Difficulty level

While this is true, the campaign is easy.

true. But I kinda like it that way, at least on the first play through. A good feature would be a way to replay the campaign with higher difficulty settings.

You can always wear the boots.

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Boots don’t help.
I wore them the entire time and still 1 tapped the game.
I don’t understand why the developers let zero difficulty ruin their entire game.

15 yrs ago game studios were still trying to make a WoW killer.

I think players are just gonna have to be patient with growing endgame content. You might be expecting to hop from end game from one game to another. But all that stuff takes time and at some point you gotta start getting a return on investment from development, especially a smaller studio.

Even WoW didn’t have everything right at 1.0, nor D3, nor PoE.

I meant to only check things out with this game but I’m addicted to this game’s HC mode. Back to OP’s point more difficulty would make HC even more interesting to level characters.

It doesn’t have to be the just the effect of the boots. It could just be a masochist mode where the “penalty” is different from season to season, or maybe it’s a new affix that mobs get.

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90 workers isnt an small studio bro, were in 2024 we need to spect the content for play at least 1 month and im done 2 days ago with 2 character lv100. I blast monoliths lv100 at lv80 and the only remaining content its minmax the character for what?.. just for check how I can megablast monoliths?.

Oh yeah yeah… get 500 corruption for hard content. What a fail, upgrade corruption its super boring. we need 1.1 with extra content in 1 week max or people leave the game as plague.

How long does it take people with that mindset & amount of free time (& skill, probably, to be fair) to “finish” PoE each league? A week at most? And that’s with >10 years of content.

That’s not how it works. It doesn’t take a week or two to whip up brand new content & I’d be shocked if people like you (not as a perjorative) weren’t the first to complain if it was bugged/not balanced/etc if it was done that quickly.

Yes it is a common complaint. And yes you are correct, the game does not get remotely difficult until you hit empowered Monos (around level 80), and even then you need to push corruption quite a bit to feel any real challenge (around level 85 to 90 you could push a couple of hundred corruption if you focus on only one Monolith).

Is this too easy for too long? Probably. However think about this…

  • Campaign (super easy) takes ~12 hours
  • Standard Monos (fairly easy) takes ~12 hours
  • Empowered monos (pushing corruption) takes… the rest of that character’s life

Those first 24 hours are just easy mode to let you learn the game and try out your build experiments without fear of dying too much. To someone like myself who has levelled 20+ Alts well into late game empowered monos, those 24 hours mean nothing. But I can understand the issue for players who are newer to the game - it’s going to feel like its all far too easy.

There used to be a second difficulty setting you could chose for new chars to increase the challenge. But all it did was make enemies bullet sponges so it was removed as no one liked it. All it did was delay the player getting to empowered Monos.

The root problem is the rate of endgame difficulty scaling is far more suitable to legacy play (when you will min-max your build far into corruption and way beyond level 100, so 24 hours of stupidly easy mode is acceptable because you are in for the long haul), than it is for Cycle play, where time is limited and characters are transient.

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I’m going to tell you how it works:

In a week (or less) as soon the average casual player reach level 80 with a crap items build working perfectly, and you tell them they have to increase corruption to find more challenging content to improve a build that already blast monoliths with crap items, they will respond: “This game has no content, this game its dead I’m going to play something else.” Actually happen btw

Same for POE2, if they launch the beta (not the game, the beta) without content, we’ll say the same because have a long term game without end game content in 2024 is not acceptable and everyone will say: it’s just another Diablo 4.

You make good points, but not everybody feels the same way that you do. This probably isn’t the right game for you is all.

the problem with that sentence its: probable isnt the right game for most of the players they target… they want a casual friendly game but its that easy that even casual players dont like it that easy.

Well, I can only speak for myself. My mage just hit 82 and finished the 85 normal monolith. I’ll move on to the two 90 monoliths now and when that’s done, I’ll start building corruptions to see how high I can get.

The fun part is increasing the difficulty slowly while getting better at your class, experimenting with the different skills, and looking for gear to support the build you like. It’s a treasure hunt.

There is no limit to how high you can build corruption, so you can make it as hard as you can handle. If you don’t enjoy that, then it’s not the game for you. Because that is end game in LE.

Its not the game for most of the players them… and thats why they come with an announcement about they planning a 1.1 in the first week destroying your full argument. The numbers will speak for themselves in a few days.

I get that you feel things are too easy and when it becomes a challenge its already boring for you. But did you play PoE when it first launched? How did that compare for content?

Oh yea, I noticed that about the 1.1 content updates coming up. That probably will not make things more difficult though … but you never know. They are listening to feedback and difficulty level is definitely something people have noticed. Maybe they will make it more difficult.

I dont compare games with 10 years of difference I go to compare LE with the POE2 beta this june. 15 years ago arpg genre its death and you have LE now because poe guys build a system for have arpg back and thats what LE its trying to copy with monoliths.

Do you think they haven’t been planning 1.1 (& 1.2, etc) for months? They’ve certainly been talking about pinnacle bosses for months. How long do you think it takes to develop them?

Aren’t they just going to be porting all of PoE’s content into PoE 2? I’ve not been following it much.

You might want to try rolling a hardcore character to see if you can get through the whole campaign without a single death. I just rolled one, should add a little bit of flavor.

No, they changed their plans during the pandemic. PoE1 and PoE2 will be more separate games then originally intended.

PoE2 will get WASD movement and active dodge skills for each class. My understanding is that classes will be more strict than the rather free-style system of PoE’s ascendencies and skills.

What newly released game ever had a fully fledged out end game system worth the name? Let’s add the condition: and didn’t have predatory monetization. Let’s add another condition: wasn’t released a year or two prior in e.g. Korea.

Difficulty usually seems to revolve around these things I’ve noticed…

  • Campaign being the tutorial but also “feeling too easy” despite that being the design. I feel campaign and the first monoliths should be easy enough so you can experiment with builds while you progress and learn.
  • Regular Monoliths taking WAY TOO LONG to progress through. They reduced the bar needed to progress these, but these first monoliths need another MASSIVE boost to get people to the empowered quickly. It is SUPER SLOW. In no circumstance should I be like level 80-85 by the time I’m done with the non-empowered monoliths via the minimum amount of needed monoliths (skipping left side). I know the monoliths are listed as 75, 80, 85, 90 but if you are playing through them quickly, you should be able to progress quickly.
  • “Difficulty” starts existing in the form of “Oh look something one shot me”. This gives the feeling of arbitrary difficulty. The thing is that most deaths are not arbitrary. The problem is that we’ve spent all this time just mindlessly blowing up mobs that the moment the mobs start surviving long enough to unleash their attacks, you die. You’ll eventually learn all the trash mobs actually have mechanics and as long as you respect the trash, you can take out the trash. Understanding this is what gives the game its depth imho and is the reason why things have gotten far less boring.
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