Don't have T4 Julra Gatekeep Crafting for Builds (what class can do this) I Want to Craft

From my understanding one can get legenderies without using the cache, i cant confirm it yet, but some creator have said at rank 100 tier 10 for CoF, the prophecy gambler will drop legendary instead of uniques directly.

If this is true, you may be able to circumvent Julra

I guess I just don’t know. But… you don’t need to do T4 Julra to put LP on items, right? I mean, I’ve put a stat on a 1LP item w/ T1 Julra. Haven’t done more than that, tbh. I can’t imagine you have to do T4 Julra for 3LP? Or is that how it is?

Asking for a friend.

Depends on the item level. T1 is 50, T2 is 65, T3 if my memory is right is 75, then t4 is for any level

Ohh, I see, I see. Thanks! My friend will be happy to know this.

I am lvl 9 now. I will let you know, lol.

The tier of dungeon required is based on the lvl of the unique. If you want to use a lvl 75+ unique then you need to do t4 Julra.

Nope. Also, there isn’t a rank 100, faction rank only goes up to 10.

Tunk’s datamining says no…

Huh, oops seems i mispelled level for ranks. Meant level 100 tier 10. Thanks for pointing out my typo.

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But it’s also a no on the basic premis, per the linked list of prophecies, you can’t get legendaries, only uniques.

At first I liked the dungeon and Julra encounter. Now, it’s tedious and repetitive busy work. The encounter is as janky as Uber Lilith, but at least for her, you don’t need to fight to lvl 3 of a dungeon to do it. lol

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While I’m not totally in support of OP, it’s clear he isn’t playing the fight properly, what you said is empirically false. The fight is terribly tuned for melee characters, and ofc the ward interactions exist, making chars more tanky than they should be. The vast majority of videos of T4 Julra kills are just that, people playing/abusing broken characters, ignoring mechanics, face-tanking just about everything, or just killing her in 20 seconds.
I fought her on my tank druid and died in exactly 2 puddle ticks despite playing it right, and having the proper stats.

So all my 100’s of Julra kills are “empirically false”, teach me please.
(I am not sure if you know how or where to use this term)

All your “empirical evidence” seem to clash with my own empirical evidence. What are we gonna do now.

Then I wouldn’t call your “Tank Druid” tanky enough. What are" proper stats" from your subjective point of view?
From what you describe I already know what your build is missing.

It is OK if this boss is subjectively different for different people. But that doesn’t change the fact that you can do the boss basically naked. As long as you survive 1 or 2 ticks from the void puddle.
Is that realistic for most people? No, especially for the once that already struggle with it.


Oh boy, you’re trying reaaally hard to be a smartass. Trying to nitpick a reasonable use of word, followed by not really addressing my points.
You think I’d bother to open my mouth on the topic to make an -objective- case if I hadn’t killed the boss across a bunch of chars, and my “Tank Druid” wasn’t geared properly to take a dot tick? I mentioned my own experience in addition to a broader argument, and here you come, i kIlLed iT 100s oF tImEs, which has yet to be proven, just like my stats.

People like you are surely cooked in the brain. Relax and try to have a more constructive conversation next time.

It is ok to disagree, but the way you expressed yourself was very unfortunate.

I think I am being very constructive.
Did you read the entirety of the thread?

I was one of the very few people not just devaluing OP’s point of view, but I actually offered tips, tricks and advice. Including very detailed explanations + a video showing the stuff that I explained.

I am more than happy if people disagree with me on opinion/subjective things, but even with the high chance of sounding like a smart-ass and dick, I have waaaaaay more than enough experience defeating T4 Julra with a plethora of different builds, that I can make objective statements about this kind of stuff.

And when people disagree with me on certain opinions or takes I have, I am fine with that.

But some things, like how you can handle boss mechanics are very objective at the end of the day.
And when people try to deny that and make it seem that I am “wrong” sometimes makes me very pissed.

I am sorry if this response or the last one sounded hostile.


He’s German & appears to be attempting to learn this thing we Brits call “sarcasm”. It’s a good attempt & I’m sure with the sterotypical Teutonic dilligence he’ll get there eventually.

May I bring up the idea that dying in 2 ticks indicates that your character lacks the proper stats that culminate in enough effective HP against void damage over time to survive 2 ticks?

Did you plan any other strategy to survive this? Fury Leap with invulnerability?

I mean, without enough eHP vs DoT or another strategy, every character will die, melee or ranged.

Maybe, but not all.

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My problem with Julra on T4 is when pressing D most of the time nothing happens, then I die. Next few runs D skill lagging leaving me on the middle of black dot pool/puddle. That only happens in boss room. Doing all bosses with no problem on corruption 200+ drinking coffee :slight_smile:

The worst boss fight in any ARPG is Uber Lilith in D4. It is all one shot mechanics with horrible hit boxes.

The dungeon ability has a cast time and is not instant if you keep spamming a skill you can t use the dungeon ability.

The era switch will never leave you on a Void puddle, unless you swap into one in the other era. But this is in YOUR control.
You as the player are in full control where you leave these puddles and you need to switch Era’s on a position where there is no void puddle.

This statement confuses me. The first bit implies that the era switch checks to see what’s in the other era & won’t dump you in a void puddle, but the second bit says the opposite?!? How else could the era switch dump you in a void puddle without there being one in the other era?

Just read the post I was replying to.

I just wanted to clarify, that the Dungeon Ability itself doesn’t put you in some void puddles.

I just wanted to say, that if you end up in a Void Puddle after using the Dungeon Ability, it is the player’s fault, because they switched on a position where there is a void puddle (in the other era).