Chinese players have found a dupe

restart the season


Thank god I rolled CoF this cycle.
Having much more fun trying to find my stuff rather than buying them

Another season, another gold dupe rofl. Dunno about others but i completely lost motivation to play, bye.


This is unfortunate but understandable. Time to make a video ans wrap the cycle up. I was planning to do MG. Now only thing i am doing is going to play Ghost of Tsu

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Has there already been an official response from the developers? or the community manager simply decided to delete this post
translated using Google Translate

Thank you, I would like to find out what measures they will take since the economy is no longer stable

Don’t worry, be happy, they’ll figure it out!

SI unit prefix for 10^9 would be G (for giga) and not b (billion) though :wink:

It’s really not. No mathematician or scientist would use more than 1 k. Using more than 1 is either due to lazyness or stupidity. Or edginess.

Yeah, that’s fair, though you know what I mean. Just because the kids are lazy &/or don’t know any better doesn’t mean we should tolerate it.

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prices for the most of the stuff are still 1kkk+ even after the fix/bans, guess we only have to wait now until they stablize… if they ever will :frowning: I strongly believe the game will outperform PoE until devs wont fix dupes.

you actually replied to the wrong person and insulted me without any particular reason ,reread.

Youre right, it was late when i wrote it, i gotta say sorry to you, I owe you that.

No. It’s not. It’s literally the dumbest way to write a number. Congrats.

Next time just skip the middleman and tell us how many “tens” it is, ok?


^ some people actually took this guy seriously

I literally had to look up “1kkk” because I was like “no way someone uses that.”

All but 3 websites were Chinese, one was urban dictionary, one was forum of someone asking what “1kk” means, and the last was some kind of stock exchange? And the Chinese websites were one website for manhuas. So… Yeah it’s not exactly used for number representation.

Yeah, that’s because people who have had any form of maths education above that which a normal 10-15 year old would receive can cope with using million/billion/etc rather than double/triple tapping k which just makes the user look uneducated & lazy.

1 = 1
10 = 10
100 = 100
1.000 = 1k
10.000 = 10k
100.000 = 100k
1.000.000 = 1kk / 1M
10.000.000 = 10kk / 10M
100.000.000 = 100kk / 100M = 1kkk / 1B = 10kkk / 10B = 100kkk / 100B

Was what I just wrote in any way rude/offensive or did I just represent numerical values ​​with letters?

In today’s world, people read what they want to read. If in any way you think I’m condoning the real “Ku Klux Klan” just by using 3 letters without making any reference to them and without any context, then the person reading this is taking it for malice and is suffering for no reason and should seek mental health help.

You used the wrong letters. I know what you meant, but still. I get frustrated with what appears to be a dumbing down of the next generation (which has been said by every single generation about their offspring, so it’s not new) & had a go at you which was unnecessary.

Again, people read what they want to read. If that is your basis, then it should also be correct to say that it is wrong to use the word “Black” and that it should be considered racist, even when it is just one color.

There are no right or wrong letters or right or wrong words, it all depends on the context and who is reading and interpreting. You being frustrated does not mean that the person who represented the numbers tried to offend you or anyone else, the context was completely different.

Just breathe and try not to get frustrated with anything you read. :smiley: :+1: