Disconnecting every time I change areas

Every time I try to enter an area that has other players, or leave an area that has other players, I get disconnected. The game has become complete unplayable. I verified the installation, and that seemed to help for a few minutes, but then it starts happening again.

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Nevermind. Changing areas doesn’t work at all anymore. I guess being stuck in the end of time solves my disconnect issue. :expressionless:

…and not its back to my original problem. Every time I try to change areas, the game disconnects, forcing me to redo that area.
Are the online servers just really really bad? And if so, how is anyone able to play this game?

Here’s what I did over the last 10 or so minutes:

Log into character from main menu → transfer to Ice Caverns via map → disconnect
Log into character from main menu → transfer to Ice Caverns via map → disconnect
Log into character from main menu → transfer to Ice Caverns via map → disconnect
Log into character from main menu → transfer to Ice Caverns via map → walk to Heob forest → disconnect
Log into character from main menu → transfer to Ice Caverns via map → walk to Heob forest → disconnect
Log into character from main menu → transfer to Ice Caverns via map → disconnect

This is a great game when it works. What do I need to do to get it to work?

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I’m having the same issues as Ron, we’ve discovered that we were both in the same zones, not grouped up. The more we both tried to leave Heob, the more we disconnected. Once I’m further from a “hub” area, I disconnect less or not at all.

Disconnected changing to the new zone in level 30 of an arena. Logged back in. Put in another key. Disconnected loading into the arena. Tried to log back in, disconnected.



Just spent over and hour trying to get into Soulfire bastion. I was 2 areas away, so I was disconnected 24 times before I could get the waypoint in the Soulfire bastion area.

Spent the key, beat the first area, got disconnected trying to enter the next. Over an hour of my time and a key wasted because of the disconnect bug.

Completely unplayable game. I’ll try again in a few months and see if the bugs are worked out.

If the game is in this state when its released, its going to fail. I can’t recommend it.


I have had this problem for almost a year, still not fixed and game is unplayable.
Player-prev.log (100.8 KB)


I have the same issue and it´s in the First Quest.
How is this not fixed and how do they think it´s ok to Release this Game in this State on February 21 knowing that this Problem is present and which many have for so long?


Just stopping by to say that its still doing it. Any suggestions?

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Same issue. Tried different region’s. Nothing changed.
It does worry me that no statement is given.


Agreed. I expect bugs, but I don’t expect major bugs to go unmentioned. I literally can’t play the game, and that seems like a bit problem a few weeks from launch.


I got this exact problem, i cant change area without getting DCed.
Lets hope for a fix sometime soon.


Yup. Still happening to me. I log in every few days to try and never make it out of the end of time.

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Try to disable your firewall and test it again. I think the reason could be that the firewall blocks incoming p2p traffic. I had the same problem until today.

WHY is there ZERO official response to ANY of these posts related to disconnecting when zoning?


Same Problem , I started 5 Hours Ago , and run for 1 town easy. After This they Turned on next area 3 times For a certain time, 4 Hours 250 Disconnect’s = For a reason to change area. Fix Please.


well this zone dc is a problem since over a year i stopped playing because of it …
yesterday i tried it for firstime again and still the same rofl
and they wanna release the game soon :smiley:


Log in. Try to leave end of time. Fail 5 times in a row. Leave. Day 36.
I’m telling people not to buy the game at this point. It doesn’t work anymore.


I had this issue, and it was getting worse. I solved it by creating an exception for the LE folder in the steam folder in Windows Security. This was suggested here:

Flagging The Game As a Trusted Application – Last Epoch Support

Worked for me. Hopefully will work for others. No disconnects all evening so far…