Cannot unlock empowered monoliths

Worked for me!

This issue still exists with the 1.0 release.
Had to do the start an echo in the last ruin monolith and then teleport back to the last ruin waypoint to get it to trigger. Seems like something that should be sorted out by now :slight_smile:

Thank you. I just completed the last 3 level 90 monos after 1.0 release and encountered this bug. After doing what you said it worked perfectly.

Happened to me today also, I logged out after clearing the last of the 3 timelines, came back later to empower but no good.

I used the workaround to do a random monolith, then port to the last ruin and run down… that fixed it.

New player and had this happen to me. I thought I could only raise corruption 10 at a time, wasted a few days in normal monolith…

Running around the paths randomly activated the cutscene making the thing clickable.

They should make unlocking the Empowered Monolith part of a quest chain so new players don’t miss it.

mods need to pin this please, this is still happens at launch 1.0

This did not work for me exactly however I did get it to work, I Tp from end time to Reign of dragons walked up to middle island got nothing so I opened the map to try and tp back to Reign of dragons to try again. That seemed to of worked and caused the cutscene to play.

So anyone having issues with it still in 1.0 give that a shot.

TP to reign of dragons > Run to center island > Tp back to reign of dragons from the center island.

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Just got this issue. Figured out that if I go around and click all the bridges, it fixed it. I think the cutscene must just be waiting on all the bridges before playing.

Like above, had to run around and activate all of the bridges even the ones closer to the previous nodes on the 90’s. Starting at Reign of Dragon and approaching it finally unlocked it.

Worked for me too. Unfortunately this bug ist still going strong in 1.0. Very frustrating. But thanks to your comment I was able to get it to work for me. Thanks man :slight_smile:

I teleported to the end after completing the last lvl 90 monolith and had this bug happen.
I could walk around everywhere in the monolith area and never trigger the cutscene.
I resolved this by adding corruption to one of the lvl 90 monoliths I had completed (by reaching the end of the webbed islands), killing the boss that get spawned from that and then instantly teleporting to the monolith area and go to that island in the middle of the lvl 90 monoliths.

There is certainly some state management problem of when it’s checking the completion being ignored in this questline, a pretty dire one since it’s very easy to just take it like “I guess that is the game” and just leave it after that happens since it looks like everything is completed by then.

UPDATE: While standing near the center island catalyst, I opened the map and fast travelled to a waypoint within the Monolith of Fate-- and instead of a loading screen or relocating to the waypoint I selected, this triggered the camera to pan out and the ground formed near the catalyst-- and THEN i was relocated to the waypoint I’d selected.

The minimap now showed the quest marker at the center island, so I ran over and successfully completed the unlock quest.



Original reply:

Same behavior for me, and I definitely didn’t manually walk over all the bridges before unlocking the last 3 timelines (I just used fast travel for most of them).

Player.log (685.7 KB)

“At the center island, do the 3 indicators light up to show that you’ve completed the 3 requisite timelines?”

–Yes, the 3 indicators light up.

“When you approach the center island, does the camera pan over to the catalyst in the middle?” If so, can you then walk over and click on that catalyst and receive the “empowered timelines unlocked” message? If the camera does not return control to you after it pans over the catalyst, that’s also valuable information."

–No. There’s no change to the camera view as far as I can tell.

Is the center catalyst accessible, or is the ground not formed around it, preventing access?

–The ground is not formed around center catalyst, and hovering the cursor over the center catalyst does not indicate it’s interactable.

-Does any of this change if you leave the Monolith of Fate and re-enter it? If you’re in online, you’ll need to stay outside the Monolith of Fate for 1 minute to get a new instance.

–No, the same results persist across instances. I tried leaving the Monolith of Fate fast travelling to a different era (for over 1 minute), then I fast travelled to End of Time and entered Monolith of Fate from there.

I manually walked over all the footpaths from the entrance to the center island (no fast travel within Monolith), but this yielded the same results as described above.

Hello, the same problem happen to me today.
Not sure what patch the game had when i created this character but it was after the launch.
What i tried to fix it (and worked for me in the end):

  • First i tried to exit game and relog, then port to “The last Ruin” and go to the midle, but it does not help.
  • After that i tried to teleport from “midle” island to “The Last Ruin” and backtrack, but it doesnot help.
  • Then i tried to finish one random “echo” from “The Last Ruin” and after i returned from the echo, i opened the map and teleported to “The Last Ruin” then i went to the “midle” island by foot which triger the animation and spawn the ground etc.

I hope it may help others until it is fixed.
(and sorry for my bad english)


was waiting for patch to fix the issue but you method worked !

Thank you. Your advice work for me.

It did work, thanks a LOT, since still no fix online… :expressionless: