Craft Fake % succes

Yes Mam!
Already doing that Mam!
Will do Mam!
Sorry Mam!


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Hahhahaa this post is so underated and true!

Dude really… thats not cool flexing off items like that.
I want them now :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, you just have bad luck… I´ve recently done some crafting and got almost perfect itens when crafting for 40-60%… But, i suggest to continue the testing and if you feel like the problem persist, post on the foruns and they will check it, the best way to make the game better is to test stuff.

My opinion over the % of crafting, is that perfectly works, i have failed some 80% and got angry, but it happens. but out of my 10 itens crafting recently with 80% success, 9 worked perfectly, so i guess it is working as intended.

Holy balls that tier 7 +4 spriggan form :drooling_face: :drooling_face:
Gratz mate! I love those pictures your posting.
I got some got tier 5 items crafted but i didnt commit to much on the exalted ones yet.
I have some good base exalted ones though but iam focusing on building some different builds and characters at the moment :slight_smile:

I hope i can post you something good aswell later on :smiley:

Oh now on second glance i see that this exalted could have been better haha. That crack sound always breaks my heart aswell.
Then iam like IAM ALAYS UNLUCKY well getting luck aswell decent amount of times lol :stuck_out_tongue:

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Honestly, and others have said this too in some form, it’s not really a question of if the system is working–it’s that it feels bad. I see this as being one/some of a few possible things:

  1. People just dislike RNG in general. This system can’t do anything about that. There’s a part of me that feels this way due to the over-use of RNG in basically every single system in PoE. Kinda just burnt on it as some “driver” of player interest.

  2. RNG might be acceptable, but we lack enough input to influence the outcome. Other than the glyphs, it’s just roll the dice. I rather favor the idea of being able to invest more to improve your chances: 1 extra shards for 5%, 2 for 10%, 4 for 15%, 8 for 20%, etc–obviously exact values can be different.

  3. Lack of anything we can do about the fractured items. There are countless suggestions about this, so I’ll just leave it at that for this point.

  4. If everyone–devs and players alike–are aware that this system is likely to poke more at people’s negativity biases while offering very little of the opposite, that sort of puts the writing on the wall in all caps. We probably need a different/better system that feels good to use. I realize this leaves a lot of room for subjectivity, but it’s probably better that whatever system it is doesn’t ask people to disregard basic human psychology.

Just my take, anyway…

Edit: Clarification
For #2, I meant extra affix shards, not runes. I think we need a sink for those too.


I like #2, as I’ve suggested it before. It would end up making it easier to get the “basic” affixes (life, resists, stats, all of the weapon affixes, etc) up to a high tier because you have them in abundance but not the rarer class specific ones. I think that’s probably ok in principle though I suspect it might drive people towards crafting the rarer affixes first (where your instability is low and it’s much easier to get up to t5) then just chuck shards at the common affixes to guarantee success until you’ve hit a t20 item.

As much as I like the idea I think it could be gamed too easily to get a t20 item. Unless you start adding more complexity to it then it runs the risk of becoming unwieldy and difficult to understand for anyone but the 5heads.

A lot of games will actually fudge the numbers and make things pseudo-random, X-COM as an example, but it happens in a lot of games.

Easy demonstration is League of Legends where if you have crit chance and don’t land a crit your next hit and so on will have a higher chance until you do crit. Once you do it resets.

If you crit two times in a row it’s the same where you will increasingly get a higher chance of not critting.

This system can be seen in hit-chance or crafting chance or really anything that requires chance.

You’re witnessing a hard-random system so it seems unfair because you’re used to the pseudo-random stuff.

I mean if they want to change it to a pseudo-random one that’s up to them but just realize what’s going on.

I know it sucks because I just had a 98% chance fracture on me just today.

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Yeah, a pity timer is one way around it, as is using a higher chance to succeed than you tell the player (ie, telling the player they have a 50% chance to succeed when it’s actually 75%).

I think the trade-offs are still worth it (for #2, if we must use this system), probably, but the bigger point about using a system we know makes people feel worse than it does good is where I see the issue. Getting your craft through on this game isn’t exciting in the positive direction as much as just relief that it didn’t go negative. I feel way more excited in PoE when an Exalted Orb drops than I do at any point with crafting in this game. Not sure if I’m being clear enough about the difference, but I hope so.

Genshin Impact is putting the pity system to use and it has made them bank. The draw of knowing that you are building up to a guaranteed 5 star is too much for some people to put their wallet down.

Could be something to that.

I keep hearing about that game. Is it one of those p2w gacha games or something?

It’s definitely p2w, but if you can resist the many many many overwhelming urges not to spend, then you’re all good. It’s considered a Breath of the Wild clone and I like it.

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Yeah, I do understand the difference you are trying to impart. I’m just not sure what would “have” to be done to retain the balance point that I assume the devs have in mind vis-a-vis player power & the easy/difficulty in attaining it.

As to having a crafting pity timer/whatever you want to call it, I’m really not sure how I feel about @Boardman21’s tin-foil-hat interpretation of RNG crafting being “right”. Where you’d have the item you’re trying to craft on & in order to build up a guaranteed success you’d sacrifice some crap items to RNGesus.

The only things that should be sacrificed for my success are my minions.


Yeah, I’m not entirely sure either, tbh. There’s a ridiculous number of other potential systems to consider, but what fits the game and those goals is a whole other question.

I agree with you there. It’s not a bad crafting system in a technical sense but it certainly doesn’t feel good which in itself actually makes it bad. A crafting system I, and/or the majority of players, dread interacting with is bad no matter how you look at it.

If there was a way to restore fractured items it might be acceptable but the fact that you can’t just makes it frustrating in a very unfun way.

Sure there’s people suggesting revamping or tweaking the system while removing the RNG but just some way to restore fractured items would go a long way to seeing if the current system is still salvageable with minimal changes.


It’s also a question of whether some lucky RNG should be enough to shortcut you into a good item or if it’s better to offer consistency through grind. This is where I think the option to pay extra shards for better success rate is pretty useful–it makes room for both. It lets players weigh the pros/cons of going for the cheaper, but luck-based approach, or if they should just go slow and steady knowing that it’s significantly more costly in both time and resources.

It’s not a perfect solution, but I think it’s worth examining at minimum–maybe worth trying.

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Ya, that does make sense. If we could get that, using more resources for eliminating RNG, plus a way to restore fractured items (more costly than if you didn’t rely on RNG) it would be a decent system to test.

Hopefully we’ll see that or something similar from the devs.

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I think this is likely to be one of those either/or scenarios since each makes the other a bit moot, other than cost.

That all said, I’m probably done with this game for today. With no exaggeration whatsoever, my last 5 items with less than 10% failure rate all fractured on first try. Call it bad luck, but feels shitty either way. Makes it feel like you’re not allowed to interact with the system at all.

#2 is probably the best suggestion I have seen so far.

The other option is to do a two step purification such as smelting steel

  1. Rune of Purification: (removes sulfur, phosphorus, and excess carbon) which could equate to reduced instability
  2. Rune of Bonding: (alloying elements such as manganese, nickel, chromium, and vanadium) which could equate to increase success rate.