Don't have T4 Julra Gatekeep Crafting for Builds (what class can do this) I Want to Craft

It’s not besides the point. Crafting legendaries is literally what you will spend most of your time doing in LE. It’s a core mechanic of the crafting system that is exciting and a huge draw for this ARPG. So I couldn’t disagree with you more. I’d say you are just wrong for not realizing this.

It is another game. However there are correct and incorrect ways to have rewards in an ARPG. That doesn’t change regardless of the game.

This is kidna irrelevant to everything that has been said above. So it’s not harsh nor important to the discussion. We will just disagree and hopefully players aren’t turned off by funneled into this content they don’t enjoy. (however they likely will be) Again I dont’ believe in the philosophy of you need to suffer in order to have fun. That is just D4 thinking. There is definitely a better way to have this design which I highlighted in previous post.

I took a look at the Julra fight. Yes, I haven’t fought her yet. But let’s be dead honest here: how is this fight hard? The only difficult part is when Julra layers her mechanics (the spinning purple lines and cone AOE blast). It looks so god damn easy. I find Lagon and elder Gaspar harder than this fight. It’s a mechanics fight, yes, but the mechanics are not difficult. In no way am I saying this to put you down, but at this point I don’t even see the rationale behind your argument because this fight is not hard as long as you meet dps requirements.

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How about if we just get the movers and stick the cube in town so we can skip the dungeon? :smiley:

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You are factually wrong - I’m spending most of the time playing the game, running echoes, having fun. This is not endlessly repeated Bhaal runs. I’ve played this game 500+ hours (steam shows 700, but sometimes it’s just running in the background). I’ve spent maybe 3 or 4 hours in that dungeon, if at all.

Let’s just entertain the idea that you magically get your 3 legendary items that you’re after. What will you do after that?

Correct and incorrect, after which standards? I hope you realize that there is no objectivism in this discussion. Your preference doesn’t make it objective, neither does mine.

Obviously, we disagree on the design philosophy. We can have and voice our opinions, we can discuss the pros and cons - in the end, the devs create a game after their vision. The players will vote with their wallet and feet.

One thing is probably objectively true, since the player base is greater 1: regardless of what big decisions the devs make - not everyone will be equally happy, or happy at all. There will always be someone complaining and stating that the devs are wrong.

Running same build as you. Finally gave up on the game today after banging my head against this tier 4 boss - 30 runs and not able to get it below 50%. Mechanics are generally fine, but it just seems so buggy. Switch eras and get randonly teleported half way across the room in to puddle, no telegraph on a big explosion attack, spinning void totem killing you when you standing completely still in a safe zone,

Have taken down all ubers in PoE but this has just done me in. To top it all off game kicks me to menu when i die at the boss so takes ages to reload and run back just to die again.

Had fun with the game but this last thing has just killed my enjoyment so going to leave it there

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Apart from the version that can.

Items aren’t a core part of the game? In a loot-focussed arpg? What exactly are you crafting? Skills? Passives? While the comment is staggering, it does explain your mindset if you don’t think that items are a core part of the game.

What tier is required is based on the item power, not LP. That’s why Exsanguinous doesn’t require a t4 Julra to legendarise, because it’s lvl 28 or something?

That’s fair enough, but that’s likely one of the reasons why legendaries can be traded, so you don’t have to do the dungeon if you don’t want to (& the legendary you want is available, but that’s another cup of tea).

But they’re also chase items, much like the D2 charms you mention.

They are though, they’re chase items with bonus stats that can, ideally, be awesome for your build. They aren’t like just crafting up a t20 item to fix your resists (or whatever) that is a reasonable expectation for any & every character/player.


Shh! That’s gated behind another dungeon mechanic. Don’t upset him. :wink:

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Of course items are a core part of the game where did I ever say they weren’t? That is one of the best parts of LE is the itemization. The awesome affixes, uniques and flexibility to create really niche items through crafting.

ARPGs are loot hunting trading games. We log in to farm loot to trade or finish builds. It’s definitely the foundation of any ARPG.

I think people are just thinking what they want through most of this thread and twisting what I’m saying without much thought. I’ve said all I can in this thread nothing else to add. Won’t add anymore post to this thread. Good luck and have fun in LE.

I’ve already explained that. Reading isn’t for everyone. I’m not sure if it’s sheer boredom you are this way on the forums but it isn’t fun either. I’ve posted everything repeatedly that needs to be said for people to digest. Have at it, have a good day and good luck.

It seems like you have dug your heels all the way to China on this one. You have made it clear that it is unfair for players who are better at the game then you to have access to rewards for that level of gameplay. You seem to have examined every possible angle and avenue that doesn’t involve your build or playstyle as a root issue. Legendary items are the top of the item pool and you are wanting the top 1% of those items to be available to you with little to no effort. This is akin to asking for a degree without going to university, winning the lottery without buying tickets. or losing weight without working out. This one of the few times I could use the term “entitled gamer” unironically.


I have the same feeling about balance. It’s the context that determines how everything in the game feels. Leaving broken things broken makes the entire rest of the game feel irrelevant. Having a game full of things you CAN choose doesn’t feel like a game with lots of choices if 99% of those choices are laughably worse than the 1% that aren’t even working as intended. Anything that doesn’t do what the tooltip says should be an insta fix. It’s far worse for the health of the game to pander to the people who would take their ball and go home because of a bug fix.

I read about your plans for the future. I wanted to make you remember what you wrote.

Considering your plans, this quote looks like a bad faith argument from yours. You should know that most players will spend only a fraction of their time in that dungeon - and even less in T4.

That’s what we all do, especially the more neurodiverse among us, it’s not always with malicious intent.

The kick is, that applies to him as well.

Yup, it does.

Ok, so I think I’ve found the solution here. AbombDaChamp its obvious you want to craft legendary items. My suggestion? Beat T4 Julra.


Stop crying and learn to play

Julra is specifically the high end game boss for when you want to push your build to PERFECTION, not just to push your build to a very high level, but to PERFECTION.

Until you are running mostly exalted gear with best in slot uniques - you do not need legendaries to keep upgrading your character. So empowered monos is likely the earliest point when she actually is needed.

In other words, it isn’t something you need to do until your build is good enough to at least sometimes kill her, and I do mean SOMETIMES kill her, because temporal sanctum keys drop very often, so taking 2 or 3 runs to kill t4 is fine.

Also I do not know a single mastery in the game that does not have a build that can kill t4 julra with mostly rare gear. So just a bit of respecing after farming the nessesary gear will make you able to take her.

If for some reason you cannot kill t4 julra AT ALL, either you have 1:not reached level 100 2:not yet gotten all your non-legendary gear pieces yet 3:not yet learned to avoid standing in the fire


He also seems to think every one of his builds NEED legendaries to work.

Dude, if your build needs a legendary to work you have more important issues than killing t4 julra


you dumb bastards.

  1. he’s not here anymore, he politely bowed out after he made his point
  2. he acknowledged that, with the build he was running, he didn’t have the skill to beat her
  3. he’s trying to do something that he feels he cannot start until he has his char to 100% block chance, and crafting L4 legendries is the way he’s trying to do that. What’s he trying to do? He didn’t say. My guess is that he doesn’t want to say probably because he hasn’t seen anyone else do it/talk about it and he wants pride of ownership.


Julra is no joke. Especially for hardcore players. She took down Wudji last night, lol. No ward beastmaster lvl 100.