Awesome Gear still can't kill t4 julra

You can’t make broad sweeping declarations like that. I personally like its design. The only one I don’t really like too much is lightless arbor.

Bugs are not the same as bad design. If there are bugs they should be reported and fixed.

As I said, If they do that they will reduce drop rates globally across the board.
If you just have to unlock it once and then you can do thousands of slams with no drawback that will make getting BiS much easier. So they will nerf drop rates such that getting LP and good exalts is harder than now.

The whole point of having to do the dungeon is to have time/skill investment if you want to make the most powerful gear in the game.
If you can replace that with something that requires a similar time investment, then I’m all for it.

You can like the design most players don’t. It’s a pointless bottle neck in the game that doesn’t respect the players time. Which is the main reason why players quit. LE has very bad systems that waste a lot of time and the players are waiting to have fun. It would just be better to have fun.

They go hand and hand. The poor design has caused 100’s of bugs. It’s a bad experience.

No you won’t. This makes no sense. Players have items collecting dust because they don’t want to do Temporal sanctum. The problem is Temporal Santum is a huge black mark on fun. It ruins the game.

This makes no sense. So if I find an amazing item and I’m excited. I then have to do be water boarded and tortured with Temporal sanctum wasting my time. You don’t need to waste players time. YOU DON"T! This just makes players say I can be playing another game that is fun and doesn’t do that.

LE is competing for my gaming time. Wasting my precious time with badly designed dungeons to slam an item isn’t it! You are wrong. The Devs are wrong.

There is no skill involved, just a painful process that wastes our time.

If I’m farming an item for 50 hours and finally get it!!! Why do I have to waste more time with this process? Then when it bricks… I got to spend more time farming again!

I’m sorry but the time investment is already in the game without Temporal sanctum. It’s just in the way of having a good time. Period. Like I said it’s exhausting and at some point I will Alt F4 in there again and wait till the next cycle. I can just play another game without bad systems wasting my time. There are tons of threads begging Devs to stop wasting our time.

I do love Last Epoch and it has potential to be something great. Key word potential but the Devs gotta fix this mess. It’s not going to retain players the way it is.

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Maybe make t1 julra allow slamming 1 item
T2 - 2 items t3 -3 items t-4 4 items
Maybe increase the difficulty slightly more just a tad …even though I can’t beat t4 ATM lol
But ya t4 julra allows you to slam 4 items at a time I bet that would help the grind/problem .

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Imagine if GGG does what you’re suggesting: Just do Incursion one time, get the Altar of Corruption unlocked in your hideout, then you can freely slam thousands of double corrupted items with no risk or costs whatsoever.

It most certainly would not go well.

If I was to suggest anything like that, would certainly be the other way around: T1 slamming 4 items, T4 slamming 1.
It would respect how the dungeon is designed already, where it should be harder to get higher level godly legendaries, not easier (as it would get if you had 4 chances at T4 Julra)

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Maybe 2 items at t4 then compromise lol

I can’t comment on this because I don’t play PoE. It’s a convoluted mess I could never get into.

Unlocking the forge would have no negative effects. I still have to farm for 100’s of hours to get the items to slam. We don’t need to waste more players time when they could be doing something fun. Like playing a new character. Unlocking the forge would only have positive effects for the players and community. You could slam some item at End of time and now say hey let me create a new char now that happened.

I really don’t think a lot of players are thinking this through. Bypassing this bad mechanic that is temporal sanctum just improves the game and gets players to play the game more.

I rather be water boarded then do temporal sanctum. As someone else said…

I’m sure the psychology guy (i think @Kulze ?) can elaborate further, but the effects of this measure would be practically the opposite… Players would play less, since they would have achieved all their long time end-game goals easier and earlier.


Someone come in game and help me kill t4 julra twice plz lol I still keep dieing although I’m getting close.
In-game name Immortal
Lol iunno how no one picked that name for a for guard maybe I should let someone else have it cause I die a lot lol

Rename him to ‘Allmortal’ then :stuck_out_tongue:

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NVM I’m keeping the name Boys n girls!
I have slayed t4 julra lol


Have you tried asking in the chat? From my experience there’s always a few that will help you.

