Awesome Gear still can't kill t4 julra

Just wondering :thinking: I feel like I got pretty o.p gear and I still cant kill julra I’m being instantly melted away on forge guard . I’m mixing and matching all kinds of gear and combos and it’s useless I bet sorcerer melts her and survives better then supposedly the most tanky class …
Seriously is annoying lol
I feel like I’m forced into playing meta builds .

Wait, do you really have 0 crit avoidance and 0 crit damage reduction? Or is it somehow bugged on the planner?
Because if it’s true, I’m betting this is the main problem with your build… You NEED one of those two stats maxed (or at least 60~70% crit dmg reduce) for avoiding hit kills from unexpected crits.

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Oh ur im currently mix and matching my gear looking for the right combo but I do use a crit reduction.

Currently trying make two sets of armor .
One for mapping and one for bossing
Mapping im going for max dps
Bossing hp and crit avoidance and resistance

What are you dying to exactly? Julra (and the other dungeon bosses) are very mechanical bosses and good gear does increas the margin for error alot, but there are always still very deadly mechanics.

These are not supposed to be outgearable.

You say you are “instantly” killed… by what ability? The big room implosion that she does at teh start of the fight?
You are supposed to avoid that using the dungeon ability.

Beyond that nothing should really oneshot you with decent gear, but some of the other mechanics are sitll very deadly and will bring you very low health.

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Ok so heres the problem …

It’s the void spots but the issue is also if I use volatile reversal it teleports me into the corners of the room majority of the time has to be a bug but means my most important skill kills me for Dodging it .
Then you say I can just roll well the spots big enough so even with a roll I’m always partially hit by it then followed by the wide range attack keeps k.o me .
So I’ve tried so many combos for forge guard I’ve done max armor with armor mitigation with achieving high Dodge rate as well low hp tho. Stats looked like 83 armor 75+ block effectiveness 103 block chance 60 armor mitigation lowish DPS

I’ve tried using foot of the mountain to get 60% Dr by making my hp 1.3 k hp have 1.3 k threshold with65% endurance I know low hp but also 80% armor plus like 60 armor mitigation for dot .
Still die.

Also done max dps build 100crit rate 340 crit multiplier
Can’t leech on life tho but I’ve been playing with solutions just need to get a weaver with +4-5 on shield bash to get hp when I stun a monster on the skill tree , just another idea been playing with .

Kinda what I’m getting it is there really isn’t build flexibility at all I’m forced into going mid to low DPS with as much Hp as possible.

Which I honestly wanted to off and make a unique alternative to as much Hp low DPS as possible but I’m forced to or else I can’t kill any dungeon boss .

Have all these great ideas but that’s a whole different subject lol

Link build?

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Someon showed me how to link account , but I can’t remember how ?

I’m not sure I just was expecting a link to your build in LE tools. You can just import it there and link?

@Zenith777 @AbombDaChamp
Hey guys, no need to import anything… just go to LETools/profile/the name showing here on forums like this:

How did you find out his character name though? I see his forum name Zenith777 but his character name I don’t know.

I’ll take a look at your build now. I just tanked T4 Julra with my FG shield bash. I tanked the explosion stood in the purple stuff. Just to see if I could.

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When you enter the profile on LETools, just by typing the link/profile/forum name, the list of all existing characters show there in the list. There’s only one Forge Guard, so its pretty easy to tell, AizenSama. I just linked it straight to his character to make it easier :slight_smile:


I like some of the ideas in your build with the stun. As I’m doing a Perma stun too. However some of your talent trees are just wild (not sure im following your thoughts) especially healing hands.

Here is my profile

I’m not sure what you are trying to do with your healing hands tree? You also have Shield rush which is cool and like seeing someone use it but you definitely lose out on Sigils which is kinda a big deal if you are going pure Shield bash. Just less Block, Block eff, flat damage, endurance threshold, regen.

Now back into healing hands, you need to make it a melee ability so it always hits with your Shield bash. This means sustain healing, applying ailments, extra damage. Also the top right nodes which are -10% dmg too Void and Necrotic.

Ring of shields I’d drop points out of phalanx. Enduring defense gives +6 duration on shields meaning always having shields up. Your shields procced from blocking last longer so you have way way more protection. More shields up means more Block eff.

The main thing I see is no life leech talent in VK tree and you didn’t take the Crit multi node.

Defensive wise you have no Dot/Aoe protection. You need some Dots mitigation from Armor in probably at least 2 slots. Oracle ammy is also a good base with up too -20% Dot damage taken. Starts adding that all up you become tanky.

I’d go over my build and you can ask questions as we have many things different. I’m not following some of your choices. Overall I’d say your gear is still in the early mid stages so that is a good thing progression wise. So your low HP and other stats will come along. You are kinda low across the board but on your way there.

Once you get a better build set up and gear, you will live up to your char name and be able to Tank Julra standing in everything.

