Balance sucks

People who think the game balance in the current state is fine should get a reality check by playing shaman or forge guard.

I start the cycle with Markman, then Falconner, then Warlock and now Shaman.

it’s like you’re playing different game mode. Playing shaman on 100 corruption IS harder than playing lock & falconer on 500 corruption. The disparity is SO stark it’s dizzying.

My warlock can steam roll t4 soul fire bastion face tanking boss with gear I get from leveling. While my shaman struggled even on 100 corruption boss. Lacking sustain. Lacking damage. Every decision in build and item was a sacrifice for something.

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Ward itself is not a broken mechanic. It is cleary the interactions of abilities/passives in a few builds/trees that are broken. A quick hotfix will show that it is more of a bug issue than class balance issue. With that said they need to buff health classes/endurance and bring some of the lower damage builds up to snuff. I truly do not care that there are builds doing 2000 corruption with unintended interactions. It will be fixed…then more broken builds in the near future. First world problems.


I get you and I understand what you mean. I personally do not care about the ladder especially since it rewards nothing. So just think of that until they either fix it/or leave it like that until the next cycle. I know some people are competitive and that way and I feel for them but at least there is no prize loss because of this.