Character respec and spell levels, please

I hope this is in the planning, because the game desperately needs character respec. I got to level 81 on my rogue marksman, got a very cool looking 1h sword and wanted to try bladedancer only to be unpleasently surprise, I couldn’t respec my character. I really don’t see the point of leveling another Rogue to 80+ only to try a build with the gear I have collected. I already have the character… (most of the mele gear I have stocked requiers level 65+)
Hope we can have character respec soon, I’m not willing to put another 30h into leveling just to try a different build of the same class.
On the same note, why are we loosing level spells when we respec? It makes no sence to me. It’s a system deliberetly designed to waste the player’s time which is a big no no. It helps nobody and only backward progress the character.

It’s always a question of where you draw or want to draw the line.

  • You mean within a basic class you should be allowed to change.
  • Someone else would like to be able to jump(/change) even between the basic classes.
  • And again the next one is of the opinion that you should not be allowed to take back ANYTHING (not even passives and such).
  • …and so on…

By the way: There are 12 playable subclasses at the moment and I have about 20 characters.
[If I enjoy a build, I keep it.]
Other players like Boardman21 surely have a few more.
→ Where is your F****** problem? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Make a new character


That I don’t want to put extra 30h of leveling, just to try a new build. The fact that you literally don’t understand a very simple and sensible reason makes me believe you are ditached from reality.

I don’t want to. It’s a waste of time. I already have the character. Any other game gives you the option to respec.

I see and I understand your point but it’s the only alternative for you right now. I play HC maso and I have 5 ghosts all 79+. You are used to the SC gameplay in which you level a character and it will be permanent, that’s why. Try making a new character and in less than 1 week you’ll reach this level - specially if you’re in SC, since u can bump DPS crazily without caring for dying.

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Bullshit with sauce.
→ The point is, some play games of all kinds BECAUSE IT’S FUN TO PLAY THE GAME, others play games because they (often) want to generate “fame” for themselves through apparent efficiency/performance at the end of the day/session.
→ The latter cheat (cheats, hacks, cards up their sleeves, rigged dice and the like).

Apart from the fact that multiple characters generally, if you play more than one build and do not want to constantly change clothes, just make sense you could check out all those “streamers” who sneak their new characters within 2 to 5 hours through the campaign. That way you’ll at least get off your 30 hours. :+1:

Possibly only one talks to you in this way who had a few hundred characters “back then” in Diablo 2, who knows.

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Yeah I don’t want to do that. That’s the point of the post. Considering any other RPG game have a mechanic to respec the character you play, I’d like to see Last Epoch have one as well. I don’t want to play backwards progression.

It’s different in LE for the reason that decisions are supposed to matter. You can respec anything in this game despite your class and mastery. Therefore you are supposed to choose wisely when you have to decide, which mastery you want to go with.

You went Marksman that is obviously a Ranged character. You find a sword and want to be a melee character instantly. This is not what the game will let you do.

You say, it’s a waste if time. Others, like me, say that it is dedication to your build and the decisions you made earlier.

Also I can assure you that a simple respec won’t turn your Marksman into a viable Bladedancer. Idols and some gear affixes a very specific for the Marksman mastery you played and thus won’t fit a Bladedamcer. You would need to put a lot of money and/or time into changing gear.

With skill respec it is a similar thing. LEs philosophy is to prevent quick swap your skill specs depending on content. This mayn8t suit you. But this is the reason a lot of players are actually very happy with LE. It’s different from Diablo 3 where you can swap your skills and specs anytime. Many people did not like this in D3 and are happy that LE provides that build identity. So also with your skill specs, your decision matters.

If you make a mistake, you can still respec at the cost of playtime.

But it gets easier the higher the content is, you are playing. Also the releveling is faster than the very first leveling if your skills. When you are in the monolith, you reap relevel skills very fast.

This automatically forces player to better plan their builds. It hinders experimentation a bit but does not prevent it.

I also relevel skills a lot when playing, even when leveling new characters. Just don’t hesitate to do it, because it’s less punishing than it looks like.

But in the end you have an advantage when you have better thought about your build and stick to a plan.

This is a difference to Wolcen and D3 where skill decisions don’t matter the slightest. And it is an outstanding feature many actual players like.

There are people like you that dont like it and suggest changes. For me personally it would be a job stopper if they implemented instant respecs because this is the reason I never felt good with D3 and Wolcen.

I hope you give the system a chance and can get confident with it.




Why? What’s the logic to that, when every RPG game made in the last 20 years allows you to do that.

It’s backward progression. Usually such mechanics are deliberetly made to keep players engaged, justifying their existance as “choises matter”, when in reality it wastes players’ time.

So, what? Put another 30h in leveling, just because it takes longer? Also, do you think I don’t save BD gear?

So, it’s deliberetly made to waste players’ time? Is this an official statment? You are giving D3 as an example, but PoE has a repsec mechanic as well, AS ANY OTHER RPG GAME xD…

Backwards progression is a horrible game design.

You are repeating yourself. You don’t need to explain it to me. I see where you are coming from.

But I disagree.

This is the way you see it. You call it backwards progression and waste of time. I call it dedication and importance of decision making.

I don’t give official statements. These are my own opinion and background knowledge about this topic as I’m visiting the forums for about 2 years now. You are not the first to stress this topic.

Sadly you are very entitled to your own opinion.

This is not to make people sad. No sane dev would implement mechanics nobody likes and stick to them. This topic is just not as one sided as you think.


You will not need another 30 hours to level a new character to the same point and also you can play the same base class, hell even the same mastery in so many different ways, that playing a new character can still feel very fresh and exciting.

This is a subject that already got discussed dozens of times and the TL:DR from all of those discussions is:

It’s subjective, there is no “right” or “wrong” way to do it. Some player like having to make decisions that matter, some players don’t.

The respec system already got changed and touched multiple times and with what we have now (minimum respec level and exp catch up) is the best middleground we can get IMO.

In case you are interested here is one of the more heavily discussed threads:


I dont want to level another Rogue, it’s pointless. (It took me 30h to get to level 80. I’m using that time stamp.) I already have a rogue, why is it so hard to comprehend? It’s like leveling a 2nd Hunter in WoW only to play Beast master, because you already picked marksman and now you are locked into it. Do you see how little sense that makes? PoE gives you the opportunity to respec your entire tree. it costs a lot, but it is in the game. Locking the specialization is so stupid, it boggles my mind how anyone can justify it. It doesn’t make my choises more “meaningful”, but it’s a time waster…

I don’t understand the problem yet. Why aren’t you respecing your character? Because you have the wrong mastery, or…?

I have 7 different Lich’s (Same Mastery) and i played every single one of them completely differently and i enjoyed it alot.

Comparing this to WoW, a game of an entire different genre doesn’t make that much sense.
WoW is waaaaaaaaaaaaay less complex in terms of character building and complexity.

And while you probably don’t want to hear that i could even argue, why not make the specilialisation’s in WoW permanent? You will certainly not like this, but I would like this.
Anyway back to LE.

Playing the same base class multiple times is not a waste of time, since there are so many different things you can do.

In your case you even want to play a different mastery, not just a different builds within the same mastery.

Rogue in this regard is a complete archetype change, since BD is primarily melee and Marksman is ranged.

When a you want to respec a Sentinel Void Knight into a Sentinel Forge Guard, that would be at least the same archetype, but still a major change in terms of skills and playstyle, even though they do share more skills then Marksman and Bladedancer.

It is ok, if you don’t like this system. Also just because other games do something different, doesn’t mean LE has to make the same things.

A lot of the things i like about LE is, that they try to do things differently.

All i want you is to understand, that there are different mindsets and opinions out there.
Try to wrap your head around that and maybe your become a little bit more open minded.

There are so many things in game design, that are not objectively “good” or “bad”.

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Being forced to level a 2nd rogue, in order to play a different spec is a waste of time, it’s bacwards progression. I already have the character, I already have the gear, I want to put the gear on and play the character. That’s it…
I haven’t seen a single logical argument to why characters should be locked to their specialization.

It kind of has, or it won’t be able to compete. Right now, having to level a 2nd character is such a turn off.

Explain it to me. I seriously can’t see a single benefit of releveling a character in order to play a specialization, you already have access to! I already have the character! What’s the point?

There doesn’t need to be a “logic”.

This is a very subjective topic and as i said earlier, there is no right or wrong way to do this.

There are a lot of player that might choose LE over PoE, for the reason that classes have more identity and feel more unique. (ascendancies in PoE are super wishy washy)

We already tried, but just because you can’t agree with the reasons, doesn’t make them invalid.

Some some more keywords, that are important for me personally, other people might have more reasons:

  • Getting more attached to each of your individual characters
  • Make decision making important/give it weight
  • Playing a certain character/mastery to fulfill a very specific class fantasy
  • Make characters not feel replaceable

There won’t be. It’s an anti-casual mechanic and most players are casuals.

You haven’t given me a single logical reason to why I have to relevel the same character in order to play a different build.

Obviously, but I’d like to know for who.
Do 80% of potential players think the same? Or 20%? What is the right proportions?
I really would like to know.

Whan I started, I was thinkking like you. It took me a while to accept - and this is MY point of view - that it’s not respeccing. It’s not “I put my bow down, get a dagger and fight”. I need to “go to school”, learn how to use it, learn to master it (like in “mastery”. It’s a lore and game design decision. It used to “upset” me, now I fully agree with it.

I just would like to know if there is a majority somewhere. To be fair, I don’t think there is.

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The game told you when you chose Marksman that you would not be able to change it. There was a big window, with big letters, that you had to click “OK” on.

There is no difference between “I found a cool 1h sword and want to try a Bladedancer” and “I found a cool 2h sword and want to try a Void Knight” or “I found a cool staff and want to try a Sorceror”. Do you also not see the point of leveling a Sentinel or a Mage “only to try a build with the gear [you] have collected”?

Marksman and Bladedancer are not “a different build of the same class”. They are different classes. The problem is not that you “can’t respec your character”. The problem is that your perception of Mastery classes and what they mean is wrong. It’s the only thing you can’t change when you choose it and it’s no different than choosing a Rogue when your first created your character.

If what you want is a single character that you can infinitely change around at your leisure, perhaps FF14 is more your speed.

Making new characters to play new builds is a mechanic in nearly every RPG that has ever been developed. You’re being an extreme drama llama and it’s quite frankly not interesting to anyone.


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