Auto pickup shards

Well, it is their game. If 57 people decided that they wanted LE to be a tbs (or a car game) would that make it a reasonable suggestion to the devs?

While I get your point, I don’t think making shards auto-pickup, and changing the genre of the game are quite the same scope of change.


Yeah but he proofs his point. In this Forum you’ll find a vocal minority and most of the players don’t even bother to state their oppinion about the game or ther problems they might have with it.

If LE sells well the amount of regular users on a topic is like a drop in the ocean. Remove people you see posting a lot on different topics and only count individuals that are realy concerned about something and the number of people who are in here are a joke.

I still think we have the same problem again that we had with the trade announcment. Poor choice of words and noone understands why a sluggish system is in place to begin with and the answers from the devs aren’t that enlightening when it comes to popular sugestions.

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This statement is much more telling than people seem to realize, and helped me confirm my decision not to come back to this game for launch.

EHG is insisting that constantly making a player pause-and-go dozens of times during a routine clear is a fun gameplay loop. It’s not. That’s why D3’s greater rift system gravitated towards a major loot pinata at the end of each run, scaling based on enemies cleared. That’s why the league mechanics people revere most in PoE (Blight, Expedition, Delirium) almost exclusively drop rewards at the end of the run.

It is simply not a good gameplay loop to CONSISTENTLY stop and go mid-run when farming endgame content. It’s extremely annoying trying to enjoy a build like Warpath where you want to just hold down right click and zip through zones, the quintessential “Whirlwind Barb” playstyle, but instead you are stopping mid-spin every 3 seconds to loot crafting materials because the devs swear it “enhances the gameplay loop.”

Any EHG streams I’ve watched would indicate that the devs have played other ARPGs before. They all know it would look ridiculous if they watched gameplay of another ARPG, and saw the player constantly pausing every 2 mobs to pickup inconsequential crafting commons.

I haven’t seen this level of insistence in spite of customer feedback since Kitchen Nightmares aired the Amy’s Baking Company episode, and it’s unfortunate since I loved a lot of the other design decisions that went into this game.


I don’t think that is what was meant by his statement.

People filter out so much stuff that without Shards, players would feel like they go multiple echoes without a drop. That is equally or more “unfun” than having to pick up shards.

This is just one more reason to just get rid of shard drops completely and focus the crafting system more on breaking down items to apply affixes to other items.

If they want to keep shard drops in the game, have it be from Echo rewards/Shrines only and have them only be rare shards to make them feel better.

Having no drops for 10 echos but then a realy good one > having trash drops constently and the need to pickup shards.

That’s just me but so far I get “slow down the pace of the game” vibes when it comes to the whole shard pickup and stash system. That’s a me issue but at the end of the day I don’t care that much because I pick up every shardon my way anyways because I’m so used to it.

It simply feels like useless clutter and I realy wish I can trick my brain into pumping dopamine, as some people stated, from lame ass shard drops but my brain is stupid af and dopamine is out as it seams ^^.

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If gear in the game wasn’t so lopsided, maybe it wouldn’t feel so few and far between for non-trash items. The crafting system makes it so T20 items seem like the base of end game. Upgrades from there ARE few and far between.

I don’t know how that gets fixed other than drastically changing the system. I don’t see the shard issue going away until that gets fixed first.

Hell, exalted drops don’t even excite me. It’s more of a “well, let’s see how terrible the affixes are on this base I don’t want anyhow”, kind of thing. Shards would have to project holograms of a naked 1990s Jennifer Connelly, giving a lap dance, to get me excited at this point.


I’ve been trying out different builds just to make the game more fun lately and started playing as a lightning bug (I think it’s called swarmblade). Basically it’s a fast moving, cast-whirlpools-and-lightnings-and-just-shred-everything-on-your-way type of build.

This was the first time when I truly realised how annoying the shard pickup is. I know I complained about it previously in this thread but it was more as a general annoyance having to click 50 times per echo run just to pick up junk that I mostly don’t care about at the time of picking it up.

When running this build having to constantly stop and click on labels (often multiple times due to the same old issue) completely takes you out of the flow. It would be so nice if I could just kill, kill, kill, move from one group of enemies to the other, get an occasional gear drop and have a look at it (which is fine - it is a looter shooter after all) and move on. As it stands it’s nothing but constant interruptions. It wouldn’t be this bad if the pickup would always work flawlessly but with a build that moves as fast as this one it’s even harder to pick things up with a single click.

I’m getting to the point when I’m not even picking them up anymore if I see that there’s one or two laying around. My wrist already sometimes hurts from having to hold my mouse button down all the time (why is there no auto-move key bind?) and having to click on tens of labels. I don’t want to have to backtrack all the time just so that I can pick up my 1000th glyph of hope.


And that’s why i think there should be other slow down mechanics in place then shard pickups. On top of it from my point of view no class should be so fast to make it a tedious backtrack to pickup loot but that’s just my oppinion and most likely not good for the game because people want zoom zoom builds :slight_smile: .

So why are you picking them up? If you have so many, just don’t bother. Rare shards should be a different color. You can pick those up if you want, but if you have 100’s of each non-rare shard, why bother?

Sounds like developers want me to feel sense of pride and accomplishment by forcing me to pick up every shard that drops. The day I stop picking them up is the day I stop playing the game. Or is it the other way around? :thinking:

On a serious note - I have many junk shards but when you need a specific one you have 1, 2 or 3 of them so it’s kind of important to still pick them up. I’m mostly not backtracking for shards I don’t really care about but that still involves me having to read what dropped.


The devs said nothing about picking them up being vital. They said the fact that things are dropping is vital. It’s important for people to see things drop, whether they bother picking them up or not.

It’s about like the lottery. You see that big jackpot and wish you could win it (some great item you wish would drop). You don’t play the lottery though (you don’t see anything drop on the ground). While it is unlikely you will win, at least if you play (see things drop), you know there is at least a chance of winning.

It’s a loose metaphor, but it’s about the same feeling psychologically.

The loot filter probably contributes to the shard problem. If there were no loot filter, the devs would probably be much more willing to have shards auto-loot. But because people filter out so many drops, they feel the need to keep shards as drops so that it seems like things are still dropping from mobs.

I’m not schooled in psychological science but the metaphor is realy realy bad because everyone knows about the lottery and everyone knows how bad the odds are and everyone whishes to win the lottery because it would be awesome to get a ton of money.

I know there are shards and I know shards drop and i see shards drop and I still don’t give a rats ass about shards.

Same goes for items. Even if it’s colored in a way my loot filter is set up for I’m still not exited. Therefor I wish phases of 0 drops that are interrupted by omegayeah drops every now and then. 1 drop per 3 hours I could call an upgrade in the endgame would be nice. 1 drop every 60 hours is still bs no matter how many shards drop.

It’s not about shards specifically. It’s about seeing SOMETHING drop.

While I understand, I would imagine you are in the minority in that. If people played for 3 hours without seeing anything drop, they would feel like the time was very much wasted. This is the negative consequence of Loot Filters. I feel like this was discussed before the loot filter was in the game.

They give the same arguments for why they don’t want to add certain things to the loot filter.

What does that have to do with autoloot/pickup? I see the gold dropping, and I walk over to the vicinity it is in, and it gets picked up. You will still see shards drop, you just won’t have to click on the nameplate to pick them up. Not sure why this is so confusing…


Don’t worry, neither did Nekhebu. He said:

Which I don’t think they did either, I think they said something along the lines of treating shards as pseudo-items & that they would ideally have weight and value like items do.

on top of this, it is silly that it goes to inventory and then you have to click the button to move it to the crafting wallet - why not just have it auto-loot like gold and go straight into the crafting wallet??

I guess one day, shards will be tradeable. Hence they shouldn’t go to the crafting wallet, directly.

But I’d appreciate auto-pickup… as an option at least, so both parties are satisfied.

Yes, this comes up every other post too…