’t get people sometime. You have the right to dislike or like something but don’t make up fake excuse for doing so. I don’t like baked tomatoes. It’s just not my taste, i will not say ‘Baked tomatoes is such a waste, fresh tomatoes give more nutriment, you can just eat them right away and don’t need waste time and energy for baking them. Stop baking tomatoes!’ You got the point even if my exemple isn’t the best. x)


If they’re anything like fried tomatoes, they should be removed from the universe.

Hahahhahhhahhahahha thats a good one

it reminded me immediately of Scyther from pokemon original from when I was a kid and thats kind of what this transformation reminds me of: childish

Its the kind of transformation you show some 12 year old and they are ‘WOW HE HAS CLAW AND SPIN’ not 35 year old adults who also do the same. c’mon… jesus christ

EHG had (keyword had here) a good system going on with its pets - it had a Bear and Spriggan you could transform into to match your Companion. it had a Scorpion, a Raptor, Sabretooth and could summon Bees. ALL of those animals ‘existed’ in some form and were logical. Spriggan is the outlier but it wasnt common enough in other games to matter and fit the ‘Ent caster’ theme of nature

Why did EHG just not buff the Raptor and let us be a Raptor then. makes way way more sense, way way less work, and probably could of been better. This Scyther seems to be able to shit out insects and spin in a circle and thats its whole claim to fame and exciting ‘immature’ gaming people

As an adult when a new skill in these games releases I dont think 'wow explosion poof boom wow colours!!" I think “will this skill be good to play for hours on end” “does it have good scaling/options etc”

Most of the fans of Pokemon are, in fact, adults. We have a scorpion companion for the beastmaster, so we have an apex insectoid for a transformation now. A raptor transformation wouldn’t have been less work as that isn’t how development works at all.

Calling people “immature” and “childish” for liking something you don’t is called an ad hominem attack and is not a good way to get people on your side either. Your only argument here is based solely from your own opinions that it’s not worthwhile. This doesn’t give anything constructive to anyone.

We have only how the base abilities function for now, so there is no way we can judge how well it will scale or even play with how the skill trees function to augment abilities. The swarmblade is visually impressive enough to fit into Last Epoch, and no matter what people say, how good something looks in a game is just as important as making sure it plays well. From a technical standpoint this new form does both perfectly fine.

It’s fine for you to be disappointed in it, but people not sharing your opinion isn’t a reason to, dare I say, act so childish.