Don't have T4 Julra Gatekeep Crafting for Builds (what class can do this) I Want to Craft

Yup, I do that frequently on my non-Sentinels, works like a charm.

Ok good advice. My problem is and I hope people realize this. There is NO POINT IN PLAYING my VK until I beat Julra. Which feels extremely bad. I want to beat Julra craft my gear then I get to move on. It’s the next step in my build. It’s not like I can just avoid Julra and play my VK and have a good time. I’m waiting on the Julra kill to progress this character.

So for the time being I play something else that isn’t hard stuck in their progression because I want to enjoy LE since it’s a great game. Maybe some cool people will help with a Julra kill then I can play my VK again after I get the crafted gear. Until then though this character is shelved.

I really don’t think people are understanding this and why it’s annoying.

Yes I don’t like wasting my time running through that terrible dungeon. Dying on the boss then getting DCed. It’s really painful. I even had someone who was willing to help me and was in a party then DCed trying to zone into the boss room. So I didn’t get the kill. This just isn’t fun. It’s badly designed and annoying. It really does suck. Sorry I love you LE Devs but this isn’t the way.

Guess I’ll play something else for now since I want to keep playing LE and not get completely disenchanted.

There is nothing for me to do though. I explained this above. You do understand what progression is right? The next step for my character is the Julra kill. I don’t have anything else I’m waiting on. It’s the next step. That is the progression of this build before I do anything else.

It really isn’t that complicated my dude. It’s not like I can just do another monolith when there is no point in doing them until I get my Julra kill. I have no blessings to farm. No more gear to attain. I need to kill Julra and get this build rolling.

After I get the LP Abysss crafted (if i get block) I then can farm out a new blessing which is switching Armor to Block so I can get max Block which is the point of the build I’m trying to do. It’s just as simple as 2+2 = 4. This build is stuck in it’s progression. So I will play something else in the meantime.

I have appreciated the postivie suggestions in this thread the others who are gaslighting me though need to stop.

If there is nothing for you to do roll an alt or play another game. I highly recommend Helldivers 2.

Your issue isn’t that you can’t play a build, your issue is you can’t beat a boss. At what point do games have to cater to just you? Should the Devs be asking you what you can handle every time they add content?

You are already playing “your” build if that cannot beat the boss due to skill, gear, etc. that’s on you. Challenging and rewarding content is a cornerstone of ARPGs (look at POE lab) and needs to have some kind of desirable reward else why not just get handed the gear, already crafted when you login?


That is an option, but it does rather feel like cutting your nose off to spite your face. Just because you don’t have access to the relevant non-build-enabling inflated stat sticks (legendaries) that the author of the build says aren’t necessary:

It is a fun game with a very amusing aesthetic.

Oh yea I’m lvling a Warlock now since progression on my VK is hard stuck since I can’t craft. There are definitely so many builds to play which is great about LE just sucks 1 of my builds can’t progress further till I can slam some LP items.

I’ve already commented on this. They can add Pinnacle Bosses or heck even T5 Julra just don’t require players to down them to access crafting. It’s that simple. It’s a Win/Win where players can challenge themselves and players can utilize core features like crafting. Mechanical challenges are great for the game but they should be in designated areas, like Arena or an Uber boss area. Instead of running a dungeon which has many DC issues and wastes your time to unlock crafting.

Yea it is but you should be able to avoid it. Just don’t put crafting behind the boss then. It’s really not that hard. With that said back to lvling my Warlock. Going smooth melting the screen. I’ll either get someone to kill Julra or I’ll do it on my Lock. So I can craft the gear and play my VK again and progress. Cheers.

For my build it is though. I need max block. I can’t farm a new blessing till I craft. I’ve post that above. My build where it’s currently at has only 1 place to go which is Julra so I can craft.

Again if there was something to do on my VK I could do it but there isn’t. It’s okay I’ll play something else and shelve my VK till I can craft on him. That is my workaround for now. Again I guess the Devs want you to have an Uber bosser like D2 that get’s torches for your other characters. Fine.

Why? You mention that quite a bit but there’s not really anything that procs on block on that build, other than the generic DR from blocking all hits (obviously) unless I’ve missed something?

My build is a block build it’s a variation of that Hammer/Smite build. I’m doing it different and it’s the focus of the build. Why am I getting so much push back on this. Why do I have to keep repeating myself. It’s wild. I just don’t know if some of you are just trolling cause of bordom or what. I"m telling you what I need for the build.

With that said Lock is lvl 50 smooth sailing went low life at level 30 with my 34% HP Exsang so just dotting and moving. See how this goes. Then with some luck I’ll be able to jump back on my VK after I get the gear I need.

Guess jumping around on characters when you hit walls is fine. Just that dungeon is so tilting lol. Hope they fix it and the issues in there.

I’m just trying to understand why you think the build won’t work without capped block chance. If there were things that proc’d on block I’d get it. You probably don’t have enough Strength to make a Bastion of Honour worth it.

When I created this build the goal was max block and building around that. I’m now at the point where it’s time to happen to engage my build. It’s that simple. I can’t word this another way. I’m playing this build to create a max block build. I’m done all the content with this build and waiting to get the items I need.

Once I get this gear then I can go back to farming different blessings and progression. So I’m literally at a standstill till then. (can you understand that?) So I’ll play my Lock since there is progression to do there. Then once I get the Julra kill I can craft and go back to my VK. That is what I’ll do.

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Right, I was expecting some cunning secret sauce somewhere that would explode the servers or something, but you just want a capped block build because you’ve decided that this build will be a capped block build. I get that (now), I’ve been there & done that (decided on a thematic mechanic for a build & built it around that).

