Corruption does not affect Drops

Yes, but that’s because you don’t understand probability, you have said (& demonstrated) this many times before.

Fixed that for you…

I did, I’m not going to watch it again, it’s still crap. It’s also baseless slander posing as “just asking questions” or “just my theory”…


It’s all just RnG. Just play the damn game.

Higher corruption is most definitely better. Whether its worth it or not depends on the person and their clear speed/rng.

Most likely the small corruption would be better because you shouldn’t be clearing at the same speed at higher corrupt but is it possible? Absolutely. You can 1 hit at 600 corrupt just as you could in 100 corrupt.

You also need to factor in the time it takes to get up to higher corrupt and being able to match the clear speed.

Also, who are we to say what is the right or wrong sample size to use? I don’t like 1000 sample size, give me a 5k,10k,20k,50k,100k sample size. The bigger the sample size, the more accurate and vice versa.

Since statistics are so damn important for people for a game, why to this date, there isnt a regular community to pool together results? I bet you will see different changes in the statistics and it will show a more promising return.

It’s more RnG then statistics. Get lucky, kill at right time and get rewarded. The odds are there but with the amount of times the monsters are being kills, it surely won’t feel like a 1/382183218 drop.

Try doing that same testing on single offline player where other player’ aren’t affecting the RnG and you will see how rare and how those %'s actually should play. The difference in the loot will be immense.

actually i understand RNG I am a pathfinder player who has cleared the most difficult versions of the game, i understand rng most likely more then 99% of players

RNG in this game is clearly does not feel random, is it bugged or intentional warped is the only question that is worth discussing.

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No, the devs have said many times that RNG in LE is actually RNG but you’d rather dive down a conspiracy rabbit hole than believe the people who actually have the code. Most other games might display that you have 50% chance of a thing but it’s actually much higher. However, in crafting there are several systems that work to make things feel nicer for the player (as contrasted with the previous version of crafting), such as “lucky” rolls, critical successes & the glyph of hope.

That is not something that someone who “understood RNG” would say.


And another round of shameless self-promotion.

Have you ever heard of confirmation bias? Outliers? Statistical significance? Standard deviation? Scientific Methodology? Uncertainty?

Do you

  • have systematically gathered data?

  • have verified the reliability of your data?

  • How many loot drops did you encounter in total since you have collected data?

  • How often dropped each specific affix? Uniques? With LP?

  • Can you create a diagram that shows the number of desired/good drops on the Y-scale and the timeline of the drops on the X-scale? Do you have regular spikes in certain intervals?

  • Can you create a diagram for any set of affix criteria? Does it look different?

  • Do you have data from other people to compare?

  • Which class did you play when stuff dropped?


Im.playing 850 corruption and I can barely feel any differences in loot. Thats even worse when looking at 880 increased item rarity. It just does nothing.

While that might be a problem with the game, since the player experience is important, what you feel has no statistical meaning.

We talk about cold, naked, reliable data.

*Edit: my bad for the slight attitude, got confused with the profile picture. I stand by my word, nonetheless. :wink:


Pretty sure that’s being screened out by the metallic headgear.

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Yeah, if those folks knew that the really dangerous stuff is absorbed through the eyes. I swear, most TV stations and some YouTube channels send waves over the screen that slowly reduce your IQ while watching.

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That is because that did in fact happen to me, it was an observation that i made. Having 3 near perfect drops at once is suspicious. The probability of 1 item is having the right specs is already rare, having 3 drop at once is beyond statistically abnormal.

I’m not doubting it, but 3 data points is not exactly statistically significant.

And yet people still win the lottery, not only once, but week after week!!! Improbable stuff happens all the time.

I wish that could be me, and your right. Why my follow up post was asking people if they had similar experience. I would like to record my loot, maybe that is something I can do next season. Could do well, but people will still say … not big enough sample size

We would need a sample of around 100M if 1 4lp item drops every 100K kills drops for a reasonable sample i would be happy with, that is not do able by one person.

It’s only statistically abnormal if you have collected reliable data to run an analysis to put it into perspective.

Since it happens at once, I would consider it 1 event.

If you provide a reproducible methodology that can be independently used by anyone without breaking any laws or the TOS (or the computer), I’m sure you will find people to gather data. I probably would :slight_smile:

You don’t have to look for LP4 items at all. If loot tables are scewed, you just need a large enough sample size to find out. If you think only LP4 is skewed, well, that would be rather specific, wouldn’t it?

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And that is exactly why you should take the data with a grain of salt and at the end, pray for RnG.

It’s good to know but not 100% accurate or even remotely close because there are many factors at play that affects can and will affect it meaning RnG is the most important.

Thanks for sharing. I stopped playing because of this, hope they fix it next cycle.

I don’t support your conspiracy theory,
As it could only be game a design and it’s normal.

but sometimes I have the same perception.
Happened to me and others I know.
Could suggest RNG in this game is somewhat “weighted”.

When you go to a different monolith or a different char you get a “lucky strike”.

I don’t have the timer nor the resources to investigate it, just a strong sensation that it’s designed to be more rewarding when you are back to something or some char after a while.
Again it’s just a random perception, and statistically irrelevant, yet it gives some of us this impression

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I have been at that and I felt a huge difference. Shrug.


I hope we can agree that you having especially bad luck is not a basis to change the game’s drop rates?

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tbh I think this quote right here is the root of the problem, and the only thing that needs fixed.

Not drop rates.

Player expectations / entitlement.

Twisted Heart, one of the most sought after items in the game historically, is now reduced to “if it hasn’t got 2LP and near perfect rolls, it’s garbage”.


You probably thought this message was fire huh hahaha It’s definitely not entitlement.
I now have 450 hours, 2800 echos done now(Just on my marksman) @ 1600-2000 corruption, also on my 5th lvl 100 toon btw. Most likely have more time grinding than you. Im rank 10 both COF and MG. Started COF and left because the drops of stuff I didn’t need was insane. MG is now worse. It started off great but they most definitely tweaked the RNG to penalize players putting in hard work.

Almost every unique i get is 0lp and if it’s 1 or 2 lp it’s a quiver or useless ring. I literally have not seen any good items. At 400+ hours farming the hell out of bosses/nodes, a .05% hit is definitely possible, especially when I almost have a 2000% rarity increase. I’m not asking for every damn item to be godly, just used by my class and worth something for my time/work OR TO EVEN SELL ON THE MARKET TO BUY THE GEAR I NEED.

Idk where you trolls come from, probably are the ones sitting at 130 corruption happy with selling 30,000 t5’s but I’m here to push the endless endgame promised with grinding incentives, as are a lot of other people and either they are lying to us about RNG or it’s bugged.

Player count is down and a lot of people barely stream it anymore, it will become a small niche game if they don’t address this to everyone


Also a lot of toons require max rolls or close if you want to have any chance in high corruption/arena.