Awesome Gear still can't kill t4 julra

There really aren’t. People were all up in arms in 1.0 that frostclaw build couldn’t function without LP relic, but there were still lots of frostclaw builds that didn’t use a single legendary.
LP is for pushing limits, not for build enabling.

Wrong it takes away nothing. It only adds more to the game and opens up a fun experience to be enjoyed.

Was adding Blessing NPC at the End of time bad? Nope sure isn’t. It’s good QoL that will help retain players and get them into parts of the game they do want to play.

There are only positives by adding a Legendary forge to unlock at the End of time. Players will be excited about playing, farming and slamming items.

Blessings NPC only gives base empowered level. So for that to be a valid analogy, you would have to be able to unlock legendary forging in end of time but only for uniques below level 50 and only 1LP.

This is just not true. I can go to the NPC right now and switch between perfectly rolled blessings I have unlocked. So my point is true. I unlocked them and no need to ever farm for them again. Which makes sense and is a huge QoL. Don’t waste my time with something stupid that is only a timesink.

For the current character, true. Not for alts.
But how does that relate to transforming legendary slamming into D3’s cube, though? Which is what you are asking for.

I don’t know what D3’s cube is haven’t played that game since they removed the Auction. Stop trying to say in weird ways what I’m asking for when I’ve explained it clearly. No analogies are needed. I’ve also listed why having a Legendary Forge unlock would drastically improve the game.

You don’t listen I’m going to bed.

It’s like taking D2’s cube only make it spit out BiS gear. Kinda like what you want.

No, so far you’ve only listed why having it would drastically improve the game for you. While repeatedly ignoring feedback from people that say that it would actually make the game worse for them.

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It is mind boggling how little you are willing to see or learn about other perspectives outside your own.

There is nothing that will save you. Have a nice day.

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Like I said allow infinite wouldn’t be fun and right now it’s meh for me I honestly have a ton of items I haven’t tried to slam because itd be too tedious to slam unless it’s one my chase items , actually most my bank full of good items and lp for just in case reasons but if was little more accessible I’d play with slams more then I do ATM.
The current 1 run for 1 slam does kinda prohibit me from creating a lot more fun ideas or concepts because itd take ages or just limit me to julra for weeks lol .

I agree with the gatekeep and unlocking part of slamming uniques. Having to beat t4 Julra is a good thing to grant access to this powerful feature - let’s ignore for a minute, that most items can be slammed on lower tiers that provide no challenge for a high lvl char.

I don’t agree with the time waste part and this might lead to another battle of perspectives. So let me give you mine.
I have spent around 2 hours on Julra on wednesday only to slam gear for my Sorc, I’d guess half of the time was spent doing the dungeon and the other half crafting items to slam. I’m at Julra again trying to slam something else and it is certainly not a challenge at this point. I could do without that.

The “hard” part is getting the two items to put into the machine. Having to do 2 crap low lvl echoes and a boss fight every time serves no real purpose here other than to waste time. And if you or anyone would defend a gate kept by low lvl content time waste, let me just say, I wouldn’t understand it.

I understand your point. And we could have a system that lets us freely slam lower level stuff. Like T1-T2 Julra could be an unlockable forge thing. For example, you defeat T3 Julra, you can now do T1 slams in the forge, you defeat T4 Julra you can do T2. I don’t think we should have T3 free, because many builds use those items as defining, thus they’re BiS.
It would still have an impact on the game, but that could be balanced out. And this would actually make lower level uniques a bit more relevant.

But the higher level uniques, which are supposedly the strongest ones, should still be behind a gatekeep. Maybe add alternative ways to slam that don’t involve the dungeon but some other mechanic which serves the same purpose of time/difficulty. Then you could choose which one you like best.

But we shouldn’t get rid of it entirely for the more powerful ones.

EDIT: To be clear, I’m not opposed to changing the system. I’m just opposed to people that say “I don’t like this, let’s just get rid of it” because that is effectively a power creep they’re asking for.
If someone adds alternatives that serve the same purpose, I’m all for them.

  • difficulty yes
  • time waste no

Low lvl content with a lot of backtracking counts as a time waste. It already takes enough time to find the items in the first place - if you play CoF that is :wink:

So mock suggestion: put this forge in end of time as CoF rank 13 reward.

I think this is the main issue with dungeons. Their design leads to backtracking which isn’t fun because you’re just going back through empty zones.
Personally I’d rather have just one door somewhere on the map and not just along the wall. This way you’re fighting stuff all the way to it. Even if it’s lower level content it’s still more fun.
And when you get to the door you are presented with the 2 choices. No more going back and forth between each door to see which reward is better (which no one does anyway, they just want to get to the boss).

You could also adjust the rewards according to content, similar to what someone suggested but reversed:
-T1 Julra gives you 4 slam attempts, so you can bring 4 uniques and do them all at once
-T2 gives you 3, T3 gives 2 and T4 still gives one.
This would reduce the friction on the weaker items.

Mind you, I’m trying to come up with ideas of stuff I think the devs could actually do considering their game identity.
-Moving forge to end of time: I don’t see that happening at all.
-Redesigning dungeons a little and tweaking the rewards: I can see that happening because it maintains the game identity/philosophy EHG wants.
-Providing alternative ways to do the same thing behind a similar gatekeep: I can also see that happening, as proven by the Nemesis egg.

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yes, mentioned that many times as well.

I had suggested it the other way around a few months ago, higher tier more slams, but I believe it would be better to simply detach this core endgame function from a dungeon given the sorry state of dungeons.

I wouldn’t mind fighting t4 Julra equivalent to get to slam, but this time waste is bad.

Let’s say “a lot” instead. I think they could serve as endgame content if:

  • no more backtracking
  • monster lvl on par with boss difficulty

Until then I could live without dungeons, but the Julra forge is too vital.

The egg is nice, but I haven’t seen a better result than LP yet so you still need to do Julra.

Based on this (and my reversed solution) and:

I had an idea that would maybe be more balanced:
-T1 Julra lets you slam 1 T1 unique.
-T2 Julra lets you slam 1 T2 unique or 2 T1 uniques
-T3 Julra lets you slam 1 T3 unique, 2 T2 uniques or 4 T1 uniques
-T4 Julra lets you slam 1T4 unique, 2 T3 uniques, 4 T2 uniques or 8 T1 uniques.

This way you have a reason to run higher tier Julra even if you’re slamming lower level uniques.

It can roll nice affixes on uniques. Mostly this will only happen with lower level uniques, but it’s still an expansion on the current system that maintains the same game identity.


I had thought about putting her forge at every single harbinger fight.
t1 any, t2 100 corr through t4 at 300 corr.

That doesn’t make it faster than Julra if you really need it, but it gives you plenty of slam options along regular gameplay to slam all those uniques you only kept to eventually slam for another build.

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Sol has a point in the fact I have a trove of items I’ll never slam but I just hoard instead for the Hopes / plans to hopefully slam .
I honestly only try and slam and grind my chase items rather then slamming , build ideas or theory crafting items .

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That would also be a fine idea. Though maybe confusing for new players.
Maybe make the harbinger fight give you one slam with the limits you suggested and with the amounts we have now (so just 1 slam per harbinger) and change Julra for the cumulative effect I last suggested, so that if you have a bunch of low level uniques you can do a T4 Julra and slam 8 of them at once.

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Thematically that makes no sense. Not trying to be a hater here, but at some point EHG is going to have to make a change. Here’s my suggestion;

  • Move the forge to the Julra dungeon entrance.
  • Forge needs to be unlocked. one time unlock for each tier.
  • Each level of Julra gives you an item to unlock the forge to the appropriate level. So T1 Julra unlocks the first tier of the forge AND an enhancement slot
  • Killing Julra has a chance to drop a item that you can put into the enhancement slot (maybe slots) that allows you to try again if you don’t like the first slam.

So you unlock the forge once. But if you want chances to try again for the affix you want, you need to fight Julra again.

Still a reason to fight Julra, but if you just want to slam something and take your chances, have at it.

This won’t happen though. It’s unrealistic to think this change will happen until we have higher tiers of BiS gear (maybe 1.2 primal ancients will be enough?).
Because the bottom line is that EHG (and many players) don’t want you to get the best possible gear without investing a lot of time and effort into it. And having to go through Julra is part of that.

So all you’re suggesting is removing a part of it without replacing it with something equivalent. That effectively makes getting BiS easier without any downsides.