Balance sucks

I don’t know why I even bother. People just hear what they want to.

The bugs are onbivous I don’t mention them anymore because everyone get this ^^. Ward itself is broken in it’s current state and needs a complete overhaul to make the interaction better for Spellblade and worse for everyone else ^^.

it’s been only like a week since the release and Warlock / Falconer become playable. Maybe give the devs some time to patch it properly . You whining in so many threads. Go touch the grass breathe in deeply and relax. it’s just a game


Just confused that this is a thing or why you care but…
I also don’t care about ladders. Currently enjoying that I can make anything work except…


Why is this still a waste???

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channeling sucks because the game has terrible mana generation(and because you stop regenning), even if you go all in on gear for mana regen. It is a problem with both channelling in general and with mana in general.

But with regards to OP, a build is not concidered “viable” on whether it is top leaderbuild, it is concidered so on whether it can get 300 or so curruption empowered monos. Which is almost everything. Reaching the very top of leaderbuild is ALLWAYS going to be for the most specific ultra try hard build at the time, viable will not cut it for that, only the best.

The fact that the two new classes are so crazy does not mean that other setups are not viable. People forget just how tanky spellblade can get, just how fast poison lich can run monos, or how bladedancer does massive damage.

Nerfing falconer would be hard because of how it is a result of so many skills buffing each other. Warlock would likely just be a bit less damage. But the devs have a history of nerfing builds that end up this insane, said builds usually survive in a lesser form(with the exception of earthquake, which was nerfed into the ground)

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Who cares about the rankings? This is a small part of a great Game.
The Game is just 15 days old.

Check out D4 and the great Rankings. Play a Mage and you’re Number 1, oh that calls for a nerf.

I can’t hear it anymore these mimimi…

Yeah bro, everyone who is “Thinking for themselves” probably cant get passed lagon because their build ends up being on the low end. For fun builds and meta slave builds, the gap in performance couldnt be wider.


The biggest issue is the balance between the ease of gaining corruption and the damage scaling between 300-400. My character will go from destroying everything without a worry of dying to being one-shot within 60 minutes of pushing corruption.

I’m not a ward character and it feels like a mistake. I have ~3,000 health, 71% block chance, 1700 block effectiveness, 60% endurance, 900 endurance threshold, resistance cap, 100% crit avoidance, 3000 armor, and 1400 stun avoidance. I’ve reached the point where upgrades are sparse. I could probably push into 500 corruption but I don’t really care to do that with a health-based character that fights in melee range.

Yeah, and i think anyone that is speaking against this is either playing a Warlock or Falconer and don’t want their overpowered class to be nerfed.


hm. When you want a high ladder rank play Warlock. Which I dont. So the I play a lock to get Twink stuff. I avoid build guides…

There is this belt with the 16(?) health bottles and this exp. affix which spawns volatile zombies every time you pop one … need that. sounds like fun.

But in a way … who has the time to play 1500 Arena waves in one go? Perhaps the Arena needs to be harder too. Yes warlock ward should be fixed. But here is no need to panic. Next season. Do it properly.

There will be alway THE CLASS with THE SKILL you have to play to win the ladder. But also you will have to have NO LIVE. So … ladder is boring. Perhaps next season it is a sentinel. And everybody: NERF SENTINEL.

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There will always be stronger and weaker classes. I could not care less about some ranking lol, may be it 100% full of warlocks. Who the fuck cares.


Completely agree. Also, anyone who thinks arenas are irrelevant are welcome to see their way out of the conversation. The same people who claim arenas are trivial are the same ones who have a suspiciously strong opinion about them.

Yes. “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”

I mean, its clear to see that there is a balance issue… But does it ruin my Sentinel ability to just roam around and play the game…

Clearly its something that we should expect being tried to be ironed out for the next Cycle - but for this cycle, I think for those who hunts for overall leaderboard must accept that they will generally see more Warlocks and Falconers as being there…

As far as I can read, both Warlock and Falconer was introduced for the 1.0 launch, and therefore didn’t go through a broader test phase, therefore you could say it was bound to bring imbalance compared to other classes, being much more through roughly tested…
So I’m not saying its acceptable, but it is what it is.

I think you simply have to respect the fact that arenas are the only current form of competitive gameplay in LE. That matters to some people. God forbid we start seeing corruption leaderboards, though.

Well, i know that it’s hard to achieve perfect balance in ARPG games, but my issue is that there is a HUUUGE gap of power between the different masteries. I am pretty sure people calling for balance are not mad because some classes are stronger than others, but they are mad because the difference is so huge that it became a joke lol.

It has nothing to do with ‘what is everyone else doing’. It is acknowledging a build that is clealy multitudes times more efficient/stronger. I feel like I am wasting my time when I could just use a warlock to farm buttloads, instead of actually playing a toon I want. Sorry, but you have to also acknowledge the psychology there are people don’t want to play a ‘weak’ class/mastery because time is limited.

While I love playing my Paladin, when I see how much quicker/easier a similar geared/lvl warlock is atm, i am just spinning wheels while they are already a mile down the road

The only thing to acknowledge about that psychology is that playing a video game with no stakes in a way that you don’t enjoy just because the made up numbers and rewards you get are bigger is completely dysfunctional. It’s not normal or healthy and it shouldn’t be treated like it is. And I can’t think of a less fun way to enjoy a hobby than to treat it like an accounting job.

It makes me sad that some of y’all have had your mindset so fucked up by the decades long, sweatlord driven meta of turning every game into a proxy for a spreadsheet that you’ve forgotten what games are for and how to enjoy them. This is one of the first games in this space in a long time where you can actually unplug, screw around with wacky bullshit, and not immediately get your digital throat stepped on for it. Embrace it and have fun instead of worrying about dumb ass score boards that have no effect on anything real.

Sounds like you might need to take a break from the internet. Since there were server issues and not really much of a reason to play in a group (as I prefer) I have been playing offline exclusively since release. What I have found is it actually makes the game more enjoyable because I don’t see or hear about if what I’m doing is inferior or bad. The meta only and BiS or GTFO attitude really harms the game. What is going to happen next season when the two classes you are talking about get gutted and a new two classes are at the top? Are you going to nerd rage at them also? Who cares if certain class can hit wave 10 million or 500,000 corruption or not? The game is either fun or it isn’t.

That’s basically what’s the end game is about. So if we can’t do endgame content at certain level and other classes do why do we stay and play?
I mean sure the game is fun but at a certain level when you can’t push corruption or arena waves and other poeple do and not because of skill issue it becomes frustrating. And i am not complaining because some classes are stronger than other, i know that’s impossible to have perfect balance in ARPG, but why is the gap of power between classes so HUGE?