This is pretty odd - I play at 1080p exclusive full screen all the time without any issues alt tabbing, foreground / background and I have a multimonitor config… I am typing this reply with the game in full screen behind my browser window…
That thread you quoted is a lot of patches ago and the game has changed hugely since then and I havent seen many people have this issue in a while…
Can you include your in-game graphic setting file and perhaps our system info (dxdiag)?. Maybe there is something specific to your setup that is causing this - there used to be issues with ultrawide resolutions etc but those are all dealt with as far as I know… Sometimes multiple monitors configs or TV type displays cause odd things, but its hard to speculate without more info…
Please can you try the following:
If you are using Steam, please verify the game files - very important for any game issues.
Make sure that you are using a recent (2-3 month) GPU driver… for nvidia, dont use version 466.77
Confirm that your GPU drivers are not using some overriding config that is preventing the game from taking fullscreen mode…
Config issues like this can sometimes point to a messed up le_graphicsmanager.ini file - without the game running, rename this file to anything else and then restart the game - it should recreate the file & reset to defaults
Here is my graphics-manager file. le_graphicsmanager.ini (489 Bytes)
I am playing from a laptop and I am connected to a monitor trough HDMI cord. Monitor is set as primary display. I have tried both view it on 0 and 1 monitor, and the result is still the same. I see my full windows taskbar and the windows ‘window’ boarder with minimize, expand, exit buttons.
I just updated my nvidia driver. And renamed the le_gm file. The game still opens in windowed mode.
Ahh… The dreaded laptop setup. The bane of anyone trying to provide help for gaming…
I probably should have asked for your dxdiag export to figure out your gpu/monitor setup and see what hardware you are using…
Laptops are a nightmare to figure out things like this for because they always have their own special sauce that controls which GPU (iGPU or Discreet) is active on which monitor and on which app… all to manage or juggle battery life, power, thermals & performance… on top of this they always have special software & bios that limits what a user can do.
Ok… moan aside… some suggestions:
If the laptop has any monitor or GPU related settings or software, make sure that none of them are preventing fullscreen and check each option to see what its doing. This is very important and unfortunately all laptop manufacturers have their own ways of doing things with software & Fn key shortcuts etc. and when additional external monitors are connected, then things get very tricky/specific.
If you disconnect your external monitor and reboot your machine and then try LE, does it still stay on windowed mode irrespective of the in-game settings? (important to physically disconnect and reboot first).
Do you have a laptop with both an iGPU and discreet one? I.e. a cpu with graphics AND a separate discreet GPU… If you do, you need to make sure that LE is only running on the discreet GPU. You can do this on windows 10 under Display/GraphicsSettings/Graphics Performance Preferences.
Be sure to set your laptop to performance mode and dont let it change your gpu performance while trying to play LE.
You didnt mention doing it, so please verify the game files if you are using Steam.
Try those things and see what happens…
ps. Just a note, for better stablity in game play, you need to enable framerate limiting in-game - if you leave this unlimited LE will max out your GPU and it either crashes the game or makes your system fans sound like rockets trying to cool your laptop. Just set it to whatever your monitor Hz is - thats the simplest…
I think I have solved the issue. I don’t know if that was the update of the driver or I simply ignored that option. But now I set the Display Mode from Exclusive Full Screen to Maximized Window. Now it covers the whole screen. Maybe a bug?
Thanks for your support. I now checked the limit FPS function as well! Cheers!
Could definitely be a bug and yes, the devs do read these tech threads even if they dont reply that often. If it looks like its solved for now, then it would help if you add a quick summary reply with your laptop make and model and what settings work & dont work for you…
That will help anyone else using a laptop (especially your brand) and it will help the devs when they look at these threads and try and figure out if its a possible bug.
Oh, and mark your reply as the solution to close the thread…
When in game and choosing DIsplay Mode ‘Exclusive Full Screen’ the game runs windowed. If I chose to play in ‘Maximized Window’ The game runs in Full Screen.
Also, I haven’ t seen change with viewing on monitor 0 or 1. The game is anyway displayed on my primary monitor.