Though if you had enough strength, then a Bastion of Honour would get you capped.

Edit: Now I want to get a Bastion & make a capped block character. Probably with spammed Shield Rush though that’s unlikely to play well with online (it never has before), but there’s something about Rushing through a map igniting everything with Spreading Flames from a Firestarter’s Torch (early in the campaign, obviously)…

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Well I do have some stuff I’m theorycrafting but can’t test any of it yet till well I get the build block capped and rolling. Then I can farm the block blessing drop the ring T7 block affix and change up the build.

Yea I love the idea of a block build and creating something interesting around that. I thougtht VK would be the best to start at since Abyss also fits them and hammers are fun. I do want to do a max block Forgeguard that is shield throw but feel that is really something niche and didn’t want to understake that yet. (have a forgeguard at lvl 50)

I don’t think Bastion is a very good shield though and well the range doesn’t help. You would want something like Abyss that has massive Armor on it and helpful mods or another shield that has good affixes and isn’t limited to the 4 yard block range.

I would like to test the new Shield throw shield with max block at some point after these other projects. Since you could scale some stuff might be fun.

I also need to have a full set of gear that grants 100% crit chance, before switching to crit. Because 99% crit ain’t enough.


Okay, they include pinnacle bosses, and behind them a new shiny exclusive reward. You can’t beat them. The discussion starts anew. If not by you, then from someone else with a very similar mindset.

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There is this little unique amulet that gives 100% crit chance. It enables your build every 4 seconds. Better than nothing :wink:

Edit: the best part, it can’t have LP, so no worries making it legendary.

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Lets discuss the reward. Is it crafting which is a core feature of the game? Or an item. Which is totally different.

With that said there are also other ways to have rewards for challenging content like Leaderboards. There are ways to reward players wanting to test their skill in mechanical heavy fights while also not removing players wanting to use core features of the game like crafting which they need to play the content they enjoy.

I’m a fan and believer of getting players into the content they enjoy and not bogging them down with content they don’t and hate doing. Idk just sounds like better design.

Ideally some day the LP crafting isn’t in a dungeon or behind a boss. As it is just isn’t the best running the entire dungeon (countless times for this core system), DC issues it’s really a time sink that isn’t fun and then a Boss. It can definitely be done better.

If you disagree, that is fine. Personally I rather just make it so both types of players are happy. Like many players if I can avoid killing a Boss I will. It’s not fun nor is it the challenge I’m looking for in an ARPG. I’m looking to do maps and blast through tons of monsters with a fun build :slight_smile:

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But crafting legendaries is accessable to the vast majority of playerbase, there is T1, T2 and T3.

Only the already very very strong and high power level unqiues even require T4 to begin with.
Using a build that already uses these as a baseline means you are already in the top end of the endgame. meaning any further progress is called min-maxxing, which should take time, effort and dedication and should not be gifted to you.

To extend on what I wrote above. I started playing D2 in 2000. I’m an older gamer and enjoy ARPGs. I however have never killed D clone, ubers or ever wanted too. However I have always had an Anni and Torch (traded for them) since that is kinda important. I dont’ like doing bosses nor making builds to kill bosses. If I do a boss hopefully it’s tank and spank otherwise it’s just not fun for me. (can you accept that)

Now the difference here is that the LP crafting and crafting in LE is the best of any ARPG and is really exciting to gamble on the items, reroll or slam items to see if you get that dream item. So it’s a core feature of Last Epoch. It’s not an Uber item like Anni or Torch from D2 and shouldn’t be behind a Boss like Julra which is a heavy mechanical fight that players really aren’t trying to do because that isn’t content they enjoy.

See the difference?

I think the LP crafting being behind a dungeon and boss just kills the excitement to play. That’s how I feel. I’m sure Im not alone in that feeling as it’s content I don’t enjoy and kinda dread it. So doing this thing I hate to eventually do something I enjoy just doesn’t have to happen. It makes me feel like I’m playing D4.

Crafting legendaries is not a core mechanic, it is a dungeon reward mechanic. But that’s beside the point.

It doesn’t matter if it is a powerful crafting option that will result in a powerful item or if you get a powerful item directly.

It’s the shiny thing that you want and that is just out of your reach. And if the next item that you want for your next build idea is a T5 Julra unique drop, the discussion would be the same.

I see a difference - a very important one: this is not D2, it’s another game, with different rules and different mechanics.

I’ve been there since Pac-Man and Bubble Bobble. Then in my mid-teens: D1, then I’ve played Nox, D2, Sacred 1&2 and many other ARPG’s since. Just to show my vita, since this seems to be relevant for whatever reason.

I’m happy for games that mix up the formula - not everything needs to be an exact clone.

Just a hint in case you aren’t an offline player - you could buy a legendary at the MG. You could team-up with other players who can beat T4 Julra before she kills you. If you have resonances with a friend who can beat her, this would also be an option.

This may sound harsh but this is a fundamental skill issue. I can understand you may not like having a challenge to overcome to be able to have access to the final tier of equipment in the game but what your asking is for the game to be watered down to cater to your needs. This is the path to obtain the uber items on par with the torch or anni for this game. You keep throwing around the term gaslighting but is exactly what you are doing to everyone that has responded in a constructive manner. If the devs decide to pander to this type of lowest common denominator request we will end up following the path of Blizzard here. Diablo 4 was developed with the widest audience possible in mind, that audience being people who need everything simplified because they aren’t familiar or capable with the genre. This is one of the top level end game activities, one that you have been given enough advice on to make it a simple task.