Bad boss design

That’s not always the case though, every time on my Sentinels I’ve done that by walking out & not died. If you hadn’t been slowed it would have been fine. If you had reacted faster, you’d have been fine. If you’d have Lunged to a mob futher away then walked, you’d have been fine.

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So yeah… for me personally you need to waste a bit more time to make your point. Because I don’t get it. First I thought you meant this attack is hitting too hard and should not oneshot. Now you say you don’t want to tank it. So what’s your suggestion? You list a lot of things you don’t like and let others guess what the solution for you could be. And if people make the wrong guess you blame them not getting your point.

So why don’t you just clearly state, what you want to say?

Do you want…

  • … the aoe to be reduced?
  • … have an additional movement skill?
  • … more sources of movement speed?
  • … more damage mitigation?
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You still don’t understand that screaming in people’s faces doesn’t make them want to agree more with you?

Calling people “toxic fanboys” when you are opening up with negativity and then are surprised about negative feedback, man that’s beyond me how you cannot see the irony in that.


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From the start of the OP:

Then there is the literal clip, then there is the literal character panel etc etc etc

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Waits for someone to post a literal clip of a literal character literally walking out of the AoE & not getting hit

Just because you got splatted doesn’t make it bad design, just because others don’t have issues with it doesn’t make it not bad design either.

Yes I have also done it, thanks, but it can’t be denied that what is in the clip happened.
It’s like the 5th time I’m writing this, it’s not like I’ve tried to facetank it, in the clip it is walking away like, it’s in the video.

But whatever guys, I have done it wrong clearly, again and always, that’s the point yes

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Indeed, it is incontrovertible that that’s what happened in the clip, but one Swallow does not a summer make.

And I have never, not once, in this threads said “dude, git gud”.

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Reading the discussion so far, I was wondering if there was any way to deal with this AOE other than walking away. Tanking this damage with some build or skill (especially for characters who don’t have effective movement skills) doesn’t feel so rude … if it’s in this corrpution level.

@ZaeN there are 2 separate issues here and hopefully this will help. The first issue is how you typed up your feedback. Try to be less confrontational and offer up more constructive feedback. Here’s an example, instead of saying “This boss design is bad”, try something like “Recurring bug with boss” and then leave out the garbage about this being a players favorite RPG. That’s just unecessary trolling.

The second issue is the mechanical approach of your gameplay which multiple people have addressed. Some of us agree that the boss does need tweaking. Some of us agree that you need to be willing to try other things. Remember, the game is still in early access so things are going to change and you must be willing to adjust or you’re going to have a really bad time.

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I do not think he needs to choose his words so carefully, after all he wasnt rude or insult anyone, he is frustrated with this and took his time to share it. I think devs are gonna read it anyway :slight_smile:

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Im for more move speed im for move mivement speed source or more move speed in general im thinking of 15 to 20 percent personally it would be a sweet spot for me. But than all of the old monsters would be more inferior couse of their reaction (they are way to slow in attacking and making their move)

Are you talking active damage mitigation? A skill that you would press that would reduce or prevent damage by X amount?

Rebuke can do that. You have to get the right timing, but it us possible to tank the hit with it. Bit sure to what corruption level this us possible, though.

To put it bluntly, I think this boss’s aoe damage would be too great. It wasn’t very fun for the FG with 70% armor (simply reducing necro damage by 50%) to take just under 3000 damage. He also posted another video that received a one-shot from this boss, so it doesn’t look like a coincidence caused by critical damage.

Yeah. I saw all of that. And all your answers. And I don’t get it. And then I ask you concrete questions. And your answer again is not very precise.

Showing your stats implies that you think you are tanky as hell. Then your clip shows how you get oneshot.

Is your complaint that you got oneshot? Or that your movement speed was to slow? And what does it meant to you. Even if I’d get your issue, there would be several different solutions.

For example:
If it is the movement speed issue, there could be the following solutions:

  • Increase the cast time
  • Remove the slow
  • reduce the aoe damage the further away you are from the centre
  • give the FG additional movement speed with passives

Why is it so hard to give constructive feedback without salt, without being toxic, by just explaining the issue and provide suggestions for possible solutions?

And it’s why i don’t play melee char yet, because it don’t have proper movement skill ( need a target to tp ) :confused:

It’s kind of intense how far such a thread can go if only there is enough and always nicely undifferentiated emotional polarization.

Maybe something like a “rhetorical child effect”?

Basically, but pretty much everything was named several times, it was made suggestions how he should play better, better equip or simply gain more game experience (skill?).

Conversely, you are sure that EHG will read that [they will].

And whether this one boss opponent in particular is really that hard, well, again I dare to deny it.

I know this circumstance meanwhile very well, one argues felt eternally further around someone something supposedly totally simple to explain/teach/show to want and looks for THE ONE CLUE the simple somehow nevertheless still recognizably to make.

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I don’t understand what the topic starter is suggesting either. Zaen, do you mean that boss damage should be tuned down so you could tank it? Or make AoE of the Soul Bomb smaller? This game is in beta and there are things that needs tweaking (lots of them probably) but saying the whole boss is badly designed is an overstatement imo.

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Where did I mention anything about you tanking it? Other than my OWN experience at learning that you do not from my own point of view. I attempted, learned you couldn’t effectively due to crits, and use different methods going forward. My issue is the very small (1-2 second) invulnerable move that the EoC goes into WHEN it winds up for the AoE blast.

I dunno man i hate lunge and didnt use it on either of my sentinels. Shield rush is just way more fun and better in every scenario unless you want to proc smites or something with lunge.