Don't have T4 Julra Gatekeep Crafting for Builds (what class can do this) I Want to Craft

I think it was the first bit of the sentence that confused me. If that was removed all you’d be saying is that “if you end up in a void puddle, it’s your fault 'cause you weren’t careful where you left them versus where you changed era from”. Including the first bit implies that the era switch has some in-built protection against leaving you in a void puddle (especially combined with the previous post complaining about it not always working). really need to beat her on T4? I crafted everything I needed on max T3.

I guess if you “need” it or “don’t need it” is what is argued about here.
But yes. the items OP is complaining about, that he can’t turn into legendaries require T4 (Namely Anchor Of Oblivion Lvl 80, Bulwark of the Last Abyss Lvl 80, Wrongwarp Lvl 83).

Level 76 and above requires T4

Heavy needs to be clearer! It’s not like English is his third language, just his second!

(Heavy, it is you second language, right? Just lie if it isn’t, because I’m really proud of my snark)


Why cant rank 10 circle of fortune (like me wink) just skip the encounter and use the box? :smiley:

It wouldn’t have been any clearer in German.

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I argue that. Precise german engineering even applies to constructing sentences :smiling_imp:

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Then respectfully my friend, you’re slipping into a fluffy romance language’s way of constructing your sentences rather than good stout Teutonic construction…

I corrected that for you. My language construction is rather causing eathquakes then being understandable :sweat_smile: