Balance sucks

Right because a casual player lvling a warlock to empowered and then doing a shaman totally isn’t going to notice an astronomical power gap…

100% this. But people playing Warlock etc. are going to say you’re wrong just so they can have their easy mode.

Then play a Warlock if they are so good? Balance will come and change things as it always has with this game. If your only concern is theirs a FOTM OP build then play that because there will always be one.

That’s just an example. Warlock, Necro, Falcon, Runemaster, and Paladin are all extremely powerful. A vast majority of people are playing these 5. I would like buffs to stuff like Shaman, Spellblade, Forgeguard, BM, etc… Or bug fixes at least, like BM EQ Divine Totem node doesn’t work. It’s boring when everyone just plays the same 5 or so masteries.

They will come in time Shaman, Spellblade, Forgeguard, etc are all just really early class designs and, while they have been updated a bit, still need more updates to bring them up to par. EHG will update them with time as they have in the past just not during a league.

Play something powerful in the league while you wait.

Ah yes because the arena is an important par tof the game. LOL. It’s not even comparable to doing high corruption monos. Nobody cares about arena.

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Yes I will, like 99% of people. My RM is level 90.

Just a heads up, that’s even more imbalanced.

isnt that normal? if you enjoy running but everyone runs faster than you , you’ll try to figure out why that is before settling with “i’m gonna run at this speed and enjoy it”.

it’s human nature. the only way to dodge that is being the only human in the world :wink:

You don’t need to follow the crowd to have fun. I have zero desire to play a warlock, perfectly fine playing the build I chose to play at the start.


So is ward then not the problem? Instead of warlock itself? Or is it something with their passives? Skill they use?

Locks have a buged skill interaction that makes them get stupid ammounts of ward. You can have 65k Ward in your Ward bar shown some locks have more then 2-3 bars of Ward worth of bars down there while only one is shown. It’s a bit broken ^^.

I think its not so much about balance. But about meta. Most of players play warlock etc. But dont try another class yet. After some time here will came someone who will absolutly brake game with build on class wich is not yet even in top 1000 because not so much players will pay attention like him to items etc. I think its about time.

No it’s not. There’s a few outliers but the game itself is in a relatively good state of balance.

The issue is those 5 “outliers” are the most played masteries making up a vast majority of players. I think Falconer and Warlock alone are 50%. Then the remaining 3 OP ones most of the remaining. As far as balance is concerned, you have Runemaster doing 1800 corruption, what’s the highest Shaman you’ve seen?


I add to this. Balance is terrible now looking at what was available in Beta. There are maybe 4 viable builds, viable means that all other builds are behind in dumbster, 0 dmg. Its digusting when people make videos of some builds, saying “try out this crazy build!” and they fight with elite monsters for a 5 seconds while other builds just smash 3 elites 1 shot without even stopping for a sec. Right now gameplay is casual focused as “playing” with different builds is fun until it comes to corruption 100+, then its pretty clear what is shit and what smashes through everything.
Im gonna quit the game for now, until some balance changes


Idk how relevant my comment is cuz I’m kinda noobish but I just leveled a druid. It literally deals over 10x less dmg (ten times less damage) than a my first character necromancer. Both builds have similar quality of gear. Actually, the druid has more T20+ items on it. Let alone the necro was pretty much immortal all the way to 250 corruption, while the druid struggled with its first runs on empowered monos.

Of course there might be some other factors but 10 TIMES MORE DAMAGE and INFINITELY BETTER DEFENCE?


Devs mentioned that their balance point is corruptions, not arena. Since you mention D3, all they need to do is add leaderboards per mastery. Balance anyway will always evolve cycle to cycle.

Haha! I’m playing a druid werebear right now, and yeah, my experience is the same. Coming from a warlock build, the difference is BIG. I’ve been doing everything I can to bring up the dps , constantly respecking and trying out different options but everything has been pretty weak for me and I’m level 76 now.

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No, it proves there are bugs that are allowing them to push that high. Seriously, this isn’t the first time this has been brought up and discussed.

I really wish EHG would fix the forum Search functionality, since it’s obviously broken.