Difficulty level

“All new games suck so they should never improve”
This is why people still play 20 year old games and new releases are quickly forgotten about, LE included.

Well done in managing to take the opposite of what he said. That takes skill.


Lots of people missing the point.

Players are building their characters around things you usually need to be good at in ARPGs: wave clear, speed/mobility, single-target damage, sustain, and defense.

However, the way this game presents difficulty and challenge to the player is uneven. The importance of wave-clear is trivialized because the enemies weren’t given enough health, meanwhile effective HP aka one-shot durability is paramount.

If you think of the games difficulty as multiple dials, the regular enemy health is dialed way too low, and one-shot incoming damage is dialed too high (which exacerbates another problem: how overpowered and important Ward is).

To be honestly, I don’t understand, why can’t developers let people who like challenge - get challenge from the beginning.
The game is to easy on all levels, even after 1.0 patch. It more looks like clicker, then something interesting for me.
I couldn’t reach monolith lvl 100, I’ve stopped about 80-86 lvl, cause it’s super boring.
I just can kill all the bosses in, dunno, 20-50 seconds. I passed 2 dungeons and 2 arenas.
What’s the point? I’ve already got feeling of being Godlike, why do I need to get better gear or increase level?)
Especially if I will be more weak.


Afraid of gaming journalists rating the game bad or new players quitting instead of becoming potential MTX buyers because they picked the hard difficulty and it’s too hard for them and it hurts their ego.

Achieving difficulty by increasing enemy health is perhaps the least satisfying and most lazy way to do it. Kills a game stone dead. Say no to bullet sponges.

Not if it’s already way too low to begin with.

I’m not saying to turn every mob into a damage sponge. Just make them not made of paper.

What’s the point of upgrading our damage if enemies die instantly anyway?

I can get behind it for the campaign, standard monos, absolutely. But you need to be careful for further endgame where they do actually have decent health pools, and map mods that make those pools huge.

I prefer other routes to more challenge like more enemies or enemies using new abilities that are far more dangerous. Higher damage is fine too (and currently needed almost everywhere in the game) but less one-shot damage potential. One-shots are always bad design.

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I much prefer ramping difficulty by mob cooperative behavior. D2’s skeleton anubis’s are a great example. Player first meats a few skeletons. Then packs of skeletons. Finally they face the packs of skeletons and the anubis which hangs out in the rear and tries to overwhelm/block in the player by continuously resurrecting skeletons.

I think AE abilities that clear the entire screen are a really bad idea, but folks love them. For more chances for loot to drop, more mobs needs to die. There are ways to have individual mobs be push-overs while the collective is increasingly challenging. LE does some of this with the mobs that buff eachother.

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Yes, loved this about Diablo 2! The difficulty had such an amazing ramp up and never felt like it veered into one-shot territory even in Hell Mode.