Cosmetic Shop Beta | Coming in Rising Flames

I’d just like to be able to buy points in whatever amount I want. Forget bonuses, just let me spend exactly the amount I need to get that one cosmetic I want.

This alone would make it far less predatory and there’s no real argument against it other than it is likely less profitable

This is another badly presented feature after gifting. I´m loosing hope.

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It’s this simple minded viewpoint that makes the scummy sales tactic so effective on susceptible people. You’re not really getting “bonus” points, you’re buying a larger amount points at a slightly reduced rate than if you buy a smaller amount. It’s just a way form them to push higher priced bundles on people.

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To be even the most fair and just, part of adulthood is becoming wiser and more discerning. A wise adult will attempt to inform their opinions and knowledge before shooting off their mouth.

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its just before 1.0

Umm… The horse has already bolted but perhaps putting up actual prices for MTX may have been ill advised at this time - definitely doesnt look like these were thought through with players perceptions in mind.

Seems like a bean-counter just thought they would be clever working out an exchange rate between epoch points & real currencies that have the unfortunately typical sneaky conversions and bulk purchase motivations banked in. As if people playing arpgs dont have spreadsheets open while they play!

I know you guys need to be financially viable, but this move is honestly a little dissapointing. Dare I say it? I expected more.

EDIT: And thats more like the EHG I know.


He’s even more of a trolling gadfly than I am…

Beancounters like being cleaver.


Typical conversation in a high level boardroom:
CEO: We need to build a new data center in Raleigh.
Me as CTO: Ok, how many servers are we putting in it?
CEO: Let’s estimate it at 500. What’s that going to cost us?
Me as CTO: Uh does some quick mental math So call it 150 to 200 42u Racks with support equipment… somewhere in the neighborhood of 25 million dollars plus the cost of the real estate.
CFO Mikey McBeanCounter: Can you do it for 8?
Me as CTO: No.


Providing feedback is essential and never out of place. The problem here is that a whole lot of people are jumping in with name-calling and accusations.

Being mature means that you can have a conversation to try to change someone’s mind about something without attacking them.

I also personally believe that the prices are bad and even though I never normally buy into cosmetics I was going to on LE but with those prices probably won’t. That however doesn’t mean that I should attack the devs for what I consider a mistake. It is their game and they will have to live with the decisions that they make which could affect their own profit. That’s where the “feedback” from the community comes into play since it’s still in beta and the MTX is not yet implemented.

You can have that influence now, but ranting and raving with name-calling and accusations really isn’t necessary to do that.


:rofl: :joy: yeah, oh boy, you got me. I knew way back in Alpha TenCent was going to support them 5 years later. Enough for now though, you’ll have to excuse me while I go conquer the stock exchange.

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Then they should have or should now cleverly figure out how to make this fair and profitable. For instance several have recommended changing the bundles points to a more exact even and smaller increment such as 20 for 2$

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I agree. I think the prices are high. How high? couldn’t really say, but they can tweak it as it goes. But, they definitely need to make them multiples that are easily divisible and I don’t think it’d be that hard.

They could make several ‘rankings’ based on what they feel is cost effective/time spent developing. Like Super High. 4. High 3. Average 2. Basic 1.

Then set like a (spitball, here,) $3 as the basic currency. You want a Super High. Buy 4 Basic currencies. Boom. You get it. Nothing left over, and they get 12$.

But this, Armor is 12$ but basic currency is 15 thing, just seems like an unnecessary complication. Note, I’m not attributing LE trying to be predatory because given how long I’ve been around I don’t think it’s intentional. This very well could just be a fumble so I’m given them the benefit of the doubt. I don’t care if anyone else does.

same here thought this was just a small indie dev with passion didn’t know they sold their souls

I agree. I have been around various types of business to know that item a and item b are not going to ever have a selling price for them that makes everything fit in exact multiple of the same cookie cutter. However they should be able to normalize it. After all do you think every combination of what you may possibly eat at a buffet fits in the 19.99 dinner price?

The opening to your post is the REASON most people are pissed off with this “have to make money after release” the game HAS NOT released

I disagree. I don’t think the majority of us are begrudging them making more money NOW. It’s the structure/tactic of how they’re doing it (as of the announcement at least.) But that could be a misread on my part trying to keep up with the thread.

I was responding to someone else directly using his/her own words… they were saying they need to make money AFTER game launches I was staying the game hasn’t been “released” yet that was my sole point

Coming from someone that has kickstarted and played since the beginning, reading this does make me a little sad.

It is not what I expected the MTX shop to be at all and does feel predatory and what you would expect from a free too play game.

I do hope you guys rethink this and put in some cheaper MTX that suits a game that we have to buy to play in the first place. I didn’t expect LE to become like PoE with it’s MTX shop but the first impressions certainly make it look that way.

Players will spend the cash to support you, as long as you don’t take the piss.

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