Yes they do but because you have converted them to Damage Over Time in the Upheaval Node, they also scale with DoT, and I thought DoT scales better than % Physical Damage does.
Not speccing Upheaval, but probably jsut a slip up there, you emanrt Earthquake, all good.
It converts all hit damage, meaning you can still scale hit damage and get the same scaling, even though it is now dealing the hit damage over time. The skill (Aftershock, it’s a separate skill) still has all the melee tags attached to it.
Yes it does not actually HIT anymore, but that doesn’t matter in terms of scaling hit damage. A DoT skill like ignite won’t do more damage if you add Melee Fire Damage to a weapon for instance. Aftershock does.
So you can scale either Damage over time or Physical damage, doesn’t matter and both have the same tier of affixes and they are the same increased multiplier. The downside with scaling Damage over time specifically is that it does ONLY scale your aftershocks and nothing else, while phys damage scales every damaging ability you use (namely Tempest strike, but also to a small extent your leap).
T7 Ring affix for Increased Physical Damage is 96% to 120%, identical to T7 Damage Over Time affix.