Client crashes upon connecting

Thank you so much for looking into it! I will keep my hopes up and hopefully soon the team can have good news for us :smiley:

Also, @elnawawi thank you for doing your due diligence on the matter <3

Ceeyaa, this first part is not for you. I along with you am extremely frustrated that I can not launch and play a multiplayer game.
Not sure why someone is suggesting anyone is being aggressive. Is it because I typed in all caps? Get real. This multiplayer launch for Last Epoch was a fail for many players. I am one of them and I am not overseas, like some of you are in this post.
Ceeyaa, I agree with you. This game is a blast. I still play offline when I have nothing use to do and hope the online if fixed. Still waiting for that.
What I’ve played of D4 is great, its going to be awesome.
I stopped playing POE because I didnt want to have to use a spreadsheet and a calculator to try and figure out how to level characters and I got tired every season of the dang skill tree being redone or nerfed to the point of having to build a specifc build. Good game but the gaming has been taking out of it.
But you are right, there are not enough games out there of this quality.

In another random decision, Egypt have blocked a Google service named Firebase Hosting. I don’t know what this service is, but they think it’s used to cloudhost some copyrighted TV shows … So they just went on and blocked it…

Might be related or unrelated, but it’s an example of what we are dealing with on daily basis.

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Well its been almost two months. I STILL CANNOT launch a multi-player game. I’m sure I am not the only person out there. The issue is still not fixed. Come on Eleventh Hour. I’ve seen you push several updates. Fix this.
Three (3) different computers. Checked with my ISP, its not my ISP.

:smiley: my advice to you if you would accept it, is to leave this poor game with its poor support and shift to Diablo 4……it’s almost coming within 3 weeks and if it happens that you are looking for an international clan full of lots of cool players from many regions ping me to add you and maybe we can play together, im already forming a team and i am missing 2 members to join.

@Hackaloken thanks for the impressive support and response….lol

Don’t get me wrong, I still play single player. I love the game. It’s a cool concept. I like being able to craft, scrape and go on the fly. I am definitely looking forward to D4 though. My crew has been waiting for a long time but I might take you up on the offer. No hard-core runner though. Just a casual gamer that likes to chill after work and de-stress.

I was so excited to see Rising Flames 0.9.1 update come out, hoping they fixed the connection issue. But nope, still nothing. Guess it is not a priority. It okay. There are other game companies that appear to want fix issues. Like I said above, I’ve been playing offline character waiting for eleventh hour to get their act together and fix this issue but it’s okay. Diablo IV is now early access and releases in two days. I’m sure their (eleventh hour) server load will get a lot lighter and they can work on whatever they think is more important than multi-player access or connection issues.

Yet 3 months have passed & when I decided to take a break from D4 and to get back to your game to find that same issue still exist, well keep up the good work but make sure that you’ve lost a potential long term customer forever.

Next update is in 3 days, hang on

And yet after 6 months this is still didn’t get a fix, I wonder how they are going to launch globally on December and call that a global launch with such issue existing for entire regions and countries around the world.

No fix so far, still can’t play online at all.

thanks for reporting this issue, hope they fix it before release date :ok_hand:

So this still hasn’t been fixed and it is less than a month from launch? Tried playing again since it was close to launch and still can’t connect without a vpn…

Hello, Please resolve the connection issues from Egypt because I really want to play with my friends on launch :frowning: .

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February 2024 I have the same problem :confused: playing in South America server, has anyone found a solution to this? Or we just have to wait to have some kind of answer from the devs? It’s sad bc I bought this game years ago and I am really hyped to finally play the 1.0 :sob:

I made it work in Egypt using Exitlag

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Also from Egypt here. I’m able to get to character creation in online mode but the game crashes right after the intro cinematic. Character is still there when I open the game again, but if I try to enter the game with the character it goes to “connecting” and then the game crashes again.

I checked the player log and player-prev log and these lines were there respectively:

Player.log (90.0 KB)
“2024-02-04T08:16:56.5843589+00:00 Failed to connect to server. (IP=;Port=17484)”

Player-prev.log (164.3 KB)

“2024-02-04T08:03:57.5532120+00:00 Failed to connect to server. (IP=;Port=16246)”

I’m able to ping the server IP addresses but unable to reach the server through those port numbers. It does seem to be that the ports (or range of ports that the game is using to connect to servers) are being blocked.

It’s also worth noting that the game runs fine in offline mode, this crash only happens when trying to access the game in online mode.

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Just wanted to put an update here, I’ve managed to connect to the game online using CloudFlare WARP. The game is running fine, other than having a bit of delay going between zones. I hope this helps anyone else that’s facing the same issue.

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I tried it and sadly WARP doesn’t work reliably with me … Thanks for the tip though :slight_smile: … I just really wish someone from EHG just talk to us regarding this issue …

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