Beastmaster Tempest Strike Aftershock - 8-12M dps and 12k stable ward at high end gearing (Not an earthquake build)

So made a thing.
Have not seen anyone else playing this or anything similar so wanted to share the joy of playing melee without healing hands or Rive o.o

Edit: Made a follow up video since some people seem to have a hard time understanding how the build works and thus making comments that are not very relevant to my build. This video goes a bit more in-depth and explains why the build is not an earthquake build, and why some people maybe find that to be a good thing. If you already get the concept, you really donā€™t have to bother with this video.

Napkin math I did that inspired me to make the buid: Aftershock math - Google Sheets

Planner: Beastmaster, level 100 (Release / 1.0.3) - Last Epoch Build Planner


EDIT: People seem to be confused. This is NOT an EQ build, EQ is not even on our hotbar. We are proccing up to 7 Aftershocks a second using Tempest Strike.

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Enjoy Clever Solution untill itā€™ll be gutted in the next season. This axe is so much fun.

So this is nothing that new outside of the new tempest strinke. non the less itā€™s a nice setup.

Beastmaster is pretty strong and you didnā€™t even use all the available aspects to make it even more bonkers ^^.

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Definitely one of the underrated classes.

Please enlighten me how to make this iteration of the build significantly stronger. Also point me to ANYONE who has played the idol version this cycle or posted about it?

EDIT: Felt so harsh when i read it again, I am genuinely curious if anyone else has mentioned this Idol this cycle because I couldnā€™t find anything when I searched, or Iw ouldnt have posted it at all. Also I think I did a decent job putting it together but I donā€™t doubt thereā€™s min maxing to do, I am also genuinely curious what you were thinking of because thereā€™s nothing that seems obvious to me.

I canā€™t :slight_smile: . Iā€™m arround for a rather long time and builds come and go. Aftershock EQ is nothing new. When I look in YT and search for ā€œLast Epoch Aftershock Earthquakeā€ I find 6 builds from over the last 9 month without going deep into this rabbit hole.

As i said, and no irony involed, itā€™s a nice setup and a well rounded build you came up with.

Iā€™m german thatā€™s like kindergarden style donā€™t worry but I want my shovel back :stuck_out_tongue:

EQ aftershock is nothing new, this is not using EQ at all though. Now I get why you felt it wasnā€™t anything new. I played the EQ version, it is quite different indeed :slight_smile: For Bossing, the EQ version should do about 30-50% more dmg actually but it plays WAY clunkier for monoing

Yeah proccing Aftershocks is nice indeed but evn with the clunkyness of EQ I think there is room for more boom ^^. Non the less as i said itā€™s a nice setup ^^.

I tried EQ and hated it, switched to Upheaval

Upheaval does 450k crits on the dummy

cool thanks ill check it out. i played a similar build with crows. earthquake sounds much more interesting and barbarian like

This is not an EQ build.

Wow you have a massive IQ

Ok, if I get this right, essentially all damage in this build comes from aftershocks, right? Do they stack when you turn them into dotā€™s?

I play a similar build in legacy. Itā€™s awesome. One observationā€¦ I think itā€™ll be better if you scaled Damage Over Time instead of Physical damage. Did you try that?

If more than one of them is hitting the same enemy then yes. They appear under random enemies so you have little control of this, and they are quite small AoEs. Usually Fury Leap and Warcry are specced to draw enemies in closer, to maximise overlap.

EQ is mandatory here. Not for the skill itself, but to buff the Aftershocks to the moon in its skill tree. You can use any melee skill you like to proc them. Swipe is also great (though not for a LL build like this, youā€™d need Boulderfists or similar to prevent Health leech). Anything melee that attacks FAST and hits LOTS will do.

Nice build, seems like you could afford a Humming Bee as offhand for some good ward generation too? I think armor shred isnā€™t necessary and bleed is manageable.

Anything melee that attacks FAST and hits LOTS will do.

Kind of yes. Except thereā€™s no other viable skill than Tempest Strike currently. The reason I made this build was due to the Tempest Strike rework. 1.833 Base Attack rate and 76% increased Attack Speed in itā€™s tree, thatā€™s bonkers. Swipe would be ballparking half damage in comparison.

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I play a similar build in legacy. Itā€™s awesome. One observationā€¦ I think itā€™ll be better if you scaled Damage Over Time instead of Physical damage. Did you try that?

Why would you think that Damage over time would scale better? The Aftershocks scale off of melee hit dmg (ā€œdealing their normal hit damage each secondā€), so anything that scales melee hit dmg is good. And you need as much flat melee as possible or you have no damage to scale, without the flat you will be trying to scale a base number thatā€™s too small (Aftershocks base damage is ā€œ2ā€) to scale no matter the amount of increased scalars your using.

So after youā€™ve gotten enough flat base damage to scale we have to choose which increased multiplier to use. The values of increased damage over time compared to increased physical damage in terms of item affixes are the same, but inc phys scales Tempest Strke as well. At the very highest end your Tempest actually does damage, and itā€™s free damage so scaling both (without opportunity cost) makes a lot of sense.

Bajheera made it at release and for about 2 weeks

hes back in wow now though

No he made a standard swipe earthquake build. Does no one actually look at the video or planner before they comment here? His build is basically the same build The Curse made prior to 1.0 and itā€™s a well known standard Earthquake build and it has no similarities to my build what so ever. I do NOT use earthquake.

EDIT: I glimpsed through his video of the build he used and it was basically jsut a copy paste from the build The Curse posted before. Same items, same affixes etc.

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Yes they do but because you have converted them to Damage Over Time in the Upheaval Node, they also scale with DoT, and I thought DoT scales better than % Physical Damage does.