Cosmetic Shop Beta | Coming in Rising Flames

MTX looks amatuerish at best but with a premium price.

That yellow cape for 95 epic points, looks like something you would see hung up at a window in a 1970’s house.

No matter how you try to dress it up or down, you are paying for them, if you cant see that, then i dont know what to tell you…


Give suggestions how they can host items like that in the shop for people who want a vanilla appearance, without it feeling like a scam or devaluing other tmx.

I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about, at this point.

Well, Ill voice my opinion as well
Theres a few things to be said about all this

-The problem is not WHAT you are doing but HOW you are doing
The launching of the store and mtx now is ok,i dont mind it and i think most of the people dont, mtx are cool to have.
The problem here is how you are doing this

. The prices
Everybody complained about this. I guess you are experimenting with prices since the store is a new thing for LE.
For me, the prices are a bit expensive for what the game is offering right now, specially since its a p2p game.
Theres a lot of issues in the game right now. Graphics could be better; gameplay could be smoother; server really really reaaaly sucks, cant really play with other ppl depending on the builds because it starts lagging a lot and rubberbanding; cant really play in another countrys server; a bit boring endgame and leveling up and a few other things. (not trashing the game, i like it, i play it, it has a great concept and future, its just not there at the stage to be asking for a lot of money for simple mtx, like a portal that we barely see during the game)
So because of all that, it feels sort of a bit overpriced for a game that lacks a bit right now. I understand the need for money to develop and get to a higher stage, imho, that should be done with cheaper packs and items for the most part, and only a few more expensive for the ones that have a lot of money to spend, like 1 expensive pack per season. At least until it becomes a really solid game.

. The FOMO
*replace the word freaking for the one that feels right
The freaking FOMO. This approach has nothing to do with last epoch. It doesnt represent what you guys have been doing for the last years, it doesnt represent this game, the company (ehg, not freaking tencent). Everybody is bashing and hating on it. You guys should really reconsider it, if you have the voice to it of course (again, freaking tencent).
As a suggestion:
Why not just ask for the regular pack price during the season and when the season is over, instead of excluding our chance to ever buying it, you guys keep it in the store but for a bit more money than the regular price.
Exemple: A pack costs x during a season and 1.5x or 2x after the season but stays in the store forever.

Final words:
Dont worry, you guys can be humble enough and go back and say, hey we listen to the community, to you players, we understand your critics and opinions and we will reevaluate a few things before launching the store, we will consider lowering the prices and making the packs for an unlimited duration and we thank you all for helping us improve.
And actually do things instead of just saying them


This is 100% the reason for the backlash.
Nicely distilled, Mag.


How else would you make mtx that can be sold or given out during exclusive periods for challenges or something. Without creating a sense of FOMO…

As this creates an excitement and celebratory nature to something you can treasure and look back on.

“I remember that ugly traveler cape. The grass didn’t even have fiber optic graphics back then.”

Suggestions on how to fix this have been stated, im not really into restating the bleeding obvious…

Bleed builds are bad compared to shadow daggers builds anyways.


well thats simple
i know it can be shocking but ppl can still buy things without having fear of something
1-because ppl want to support the game, 2-want to have cool mtx and 3-because its cheaper than when seasons are over
So, you can sell without fomo

i guess we ll see the direction that ehg wanna go and how they balance the community vs money scale

Yes but without FOMO nothing is commemorative. As there is otherwise no exclusivity to anything.

I’d just like to be able to buy points in whatever amount I want. Forget bonuses, just let me spend exactly the amount I need to get that one cosmetic I want.

This alone would make it far less predatory and there’s no real argument against it other than it is likely less profitable

This is another badly presented feature after gifting. I´m loosing hope.

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It’s this simple minded viewpoint that makes the scummy sales tactic so effective on susceptible people. You’re not really getting “bonus” points, you’re buying a larger amount points at a slightly reduced rate than if you buy a smaller amount. It’s just a way form them to push higher priced bundles on people.

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To be even the most fair and just, part of adulthood is becoming wiser and more discerning. A wise adult will attempt to inform their opinions and knowledge before shooting off their mouth.

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its just before 1.0

Umm… The horse has already bolted but perhaps putting up actual prices for MTX may have been ill advised at this time - definitely doesnt look like these were thought through with players perceptions in mind.

Seems like a bean-counter just thought they would be clever working out an exchange rate between epoch points & real currencies that have the unfortunately typical sneaky conversions and bulk purchase motivations banked in. As if people playing arpgs dont have spreadsheets open while they play!

I know you guys need to be financially viable, but this move is honestly a little dissapointing. Dare I say it? I expected more.

EDIT: And thats more like the EHG I know.


He’s even more of a trolling gadfly than I am…

Beancounters like being cleaver.


Typical conversation in a high level boardroom:
CEO: We need to build a new data center in Raleigh.
Me as CTO: Ok, how many servers are we putting in it?
CEO: Let’s estimate it at 500. What’s that going to cost us?
Me as CTO: Uh does some quick mental math So call it 150 to 200 42u Racks with support equipment… somewhere in the neighborhood of 25 million dollars plus the cost of the real estate.
CFO Mikey McBeanCounter: Can you do it for 8?
Me as CTO: No.