Edit - For reference when I have all my buffs up, 5 sigils I’m at 12-14k Block eff, max block, 1.3k endurance threshold.

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The best strategy for Julra, in my opinion, is to shift timelines before the implosion and then shift back. She only places the pools when she has to chase you to another timeline. So if you shift back, she continues the skill rotation without placing one.

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I found a way to cheese her entirely from outside aggro range in 1.0. A lot of projectiles can clip her even when your on the wall. Some cases this allowed you to kill her without her phases starting. Accolyte can do this easiest, can also work on lagon and black sun.

With the ward changes, can not burn her down fast enough anymore. So way i find a way to cheese it is with persistant spawners like cathonic fissure. Drop it, and hellfire shade. And immediately switch after around 6s. Then when she spawns, keep dropping fissure and hellfire shade. She will just die. Just keep map switching. Seems to break her ai.


For players like myself that hopes they eventually put an unlock legendary forge at End of time so we never have to do this atrocious place again. I find the best strat is to walk up and hold down 1 button till she is dead. Temporal sanctum as a whole is one of the worst things I’ve experienced in a game. Doing it 100’s of times every cycle just makes it worse and why people quit.

Best thing to do till then is make a build that bypasses all the trash design. Or just buy legendaries from the MG…Oh wait…That’s a problem too. Yikes.


I personally don’t have a problem with Julra. All the mechanics are fairly well telegraphed and it’s an easy fight to understand. The only annoying thing there is the backtracking through the dungeon, but even then I don’t even think Sanctum is the worst case of this.

Julra was created as a gatekeep to the most powerful gear you can have. If you simply move it to the forge then all you’re left with is D3’s cube and legendaries become easy.
Which means that they either leave it that way and the people that like the item chase leave, or that they reduce the drops so much that you never even see 4LP commons.

I find that LE is balanced pretty well in this regard:
-If you’re a casual player and just want to play for 20-50-100h gear is very easy to get. You can make your build function and get to 300c.
-If you’re a more hardcore player that wants to sink 100s of hours into the game, you have something to chase as well.

What you want is to remove the latter, which will drive away a significant portion of the playerbase, but more importantly, a significant portion of the playerbase that aligns itself with the vision EHG has for the game.

You don’t need BiS gear to do all content. You just need it to push builds. And if you want BiS gear, then you should have obstacles to do it along the way.

That’s my opinion on it, anyway. I know some players feel like it should be easier, just like some players feel like it should be harder than it is.
But personally, I feel like LE has a pretty good balance in this regard.

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Lol gasp! You guys looked under my hood with out permission I’ve been violated! Haha jk…
The build your seeing now on my character was something I just put together right b4 bed ,
I really have been adamant about making my own build and haven’t tested it and wasn’t sure if sigils of hope really is great or not, and as for my talent tree I was just trying grab a lot of life nodes to see if it makes a difference.

P.s haha I also made a build where I had
900 life Regen a second hoping that would tank any Dot damage lol.


I always support that. Take an idea and iterate on it. Make the build your own.

However when it comes too Tank and Spank it comes down more to math and no weaknesses. Having enough mitigation and damage. It’s about brute force. You just need more stats/gear and a build that supports that.

I love theory crafting and have some secret tech for FG I plan on trying latter too. I’m just not exploring that yet because of needing some niche gear and I myself need more stats to try that type of stuff.

That’s a thought and it does help.

They add a lot. Also if there is a node that doubles their health regen. So if you want regen they are a good way to go. At 5 sigils they give me also 15% block and 225 BE. Not to mention a ton of damage.

Damage will improve chances of stun, skipping boss phases, life leech.

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I have a problem with everything that is Temporal Sanctum. The dungeon design, the bugs, the poorly design mechanics. The time that is wasted doing temporal sanctum when you could be doing something fun.

Doing Temporal santum is a fun as being water boarded. I can’t be more clear than that and every cycle you have to get water boarded 100’s of times. Like I said I alt F4 in there and quit for 2 months before 1.1. launch. It really makes me want to uninstall every time I’m in there. It makes me hate the game and you have to do it. (which is extremely bad design)

I know the Devs are probably proud of some of the design but the players aren’t. It’s a deal breaker and will probably cause me to Quit again. Just like it will cause other players to Quit. We will have stash tabs full of items to slam and it’s just not worth doing that because of Temporal Sanctum.

The Devs gotta fix it. You can have some unlock process (you can make if difficult) but let us do it. Just give us a Legendary forge at Harbingers or End of Time so we can enjoy the game. Stop killing the excitement of finding awesome items with Temporal sanctum. it’s pure torture and one of the worst experiences I’ve had to deal with in a game.

It reminds me of D2 Arcane santuary but 1,000 times worse. In D2 I only have to do it once though each act and then I get to enjoy the game. Please dear goodness for the sake of Last Epoch. Just let us do it once and be done with it. This isn’t salvageable it’s just in the way of a good gaming experience.