Chinese players have found a dupe

Thank you for realizing that English isn’t my primary language… and by the way, you also realize that I’m not the same person you were discussing at the beginning, right? I saw the discussion about this and just wanted to say that what the person tried to say was not offensive and I tried to explain why.

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Also MU Online, Cabal Online, Priston Tale, Perfect World and many other old games…

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Absolutely! :rofl:

The one I replied to looks as though he was a native English speaker. Sadly.

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If kkk is 1G or 10^9… what is mm?

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mm? millimeter? :smiley:

Man, 1G was a good 20 odd years ago, we’re up to 5G now!


First of all, “m” stands for milli, not mega. Size matters…

It’s neither a trillion, nor a millionth. Megamega or millimilli are as stupid as is kilokilokilo.

Or is it m² (meter squared)?

Just an example why I think it is not nitpicking, but pointing out a common mistake. SI or metric unit prefixes do not allow for multiple successive unit prefixes for a reason.

Stupid inflation :wink: Or inflation of stupidity?

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Look at all of you crying, poor little merchant guild cry babies, maybe just do CoF and play an arpg the way it’s intended to be played.

I don’t know about ‘m’ and mega with milli. I know that ‘k’ is for kilo when used after a digit. Mathematically 1k = k. Just like 1x = x. So 1k * 1k * 1k = kkk. Though not conventional it is still widely used in some aRPG games and from the view of mathematical notation it is not wrong.

By lazy &/or stupid people.

Ok, get a proper mathematician or scientist or whatever to use it in a paper & see what the reaction is. Or even someone on the news or something. It’s the numerical equivalent of leet speak.

So I’m lazy and stupid. Been using it in Diablo context when talking in d3 forums etc. it’s just easier to write 1kk than 1000000. So maybe it is a matter of convenience after all

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And do you know what’s easier to type than 1kk? 1M (or 1m if you want). And you’d have the benefit of knowing that you’re correct.

the guys I usually talk to in those forums are more used to 1kk than 1m. We say ‘1m’ when we need ‘one min afk’ in parties :smiley:
btw, ‘afk’ should be ‘afc’ away from computer but … sometimes you just can’t explain the slang

AFK actually means “away from keyboard”, not computer… You can be afk in consoles also, so no computer again… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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really? smth new to learn :smiley:

“kkk” in reference to currency was used commonly in Metin 2 servers, at least those populated by Eastern Europeans. You’re not only showing your own ignorance, but also racism towards those outside of the Anglo-sphere. Do better.

And in those Eastern European’s languages/currencies did k, kk or kkk refer to a particular local number because I know some of the more further afield countries have different counting systems & therefore different contractions/shorthands? Or was it taking from the standardised k = kilo = 1,000?

I’ll take the ignorance 'cause I’d never heard of Metin 2. Not everything’s racism.

Lmao, this guy really got triggered over someone typing kkk as numbers, must be a gaming journalist working for Kotaku or IGN.

1B = 2$

Devs have fixed the dupe and are banning people :clown_face: