Bladedancer is dead?

As far as I understand, now there is no difference how many shadows you have, since only one blade storm deals damage)))

C - Guys, I came up with a synergy of shadows with bladestorm!
A - cool, but it looks a bit OP.
B - No problem, I will limit the number of blade storms to three.
A - Good! But maybe it’s still an OP.
B - No problem, I will limit the number of damage-dealing bladestorm to one.
A - Perfect! The question is closed!
C- …
C - Guys, I was thinking, we have an online RPG, I came up with a trading system!
A - Cool, but it looks a bit OP.
B - No problem, I will close the trade
A - Perfect! The question is closed!
C- …
C - Guys, I came up with an interesting crafting system, glyphs, runes, crafting tier up to 7!
A - Cool, but it looks a bit OP.
B - No problem, I will limit the crafting tier to 5.
A - Perfect! The question is closed!
C- …

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C - Guys, Sentinels have numerous OP builds that are basically 1-button walking simulators!
A - Cool, but it sounds a bit OP.
B - No problem, I’ll find more ways to nerf Rogue builds.
A - Perfect! The question is closed!


Honestly, I do not know which class is how OP. I only made a rogue for my five-year-old son, he calmly ran 400+ corruption.

Nobody has mentioned Shadow Daggers not being an ailment anymore. From my tests you get 100% application rate with blades/bladestorms whereas in the current offline version its only 60%. Hell, sometimes the latency on the servers means extra hits that shouldn’t have happened if you’re using explosive bladestorms.

I noticed this, but I hadn’t played with them before and didn’t know how it was before the change. I’m not interested in OP skill, I’m concerned about the mechanism of correcting the skill.

Relax everyone. I promise you the build is very much not dead and still incredibly powerful. When built a certain way it’s not clunky or squishy. It’s smooth and incredibly tanky. :slight_smile:

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Nahh thats not the point of topic. Main point of topic that bladedancer have 2-3 builds for hight difficult play t4 bosses and high level monolits and steel devs nerf class and give nothing and that sad.

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Weird. I can think of more than that off the top of my head that can kill t4, and that’s just the stuff I know about.

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i can think about many things write it however so hard. Can you?

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Call the builds

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I think this post is about ready to end. At first it seemed to be about Shadow Daggers getting nerfed to the ground, but we’ve established that this isn’t the case. Now it feels like we’re trying to shift to “The sky is falling!” about Bladedancer, but the Mastery is well known to be one of the most powerful and diverse choices currently available. We don’t have to jump to the the conclusion that everything is ‘dead’ just because adjustments are made. If we take the time to test things and find that they aren’t living up to expectations then fine, but this is clearly not one of those cases and Bladedancer is doing just fine so I’m going to move on now.


So you have no answer and just sayd conversation is over. Fine u can leave it. GL
Thats why this game have only 2k people playing max. Becouse even streamers like u cant say anything only “bla bla bla this game is ok dont leave pls”.

P.S. Devs next time u think to give people like this prio in beta read his posts.

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Nothing has changed in that regard. it’s still an ailment.

If that’s the case, that’s a bug and should be reported.

I’m sure you’re just doing it wrong McFluff.

“LoL wut”… If McFluff says that he can think of a number of builds that can do t4 then I’m inclined to believe him. I don’t always agree with him and in this case I think he’s got it a bit wrong - I think it started out with the sky is falling because bladestorms have been nerfed though i wouldn’t be surprised if a skilled player could still do t4s with it (I’ve never done t4s but I’ve always thought that skill and respect for the mechanics was more important than brute forcing the boss with massive dps). I’d also think that there may be other ways to build bladestorms that aren’t as mana intensive and may potentially have upsides that Sync Strike doesn’t have if you choose to use your mind rather than cry about changes.

But it would be nice if @McFluffin would share a few other t4-capable builds with tjose willing to think and learn.

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Insted of share he end a conversation. So that is the streamer who know many build yes yes.
But who cares if he cant even call it. You can just ask Dreadfull or PerrythePig and they answer you that bladedancer in a bad state - worse then any other class in game. Who cares about bladestrom? Can you open Last Epoch open skills and watch how much skill do you have as main for build? For bladedanser it will be 4. 4 skills - 4 builds and i dont know at what state shurikens right now. so its is what it is.

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I’m always a bit wary of people who say that X is dead. While they may be right, it can also be a sign of a lack of imagination/knowledge (PoE has this a lot).

So can u sayd some thing about builds? Even streamer doesnt? So you are have lack of imagination too i guess. Becouse u can build acid flask build but it cant kill even t1 Jurla. Imagination doesnt help u play game at high difficulty. 56 Commentaries 0 build spoken only 1 video that i upload.

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Q: How many gamers does it take to change a light bulb?


I heard this joke over 25 years ago. Never stopped feeling accurate since then. Some things never change (pun intended).

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Same about people who play normal mono and dies then ask streamers about builds.)))

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I’ve made a few suggestions as to how one might get around the cost of Sync Strike.

It helps solve issues such as “wtf, my build has just had a massive mana cost increase on the first throw so now it’s unsustainable with this other expensive skill, I can’t possibly work around it so I must demand that the devs revert the change”.