Chinese players have found a dupe

What will happen to the game in the coming days. What will the developers do?


The only thing they ask is, report bugs in the game :slight_smile:

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Oh dear, we are in trouble now arent we… how much they ransoming the devs for? Usually these kind of finds come with one. Yikes

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Just checked auction house, all 3 or 4 LP Items of the most useful items are sold because of the dupe. Yesterday there were 3 pages of 3 and 4 LP of an off meta item i wanted, now all gone—
New ones will cost billions i guess. Was looking forward for rank 9 and was trying to save fevor and money to get some upgrades. It will take me atleast another 10h just to go from rank 7 to 9. Because its to slow for the averange player i couldnt buy the items i wanted before the dupe. Now all my incentive to play and reach rank 9 are gone. Will stop playing now.


same here, prices went for 4-5 millions to 20 in 5 hours. + theres is a problem with RMT, since ppl leveled guild just enough to buy gold (((((((I really hope for a banwave.

there are no more red rings or other good items, for me it’s the end of the cycle… gg


low life scum… :face_vomiting:

Yesterday 2-3 mil today 600 - 1500 mil for the same item. MG is dead for non rm traders and i wont switch and grind all fervor again.

1.1 still cannot fix the gold dupe, i’m gonna quit.

Damn lol

Was going to buy a Red ring last night before bed and they were about 5-6m for a non LP/legendary and was way more than 8 for sale

now cheapest is 550m, should of fucking bought one


same here, was going to buy 3 lp barbute, it costs 1kkk+ now g_g

It’s likely a different one.

You do know that 1b takes less keypresses than 1kkk? And it’s not even slightly racist/white supremacist as well!


This should be stickied. TERRIBLE news, and ruins any desire I have to continue playing

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Ok boys gl with the cicle, I’m not playing anymore when EGH can’t fix dupe 2 season in a row. And COF not for me.


Agreed, this needs not only a fix but a FIX of the rampant exploited gold in the system

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restart the season


Thank god I rolled CoF this cycle.
Having much more fun trying to find my stuff rather than buying them

Another season, another gold dupe rofl. Dunno about others but i completely lost motivation to play, bye.


This is unfortunate but understandable. Time to make a video ans wrap the cycle up. I was planning to do MG. Now only thing i am doing is going to play Ghost of Tsu

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Has there already been an official response from the developers? or the community manager simply decided to delete this post
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