Gz. Bet that felt even better :wink:

I guess I didn’t realize an important mechanic of I teleport back julra doesn’t use void spots …

You mean exactly what I said in this very thread? :stuck_out_tongue:

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I am a very different player. I feel good when I beat bosses in a Souls game (mostly). Definitely in Elden Ring.

I don’t feel good when I beat any boss in LE. If it’s an especially cheesy boss fight, and it’s one I need to do repeatedly, with every victory I hate the devs just a little bit more.

I think maybe it’s because I expect a diablo-like to have fairly simple boss mechanics and map interaction (i.e. pretty much the opposite of LE dungeons) that I need to be able to pass a dps and survivability check.

What I absolutely love in a Diablo-like, is when they put mobs (not bosses) in that work as a group and can overwhelm you. I do feel good when I beat that type of difficulty.

Maybe it’s the game point of view? Souls-like are typically first person or over the shoulder. Obviously, this is just my opinion, but I am wondering how “most players” feel about this sort of thing.

I tried No Rest for the Wicked and hated it.

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Lol it’s fine when I feel like it’s mechanical why I’m losing but not when I’ve grinded hours and hours and have every sort of item combo and still the account sucks if I stray from the meta just means there’s no build variety just an illusion of it.

I can only speak for myself as well, but I actually like it when a boss has mechanics that need to be avoided and can’t just be face tanked. That feels boring to me.
D2 didn’t have much of this, but it did have Diablo’s firestorm and lightning hose attacks that you needed to sidestep.
PoE leaned a lot more into this, where every major boss is heavily scripted with big damage mechanics you need to avoid (or needed to, before the power creep).
LE is similar to PoE in this. Their design borrows heavily from PoE, except that you don’t get many sound queues like in PoE, but you do get more clear visual indicators and a little more time to react.

Now, to be clear, I don’t enjoy souls-games. And while Elden Ring was a little more accessible I only really enjoyed it for a while as a cheesing mage :stuck_out_tongue:
This is also mostly due to my general dislike for melee. Although, surprisingly to me and especially after seeing so many posts about it, I’m actually enjoying some melee in LE. In 1.0 I played an erasing strike VK bonker that was fun, as well as a shatter strike build. And in 1.1 I’m enjoying shield bash.

Anyway, my point of view is: if you have little challenge in regular echoes that’s fine, because you’re on the move, rushing the objective and mowing down stuff. That’s fine. But if you have little challenge to the point where you just watch a video on another monitor while you spam a skill blindly until a boss dies, that’s boring to me.

From what I’ve seen in these forums, I know that quite a few of the regulars (re: white knights :laughing:) enjoy LE boss mechanics as well.

Most builds can do Julra just fine. She’s very mechanical and you can avoid almost all the big hits easily enough. It might take longer for some builds than others, but they all can do it with a minimum of skill.

Wrong. Players would play more because now they can make more builds and Alts which is a huge part of ARPGs. Players have more time to farm/play and enjoy the activities that are important in this Genre.

By Unlocking the Forge you are shifting playtime and creating more ways to play. Gonna play more because an annoying Gatekeeper isn’t in the way preventing this.

Players already can make more builds and alts. I do that all the time. I just don’t chase BiS items unless I really want a build to push limits (which is rarely).
All builds are functional and can do all content and even 300c very easily. Getting good gear is easy. It’s just BiS gear for corruption 1k+ that’s hard to get.

You don’t know that. We don’t know that. There are also many players who only play one character and after reaching all their goals quitting (for that cycle).

But if you make the mechanics just some clicks in a menus in The End of Time, it will take away a lot of what makes Legendary Crafting and actual meaningful endgame mechanic.

I don’t want my items to become legendaries by just clicking soem buttons in a manu.

The time and effort put into each single item makes the results much more statisfying.

I think we had this discussion before :joy:

Temporal Sanctum Legendary Crafting is not gatekeeping you from doing or playing anything.

There might be a very very small fractions of builds that need a specific unique + a specific affix to enable some combination of skills. But those are the very few exceptions. Outside of that legendary crafting is not gatekeeping you from doing anything.

You can access and do all content without ever visitng the Temporal Sanctum

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